

Portuguese (n.) A deep, nostalgic, and melancholic longing for something or someone.

Saudade, often described as "the love that remains after someone is gone"


"You are such a great actor Kris". I believe every single word you said.

Because, even if it hurts, even if you make me cry, I would still love you.





Hello ^^

I know you may probably heard this to much, but this is my first attempt to write an history about exo!;u;

I finally decided to do it since a really think taoris (as well as xiuhan ;_;<3) really adorable, they make me ship them ;;;;

Since english is not my first language please bear with me for the grammatical errors you can found ~ i'm still willing to practice it more ^^

Hope you enjoy your read~ :D




The one-shot is finally completed *claps* Tell me what you think ^^


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sunggyustummy #1
Wonderful story :D