Chasing Paradise


Chasing Paradise

by chocolataee


"Yoonree?" Myungsoo's weak whisper echoed through her ears. Trepidation was evident in his eyes but his voice was serene.

"Hm?" she replied hoarsely.

Myungsoo wished her tears would subside. With a weak smile, he timidly took her hand and said, "I think I found it."

She chuckled when she noticed the slight emission of familiar light from his eyes, "I did too."


This is a little fic I wrote up on actual lined paper for once hahaha. It's kind of personal and I wasn't intending on sharing it, but here you guys go. :) This is actually inspired by one of my favorite fanfics. Enjoy~


By the way, I did NOT intentionally put "The Chaser" and "Paradise" together.


Anyway, please enjoy this fic and don't forget to subscribe, comment, and upvote. :)


each chapter's title indicates who's POV the chapter will be told in -

italics and center justified indicates texting conversations -

What is it that I'm chasing? = text messages from Myungsoo -

What is it that I'm chasing? = text messages from Yoonree -

Goodnight = text messages from unknown -


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