Receiving the Letter

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Exo - Baby, Don`t Cry Instrumental

Chanyeol came home after buying his groceries, the regulars that he needed every day, such as milk and bread and also the lottery ticket. Just like any other day he would check his mailbox, and today was no different. He opened the mailbox seeing two letters inside and he stuffed his hand inside the box and pulled them out. He wasn`t surprised, he would receive letters from time to time. But there were only letters from the government because of his social money, or from the Mental hospital telling him they had enough room if he ever decided to move in.

Usually he would only toss away the letters, but one of them felt weird against his hand. He furrowed his brows taking a good look at the beige colored envelope and noticed it sticking out from one of the sides. He quickly tore it apart seeing it containing with his favorite candy bar; Mamba. He quickly unwrapped it and took a huge bite of it feeling the flavor dance against his taste buds. He let out sigh of relief only to realize a letter was inside the now torn envelope.

Not caring to place the groceries at the right places he plopped himself on the single sofa, the only sofa he had in his small living room. He opened the letter furrowing his brows sensing this letter was written by some kid. He figured out since the font was pretty childish, and on top of that some words were misspelled as well.

He began his reading while munching on the candy bar which he liked very much. But it seemed like his time with enjoyment was about to be cut short. His whole body just trembled from the impact; his heart could almost burst out of his chest. He knew this was only the start of his panic attack.

Images of his own past as a kid, being bullied by the rest because he was different kept appearing before his eyes. Reading about this little girl called, Minyoung only made old feelings trigger inside of him, the same ones that led him to depression and anxiety. His grip on the candy bar tightened and the bar just flew out of the wrapper and on the floor, the wrapper now curled in his hand.

He threw away the letter running over to the nearest corner, the same corner where he would jumble up into a ball rocking back and forth repeating the same words over and over. Chanyeol`s index finger stuffed his ears, his knees pressed up against his chest as he was rocking back and forth saying the same words over and over. “No! Stop! I am no different than you! Stop!”

These were the exact same words Chanyeol would say when he got bullied when he was younger. No one understood him, neither did the teachers. It was back in the old days when people like him only made the world a sinful place to live, but poor Chanyeol wasn`t at fault for the syndrome, he had just obtained it without him choosing it himself.

After hours had past Chanyeol`s rocking slowed down and so did his breathing. His eyes flickered open seeing the room being a lot darker compared to before. It was probably night time now, but it was no difference for Chanyeol; he couldn`t sleep during the day or night, so it didn`t matter to him.

He got up from his spot his body still shaking from the shock it had just received. His face paler than before and his soul feeling a lot weaker, even so a part of him wanted

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Chapter 15: Im so sad. This is so good.
chanyeollie TT. So sad.
Thankyou for the fic authornim.
oceanscapes #2
Chapter 15: This was truly beautiful, I loved the writing, theme and pace of the story <3
oceanscapes #3
Chapter 14: NO NO NO!!! you are not doing this to me ;---;
oceanscapes #4
Chapter 13: MY BABIES!!! YASSS T-T
oceanscapes #5
Chapter 12: Poor Minyoung, I'm glad she has baekhyun at least
oceanscapes #6
Chapter 9: poor chanyeollie, I just wanna give him a big hug <3
oceanscapes #7
Chapter 8: This was really sad.
btw this is probs the only story where I'm listening to all the individual chapter soundtracks while I read
oceanscapes #8
Chapter 7: AHHHH this is adorable gyaahhh
oceanscapes #9
Chapter 6: Awww
oceanscapes #10
Chapter 5: I am melting....this is so sweet