

The bottle has been there for months. I never touched it, there were specks of dust on it. It was an ordinary bottle, around the size of a small vitamin bottle. There weren't any labels on it, it was just plain and brown. The old woman who gave it to me said it'll help me in some way, and because I'm not fond of drugs (it must be drugs, right?), I just left it there. Lonely on the mantle. 

I don't know why, but I have never thought of throwing away that thing. I also never thought that it would be of  use to me, just something there to collect dust. To decorate my empty apartment. 

The bottle never got my attention. After work, I would always walk pass it without even noticing its existence. Only did that one, cold night turn out to be different. I took notice of the bottle. And because I was in the need of shoving some medicine into my throat to ease the pain, I chose that bottle. Out of all the other medicine bottles I had. 

It was sort a pull, maybe. I found my hand reaching across the mantle, taking hold of that brown, dusty bottle. 

I didn't think much. Didn't ask myself anything. I was completely blank. 

And then I did the unthinkable -I swallowed a pill. 




Epilogue to Burnt ( )




^ Check it out C: I got my poster from there. 


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Please read the reminders carefully ^^ Here is the link:

Additionally, I suggest using both poster and background for the visual's sack.