

A/N I don’t know what this piece of writing is called. A drabble? A one shot? I don’t know. I just felt like writing it. Changyoon, the otp that didn’t get it’s chance T.T this is from Yoona’s point of view. Keep in mind, I do not hate YoonGi couple! I just love my Changyoon and was in the mood for some angst. It's super short though :)




Being happy with someone and being in love with someone are two different things.


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YoonYulsnsd #1
Chapter 1: That's so sad :(
Chapter 1: Loved that little brief description you put for this little ficlet. <3 I actually have something I'm working that is along the same lines as this one. Makes me happy that someone thought to write it too.
Chapter 1: The tears T.T whyyy?!!!! It's beautiful :) thanks for writing it :)