You Caught Me Like No Other


I really am an idiot. Not just an idiot but an embarrassing excuse for an idiot because I just could not be more of a fail than I already am.

I’ll explain my failure to be a functioning human being in one simple incident that has made this past month very interesting in my rather dull failure of existence.

It all happen on a whim, that others might regret but I just can't seem to really regret it other than the total embarrassment. 


That Said Incident

I had been in one of my favorite cafes with my favorite mug of my favorite coffee simply typing away at a new installment of my short series that is run in a local literary magazine. When I casually look up and catch eye of what had to be the finest man that ever stepped on this floating rock we call home.

I stared at him for a moment, and I don’t know why but I totally thought it’d be an awesome idea to take a picture of said beauty and send it to my friend just to tell him about. So I discreetly raise my phone up and make it so I’m just texting, not at all taking pictures of complete strangers to share with my friends.

Totally not a creep.

Just I press the tap thing to snap the picture, the flash goes off like someone switched on a football stadium light and that beautiful work of art of a human being turns to me and stares, which I then proceed to fumble around like an otter with muscle spasms with my phone until it falls in my mug of coffee.


Then I hear a small chuckle and its Mr. Adonis looking towards me with a drop dead gorgeous smile and my face is so hot and red I can barely breath I think I might be dying or choking maybe both.  And all I could think was;

Kill me now. Please.

"Hey there cutie, I'm Kai."




And now this is just a short telling just the beginning of all the other times this person has caught me being a totally embarrassing fail of a human being, and I've been trying so hard not to fall so madly and deeply for him but I fail even more at that. 

So commence my incredibly embarassing love story.   


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Chapter 6: this story is really cute and i just loved it so much!
hope you update soon :)
swagatron #2
Chapter 6: This fic is literally so good!! <3 please update soon~
and i love u
Thanks sis ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 6: This is sooooo cute. ^^
Hahhaa, kailu and the gang
Chapter 6: This is sooooo cute. ^^
Hahhaa, kailu and the gang
ZaulieIZzy #6
Chapter 5: LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! please update this gold!!! I tell you!! Gold!! It 2 in the morning and I can't stop laughing!!
Chapter 5: He ong vomitted on him omgggg
Chapter 4: Oh maaan, what would we do without a sassy Luhan jamming to NoNoNo. =)))))