Before heading off

Our Unexpected Life
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Eunji was happily humming to herself as she picked up her clothes and placed them inside her suitcase.Her usual happy-go-lucky nature was alive and vivid whenever she went in her life that everyone admired about her.She twirled around happily while singing to herself but then immediately stopped when she saw something or in other words an annoying someone,that she sometimes couldn't stand,peeking through her door and spying on her.

''What do you want?!'' Eunji raised her eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips. ''I know you're hiding Hoya so get out of there!''

''Hey!'' Hoya flashed his teeth as he showed his face.

''Argh! Don't you hey me!'' Eunji glared at Hoya as she turned back around to her suitcase. ''What do you want?''

''I thought it was time to be nice.'' Hoya walked inside Eunji's bedroom.

''What are you trying to say?!'' Eunji scoffed as she placed her clothes in her suitcase.

''Like I said I'm just trying to be nice!'' Hoya snatched Eunji's shirt off her hand.

''YA?!'' Eunji exclaimed. ''What do you want and give me back my shirt!''

''What? I'm just asking you if you wanted help?'' Hoya asked as he gave Eunji her shirt back. ''By the way that's an ugly shirt!''

''HEY?!'' Eunji glared but then threw the shirt back to the closet.

''What? I'm just telling you what I feel.'' Hoya shrugged his shoulders. ''Anyway I'm just asking if you need help with your suitcase?''

''Tsk you can't even help me with homework so what will you help me with this?!'' Eunji asked. ''You can't help me with anything!''

''Hey that's mean! Don't say that little Eunji.'' Hoya ruffled her hair vigorously.

''YA!'' Eunji whined as she pushed Hoya. ''Don't do that! My hair!''

''You're dumb for not taking my help!'' Hoya stuck his tongue out.

''I'm dumb?!'' Eunji sarcastically laughed. ''Says the one that annoys everyone!''

''At least I don't change into something completely different when I'm with a guy!'' Hoya countered.

''Whatever now get out!'' Eunji kicked Hoya's .

''Fine! Don't ask for my help later!'' Hoya stuck his tongue out.

''I don't think I even need it so BYE!'' Eunji closed the door.

''So mean!'' Hoya shook his head as he walked out.


Hayoung got out of her bedroom and smiled when she saw the person she was looking for.She immediately ran to Sunggyu and pulled his hand then dragged him into her room.Sunggyu was so surprised with the sudden pull that he even dropped the cushion he was about to put back on the sofa.

''Hayoung-ah! Careful.'' Sunggyu was forcefully pulled into the room.

''I need your help!'' Hayoung exclaimed.

''Sure what is it?'' Sunggyu smiled

''Can you help me pack my things!'' Hayoung leaned in closer while fluttering her eyelashes. ''Please please please!''

''I kinda have to do mine as well.'' Sunggyu uneasily answered.

''But you can pack mine quick and it will be done!'' Hayoung pushed Sunggyu to her suitcase. ''So come on let's go!''

''Argh fine!'' Sunggyu rolled his eyes. ''Well this shirt looks cute!''

''Yeah yeah put it in.'' Hayoung waved her hand.

''I'll just pack your things then.'' Sunggyu grumbled. ''While you just relax!''

''Really?!'' Hayoung happily smiled. ''Thanks! I still can't believe that you would do this for me! You're so sweet!''

''I'm s-sweet?!'' Sunggyu stuttered while looking happily at Hayoung.

''Of course you are!'' Hayoung slammed her hand against his back. ''You're always there for me and you always got my back so you are so sweet indeed Sunggyu!''

''Thanks!'' Sunggyu eye-smiled.

''Just remember to put my best clothes in the suitcase!'' Hayoung warned. ''I need to look my best.''

''Sure.'' Sunggyu nodded his head as he got back to packing Hayoung's suitcase.

''Oh I don't even know what I would do without you.'' Hayoung sighed while Sunggyu was very happy with what he heard.

*I can't even live my life without you!* Sunggyu happily smiled.


Chorong whined as she looked left and right at her room,which was filled with piles of clothes everywhere.She walked left and right then looked at her suitcase,which contained only a little amount of clothes.She looked to her right when she saw that a random thing was thrown in her room.She picked up the random thing and saw that it was a little ball.She raised her eyebrow as she looked at the door then saw someone running inside.

''YOU!'' Chorong angrily hissed.

''What?!'' Woohyun crossed his arms.

