To Kill or To Love?


"Kill him," An unearthly voice rose from the back of my head. It is my mission to kill this man. My first mission.

  My arms shook at the thought of taking away a life. The man I have to kill took many lives away before, so it should be easy to pull the trigger, but seeing a man beg for his life, drains away my confidence.

  But I have to be strong, I was trained to become a fighter, a killer. 

  My parents sold me, I am an unwanted child. Now since these people with black suits took me in, they have made me what I become, they have given me shelter, but with a great price. To kill people.

"Kill him," The voice spoke again, I have to. I pulled the trigger, and for a split second, I hear a cry. Then it all went silent.

  I have become a murderer.


  As a test subject, Lina (You)  has been made a killer, one of the best. She is now starting a new high school, but compared to her old highschool -she went to a private high school-  being in a public high school means there will be more people... Maybe even more to kill.

  Killing people has made her money, has given her shelter, has become a part of her life. After she has killed her first victim in middle school she does not feel anything anymore, her heart has sealed her feelings, as she was trained to do so. 

  The people in black would tell her not to cry, especially not to cry for others death. Crying was forbidden, 'having fun' was forbidden, and loving was forbidden.

  If she crossed the line, it would be death. But to her, living was death itself.

A/N~Hayyyy I've come back to make a new story!!! This kind of story is wayyy off my genre list, I do not write these kinds of storylines so please bear with me if I do something 'wrong'. 


~Name: 리나 Li-Na  (You)

~Age: 17

~About: Li-Na is a test subject, she is a highly ranked professional in fighting and killing. She was made into a weapon of destruction. Luckily the men in black  (Aka the X group) are able to control her actions, -she is an obediant child- they sealled her feelings and emotions, but can this last when she enters a new high school?

~Name: 이민호 Lee Min-Ho

~Age: 18

~About: He is Li-Na's childhood friend, but Li-Na considers him more of a brotherly type. He is also a first ranked killer, and the best in school. He is quite the charmer amoungst the ladies, too.

~Name:우성현 Woo Sung-Hyun (Aka Kevin)

~Age: 17

~About: A regular highschooler (that's how he introduces himself, theres more to him then that...) he is in Li-Na's class and get's a bit interested in her.




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eunsihaelover #1
Chapter 2: This was amazing you never fail in surprising me.
I hope you will update soon.
I will wait for it. Thank you :)
eunsihaelover #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god awesome, just so good.
You got another subcriber and upvoter here.
Anyway thank you and I hope you will update soon
Chapter 1: It's an amazing start ♡ action scenes areeee ♡♡♡ //dies. Although I don't see why they need to kill kids for training.