Running in Circles


Summary: Kyungsoo runs. He runs in circles. He runs away only to find himself back to where he started. Home. But home isn’t what it used to be.



I had like an in the moment inspiration last night before I went to sleep so I decided to write this. I still haven't finished Chapter 9 of School of Crowns but I promise I will put it up by next week. Expect more than one chapter update. :D I hope you guys like this one too. This is originally posted in my livejournal:


Thank you forever and always to my OG fam, M, S2, and of course, J. LOL.


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Cephei #1
Chapter 1: I like that Kyungsoo and Chanyeol don't end up together ^^ it's different - in a good way!
Chapter 1: this needs a sequel! Asdfhhjkl
AznDuckies #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww sequel sequel