''Get out of my room now!'' Chorong demanded.

''Not a bad room!'' Woohyun looked around. ''It's a shame that a dumb kid owns this bedroom!''

''What did you call me?!'' Chorong grumbled as she glared at him.

''Where's my ball?'' Woohyun asked.

''I don't know!'' Chorong hid the ball,that were in her hands,behind her back. ''Who knows what you are talking about?''

''It must be here somewhere!'' Woohyun looked around.

''Get out of my room!'' Chorong demanded.

''Not until I find my ball.'' Woohyun continued to look around.

''You'll get your stupid ball later but for now get out of MY room!'' Chorong stomped her foot.

''What do you mean I'll get it later!?'' Woohyun raised his eyebrow. ''I want it now!''

''No means no!'' Chorong glared.

''Wait!'' Woohyun suspiciously eyed Chorong. ''Where's my ball?''

''I don't know.'' Chorong calmly shrugged her shoulders.

''Do you know where it is?'' Woohyun titled his head as he continued to look at Chorong.

''N-No!'' Chorong rolled her eyes and looked up to avoid eye contact with Woohyun. ''Woohyun Nam leave NOW!''

''I think you do!'' Woohyun glared at her as he walked closer to her. ''Ball now then I'll leave!''

''I don't have your ball.'' Chorong replied as she walked backwards away from Woohyun.

''Something tells me that you do.'' Woohyun walked closer to her.

''Don't come near me you creep.'' Chorong tried to walk off but Woohyun grabbed her hand.

''I knew it!'' Woohyun grabbed the ball off her hand. ''I knew you had! You stupid liar!''

''Get out of my room!'' Chorong tried to push him away but he just didn't move.

''Why did you lie?'' Woohyun questioned.

''Move.'' Chorong tried to push him again.

''Don't push!'' Woohyun was trying to control his balance.

''Out now!'' Chorong tried to push him.

''ARGH?!'' Woohyun yelled as he fell down and mistakenly grabbed Chorong along with him.

The two fell down and the next thing Woohyun saw was that he was on top of Chorong with his eyes wide open and like he expected,he saw the same reaction out of her.They both blinked their eyes,trying to figure out what the hell just happened while staying frozen still.

''YA Woohyun where the hell is that ball ca--Wow!'' Dongwoo immediately stopped talking when he saw the shocking scene.

''Huh?!'' WooRong both looked at Dongwoo then at themselves. ''AAAAAAAAA GET OFF NOW!''

Chorong immediately pushed him then got up,shocked with what had just happened while Woohyun glared at her as he got up.Chorong patted herself to get rid of the dust while Woohyun frowned at her for pushing him like that when it wasn't even his fault that he fell down.

''I guess you two are way closer than anyone expected.'' Dongwoo laughed.

''WHAT?!'' WooRong both looked at each other then shook their head vigorously. ''No No NO NO!''

''I fell down cause she pushed me!'' Woohyun pointed at Chorong with a disguist on his face.

''Cause you didn't get out of MY Room!'' Chorong argued.

''I'll just let you two continue.'' Dongwoo winked as he closed the door.

''W-What?!'' WooRong both weirdly looked at the door then glared back at each other. ''How dare you?!''

''How dare I!? How dare YOU push me!'' Chorong yelled.

''Well how dare you try to get close to me!'' Woohyun countered.

''I hate you so get out!'' Chorong pushed Woohyun out of her room.

''Fine! I'm going!'' Woohyun scoffed.

''Fine!'' Chorong slammed the door shut. ''I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!''


Naeun looked all around her room,looking for her suitcase that she couldn't find at all.She groaned and whined while praying that she could find her suitcase but she couldn't find them anywhere.She stopped immediately when she heard a scoff coming from her door and she looked to see someone staring at her with his arms crossed and shoulder leaning against the door.

''Number 2.'' Myungsoo smirked.

''What do you want?!'' Naeun angrily asked. ''I'm not here to joke around right now so don't bother me!'' 

''Who said I'm here to joke around?'' Myungsoo raised his eyebrow. ''I saw that you need help so as your hero,I'm here to help!''

''Hero and you?! HA!'' Naeun sarcastically laughed. ''That was the funniest joke of my life!''

''Says the one who can't beat their hero like they promised.'' Myungsoo grinned.

''Don't you go there!'' Naeun pointed her finger. ''Anyway fine if you want to help then find my suitcase.''

