Bonds & Destiny


Myungsoo and Sungyeol were once married but because of build up tension, misunderstandings, and arguements the couple ended in bitter divorce. The only single bond that connects them is their five year old son Myungsol



Sungyeol :

Age: 24

Sweet and gentle, Myungsol's umma. Once he was a person who had endless smiles, but due the bitter divorce he work part-time to take care of his son, while sharing him part-time with Myungsoo. Never got a chane to pursue a higher education because he married young and had a child. A very hardworking person but gets easily stressed because of his situation. 



Age: 27

Myungsol's appa, his personality is a bit aloof, unsociable, doesn't like to talk about his feelings. He really can't express himself well, but to Myungsol he is a great father. He works hard to send money to help raise Myungsol. Split his time with Sungyeol to raise Myungsoe, he usually see Myungsol on weekends where as on week days his son stays with his Ex. He works as a professional photographer but usually gets Wedding Photo gigs over other kind of work. 


Age: 5 1/2

Some say he is the carbon copy of his Appa. His habits are simliar to his father, but he has a brighter side than Myungsoo. Biggest wish is for his parents to get back together. Loves black, and photography like his father. He's a gentle and nice boy, but misbehaves when he senses potiential partners who tries to replace one of his parents. Often follows his dad on weekends to work to assist him. 


Story contains break heart, misunderstanding, family love/drama, mpreg, mild angst maybe, and more...


Lol I used Myungsoo's childhood pics as their son's profile pic. Because I wanted readers to get an idea what Myungsol looks like. 



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XxTempestxX #1
Chapter 20: AWWWWWW! please update soon!!!♡
Chapter 20: It's been like a year since the last update if I'm not wrong :'( pls update soon~ they are ahehhejsbdbegye cute!!!!!:3 ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: Such a sweet update! Myungsoo & Myungsol's team was so cute^^ & I love how Myungsoo have grown mature now getting rid of his jealousy & understanding the importance of friendship ^▼^ yay! YaDong is getting started now! Sungyeol is such an understanding spouse & a real best friend ♥ω♥ Myungsoo's proposal was heart-warming~
Chapter 20: i wanna cry (;_・) i dont know why but i really really love mpreg myungyeol huhu this is such a beautiful updateee such a perfect family they are huhu love this so much! ill wait for another update here huhu hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: Hey!!! I'm glad that you are back..I missed your stories ... loved this update♥♡♥
Nayama #6
Chapter 20: i am so glad you are baaaack!!!
i always reread your story cause they all just that good!
myungsol is so cute try to squeeze himself like that >.<
Chapter 20: Wow.. really suprised me! And the fluffiness i love it >< the ending this chapter was the best!
Chapter 20: You've made my tiring day a whole lot cheerful with all this fluff ^^ and finally yadong is starting ! Yay~
choddinginlove #9
Chapter 20: Omg they're perfect family i'm happy for them And hoya finaly meet dongwoo yeeeee~~~~~~