More delicous than a big mac?


Who's fault is it that hyungshik likes bigmacs? what happens when the members of Ze:a are jealous of one another? Will they hate each other forever? Siwan watches a video on Hyungshik and HIS Kwanghee, what will happen to him? All because of a video on the two, will they never forgive each other? Will siwan finally realize his feelings for kwanghee? His so called annoying best friend? 


So I've liked sikwang for a while now and i noticed there's not a lot of fanfics on them. So "Here I am" with a sikwang fanfic! :) enjoy


Ps. sorry for the lame title and description!! >__< this is my first fanfic so bare with it please! and sorry to hyungshik fans out there, I am too, but I make him kinda evil...its not his fault he loves bigmacs!!

PPS. the video on hyungshik and kwanghee going to mc.donalds is real and hilaious!!


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Chapter 1: why am I mentions? just curious.
SilentReada #2
Yo! I don't know how I missed this but hey visiting for the Sikwang tag<br />
You remember me right the murderer? xD Ima eat it now xD
nicetomeetyou #3
Awww haha,that was sweet in a weird way xD Loved this fic,and it wasn't lame :D
kyuyoung20 #4
T-T please continue support them! thank you for your hard work^^
hopelesswriter #5 i saw the author's note updated.<br />
aww, too bad you're drifting away from ze:a....hehe..but anyway, i find this fic a cute little fic that makes u or in this case-me smile....n i don't think that's anywhere near lame.<br />
Congratulations on completing the fic^^~
hopelesswriter #6
u updated!! yay~!<br />
omg! haha, i don't know why but everytime i read this fic,i would smile like a fool...imagining the indifferent siwan n persistent kwanghee...haha, this is such a cute story....siwan is so complicated n twisted on the<br />
but the ending line for this chapter made me curious...has the fic ended? ommona....i wonder....anyway,thanks for d update.<br />
<br />
confession time: i finally watched the big mac vid a few days ago....n that n this fic made me think of bigmac n mcdonalds all the time n last night i went to mcdonalds n ordered a bigmac....even though that's not something i would normally
hopelesswriter #7
new Ze:a fan i was browsing around to find fics to read...n i'm not a fan......n i just had to check this out for Siwan xD....but i died laughing..n i read all the chapters at one go...i think i'm loving this one...xD..*immediately subscribe*<br />
kwanghee's thoughts in the latest chapter is me i want me some bigmacs too....<br />
btw, thanks for sharing~
Yay! You updated! ^^<br />
I was so scared that you stopped writing. Good luck with your story and good luck with you writers block! ;D
kyuyoung20 #9
ahh i see XD continue writing please ^^ I'll support you <3<3 I want to read more ze:a fiction :D fighting!!
kyuyoung20 #10
hehe i'm hyungshik bias XDD umm.. can i ask you.. i'm new here :D what is writers block and [hiatus] behind the title? TT