''Please?'' Myungsoo raised his eyebrow.

''Argh! Find my suitcase for me please.'' Naeun had a huge sarcastic smile on her face.

''Well I don't know why I really want to hear more of this.'' Myungsoo leaned his ear closer to Naeun. ''What were you saying again?''

*This idiot!?* Naeun glared at him but then smiled when she got an idea. ''FIND MY SUITCASE FOR ME NOW MYUNGSOO!''

''Argh?!'' Myungsoo eyed Naeun,who was laughing. ''Why did you shout in my ear?!''

''Oh did I?'' Naeun acted innocent.

''Besides your suitcase is there!'' Myungsoo pointed to the suitcase that was up on the closet.

''There it is!'' Naeun tried to reach but failed. ''I can't reach it!''

''Well well well you want your hero's help now?'' Myungsoo raised his eyebrow as he grinned.

''Tsk just help me!'' Naeun demanded.

''Here!'' Myungsoo gave Naeun a chair. ''I think that would definitely help you isn't it?''

''Aren't you going to go get it?!'' Naeun was shocked.

''What? Get what?'' Myungsoo asked.

''The suitcase!'' Naeun pointed to the suitcase.

''You can get it!'' Myungsoo leaned his back against the wall.

''You are just so unreal sometimes!'' Naeun growled as she stood on the chair. ''Stupid Myungsoo!''

''Thanks for the compliment.'' Myungsoo sarcastically thanked.

''I can't seem to get that stupid thing.'' Naeun tried to reach for the suitcase but it was so hard for her to reach it.

Naeun tried to stand on her tip-toes while her arms tried to grab hold of the suitcase that was placed at the corner of the wall,which was the hardest part for her.She tried to pull the suitcase and finally grabbed hold of the metal bit then pulled it with all her might,making her lose balance as the suitcase was very big than she had expected.

''WOAH AAAA?!'' Naeun lost her balance from the chair. ''Why aren't I hurt? Oh my?! Did I die?!''

Naeun cutely peeked one of her eyes open and saw her rival staring at her with his normal straight facial expression.

''Eh?! Myungsoo?!'' Naeun was stunned.

''Surprise surprise.'' Myungsoo commented. ''Got you.''

''EH?!'' Naeun looked around her body and saw that Myungsoo's arms were around her. ''Let go of me!''

Myungsoo fell down when Naeun pushed him,which made him glare at her.

''That's no way to treat your hero!'' Myungsoo grumbled.

''You were no help so out you go!'' Naeun pointed to the door.

''Great! I was hoping to go away any minute now so thanks for letting me go earlier than expected.'' Myungsoo rolled his eyes as he walked out of her room.


Namjoo was the only one who had her suitcase ready and she was finished packing.She quietly sat down on the sofa,looking at the stuff in her bag while patiently waiting for everyone to come out of their rooms with their suitcases packed and ready.

''Eh?! Where did I put my jacket?'' Namjoo looked around her but then smiled when she saw that her jacket was near the door. ''There it is!''

Namjoo quickly leaned down to get her jacket but then she fell down and whined in pain when she hit her head against the door.

''Oh my god!? Are you okay?'' Sungyeol immediately kneeled down.

''A little.'' Namjoo giggled as she peeked her right eye open and massaged her head.

''How cute!'' Sungyeol chuckled as he ruffled her hair. ''You are sure that you're okay right?''

''I'm f-fine.'' Namjoo nodded her head.

''You sure?'' Namjoo could feel Sungyeol's breath breathing on her skin.

''I'm s-sure!'' Namjoo exclaimed.

''Since when did you start yelling?'' Sungyeol laughed at Namjoo's cute reaction.

''I'm so sorry!'' Namjoo apologised.

''Your forehead is red!'' Sungyeol commented.

''I was looking for my jacket.'' Namjoo informed.

''Here you go'' Sungyeol grabbed the jacket and gave it to Namjoo. 

''Thank you!'' Namjoo smiled.

''Your forehead is okay right?'' Sungyeol was concerned.

''I think so.'' Namjoo nodded her head.


Bomi looked out of the bedroom and smirked when she saw the exact person who she was thinking of.She immediately pushed him into her room and closed the door shut.

''Hey what are you doing?!'' Dongwoo asked.

''I need help so you're going to help me!'' Bomi pushed her back against the door.

''I don't know how to pack so let me go!'' Dongwoo shook his head.

''Oh it's not the packing I need help with.'' Bomi smiled. 

