그대라는 한 사람 (That One Person, You)


When her best friend Tiffany decided to drag her to the watch a movie she was dying to watch, and knowing Tiffany, she couldn't reject her, thus being successfully dragged along to a move she didn't even want to watch.

She always thought Disney movies were for kids, including this one they were going for- The Muppets. But she never knew what that movie had in store for her, maybe just that one line, but still, it impacted her deeply.

"Maybe you don't need the whole world to love you, you know? Maybe you just need one person."

-Kermit the Frog, The Muppets


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Chapter 1: Kyaaaahh~!
I don't know if it's because you mainly write YunBoA or that BoA is just completely different from any of the girls from SNSD, but I really treasure your SNSD fics! But don't be stopping your YunBoA fics! Haha. It's like a special treat when you post about these girls[:
I can't wait!!
Sounds interesting chingu-ah^^ Heechul does need some attentions too after comung back. Heesica sounds nice too.