Baby Baby


Youngjae goes on a diet and Daehyun doesn't understand why.





title from this song




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kpopoppa #1
Chapter 1: This madee me smile but i have a cracked lip and chapped lips so it was the most painful smile ever. I love this story tho!!
Chapter 1: Cuteee. Dae dae wants them kisses.
Chapter 1: Dae is so sweet and this story is just adorable~
daedaejoe #4
Chapter 1: Hahhhahahaa so cute... Omg just give him the kiss...awww so cute ><
Chapter 1: oh gods this is so qt daehyunnie just kiss him why wait ugh u lil wuss HAHAHHAHA love this !!
Hyuchi1010 #6
Chapter 1: This is so cuteXD