''YA YA What are you planning to do?!'' Dongwoo asked.

Bomi suddenly started to whine,groan and stress out,which surprised Dongwoo as he had a confused facial expression.

''What?!'' Dongwoo raised his eyebrow.

''I haven't packed anything so please help me decide what to bring!'' Bomi pleaded.

''How much have you packed?'' Dongwoo questioned.

''I haven't done much!'' Bomi whined.

''So what exactly do you want me to do?'' Dongwoo asked.

''I don't know what shoes and clothes to bring!'' Bomi complained. ''I know that we can't bring much but argh everything looks so nice to bring!''

''That's it?!'' Dongwoo blinked his eyes and chuckled. ''If that's all the help you want then that is so easy! I can help you and finish your packing in 10-15 minutes.''

''Well yeah we can once I know what clothes and shoes to bring.'' Bomi nodded her head.

''Okay why don't we focus on what you want to bring.'' Dongwoo asked.

''That's what I don't know!'' Bomi rolled her eyes.

''Okay how about this? This skirt looks cute so you can bring this?'' Dongwoo showed Bomi a skirt.

''But they make my legs look chubby!'' Bomi shook her head and threw the skirt on the floor.

''How about this yellow dress?'' Dongwoo asked.

''But this makes me look like a little kid!'' Bomi frowned.

''Okay okay this dress is also something we won't bring then!'' Dongwoo threw the dress back in the closet. ''How about this blue and white pants?''

''What!? NO! They look so old and worn out!'' Bomi shook her head. ''What are you trying to do!? I thought your choices would make me look pretty but you are just making your Bomi ugly! How could you even do this?!''

''What?! When did I even say that I will make you ugly?!'' Dongwoo argued. ''Okay okay fine I'm sorry Bomi! Why don't we start again and this time we look at this pink coat?''

''Don't you know that it is going to be hot in Las Vagas right now!?'' Bomi raised her eyebrow. ''What kind of help is this?!''

''What?! I'm trying to help you yet you are just being so critical about everything!'' Dongwoo argued.

''This is no help! You have made me more confused about what to take and more depressed that I own ugly clothes!'' Bomi angrily sat down on her bed.

''What do you want me to do then!?'' Dongwoo groaned.

''Like I said before honey,I just want you to help me choose good clothes and shoes to bring.'' Bomi sighed.

''That is what I am trying to do but this isn't going to work if all you do is say no to everything!'' Dongwoo exhaled his breath.

''What kind of a man are you?!'' Bomi stood up. ''Can't you even help me at something as so simple as this?!''

''Fine! If it is so simple then you properly don't need my help at all.'' Dongwoo replied.

''I can't believe you are arguing with me!'' Bomi yelled. ''All I wanted was help from the man I love but Argh! You are no help!''

''Bomi I am trying to help you.'' Dongwoo sighed before Bomi pushed him out of the room. ''YA?!''

''I hate you Jang Dongwoo! You are no help!'' Bomi yelled then closed the door.

''And girls say men are confusing!'' Dongwoo rolled his eyes. ''They are the confusing one of course! Take that incident as an example.''


Yookyung quickly reached out to her phone and looked at the caller I.D. when she heard a ring.She was so shocked and was in fear and anger that the devil of her life was calling her.She didn't know what he could want with her right now,considering he knew everything about her going to Las Vagas in a few hours from now.Yookyung bit her bottom lip in fear and confusion as to whether or not to pick up the phone call.She slowly pressed the phone button and placed the phone near her phone,hating the fact that she had to hear his voice.

''Hello?'' Yookyung gulped her saliva.

''Hello there my Yookyungie

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 62: Myungeun couple
lengocthuylinh #2
Chapter 62: Maybe Woorong is the new arc 😆
Chapter 61: i miss this😭😭
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 60: Thanks for come back and update it ❤️
Chapter 59: Awww we...look like you come back!!..i miss this..
ekayohanna #6
Chapter 58: I miss this story, I always check if you update the story
Chapter 58: Wow an update after so long. Even I can't wait for them to be back. Really hope for their love stories to start
Wahyuni1998 #8
Chapter 58: I like it , I always like every chapter of this story, i like all character but i much love Hayoung and Sunggyu infinite here hahaha i love it ?
Chapter 57: I definitely started this story for woorong a few years back, I hope they get together soon. I love all the other couples too ofcourse ~ will definitely wait for an update ^^