Wicked Game





Wicked Game

All things truly wicked start from innocence



There is still love in the world. In this world, even if she is not willing to accept it. 
Even if for her, in her mind she only thinks of it as corrupt and useless. There is still love in the world.
And maybe, just maybe, this is a match made in heaven, but so, so, wrong on earth.
You know why? Because the killer isn't supposed to get away, the police officer isn't supposed to fall in love with the killer.
A narcissistic psycopath...and a workaholic police officer. 


A wicked game.





Fan Fic Soundtrack: Massive Attack- Paradise Circus







Character Profile:

Jessica Jung


A dedicated police officer, Jessica is obsessive, possessed, and sometimes dangerous in the violence of her fixations. However, Jessica has paid a heavy price for her dedication; she has never been able to prevent herself from being consumed by the darkness of the crimes with which she deals. For Jessica, the job always comes first. Her dedication is a curse and a blessing, both for her and those close to her.Constantly burdened by the cares of her job, Jessica usually deals with her stress with outbursts of anger usually directed at the closest inanimate object. She keeps a "do it myself" attitude, mainly because she sees her colleagues as incapable or underperforming. Wanting to join the force out of revenge, after the brutal murder of her parents, right in front of her and her sister's eyes. Jung Jessica has become the best detective in the homicide crime unit in Seoul. Despite her lack of boundaries and disregard for protocol as Jessica has a difficulty keeping her hands clean since she uses all means possible to bring the criminals to custody on her own, still she is a major piece in the Seoul Homicide Unit.
Im Yoona

Yoona is a genius, as well as a sociopath and malignant narcissist. 
Raised by parents who were only interested in her intelect and not in her. 

She does not believe love exists. She stopped believing in it long ago. For her there are no loving and caring people. There are no decent people. She felt as though she was a freak growing up, and hated her parents.
Parents that have already died. Not by Yoona's hand as much as she would've liked it but curiously by someone who is from the same lane of people as her. A psycopath killer. Yoona works in a library as she likes the quietness and the icyness of the place.









A man laid down inside a hospital bed. A young girl eyed him through a window to the inside of the room. He seemed to be in a coma. She smiled a devious smile as she looked at him.


1 year earlier


Several police cars stop in front of an apartment building. Men and women get out of the cars and go into the building, running as fast as they can, others taking the elevator. A tall woman walks inside the already searched through apartment. A phone on her hand.

-"There's nothing here" She said.

-"Jessica? Jessica?!" She screamed at the phone.

Meanwhile in an old abandoned factory at the outskirts of the city. Jung Jessica had chased the criminal here. She looked up. He probably went up. She followed.

-"You have no where else to go. Min Ho it's over" Jessica said.

Both standing at oposite sides of a catwalk. A door to the roof and another possible exit behind the young man.
He turned and looked at Jessica.
Jessica looked at the catwalk and notices that one of the metal grids was unscrewed. As Min Ho came towards her, she kicks the catwalk itself before stepping back. 

-"Now look what you've gotten yourself into" Jessica said as she squatted down. Min Ho now hanging by the tips of his fingers. A long way down. If he fell, he most certainly wouldn't survive.

"He wouldn't survive..." Jessica thought.


Jessica was suddenly brought back by the shouts of Sooyoung on the phone.


-"Where is the girl?" Jessica asked calmly.

-"Help me...please" Min Ho said.

-"Where is the girl? Tell me where she is and I'll help you" Jessica said.

-"In the bedroom, behind the closet, there is a secret room" Min Ho said.

-"Good boy" Jessica said as she grabbed her phone.

-"Help me" The man said.

-"Sooyoung?" Jessica said as she put the phone to her ear.

-"In the bedroom, behind the closet" Jessica said.

Sooyoung suddenly heard the man's cries over the phone.

-"Help!" He screamed.

Jessica hung up the phone and turned around. He was hanging, just by one hand.

If he fell down, he would die...she could just say that he fell down...no one would have to know. 

After what he did, kidnapping young girls, having fun with them as he wanted and then...kiling them and lacerating their bodies. He deserved this, he deserved death...


"You could just die" Jessica thought as she looked at the man.



-"Help me please" He said as his fingers were slipping, a milimeter after another. 


Jessica just watched with a blank expression as his fingers lost their grip and the man fell down...a long way down.




1 year later



Suspended and put in a mental care institution. Jessica lived her days lifeless. She could never actually understand herself why she did it in the first place. She both regretted and affirmed her decision. He deserved to die...but she was a police officer, she wasn't supposed to be as vindictive as the criminal.


-"Hey" A short girl said as she sat across Jessica. On the table was a chess board.

Lee Sunkyu, Sunny as she was nicknamed, was Jessica's best friend within the force.

-"I don't think I've ever winned a chess game against you" Sunny said.

Sunny sighed. She was just as lifeless today.

-"Sica?" Sunny called.


Suddenly Sunny's phone rang and she picked it up.


-"I have to leave, be well okay?" Sunny said.

A few hours later

A tall woman got out of a car. She walked inside the institution. She talked to the receptionist before going to the small visiting room.
Jessica came inside and sat across her.

-"You're back" She said.

-"I don't care what you did, or if you did, I want your job done and that's it, you do one thing I don't like, and you're out" She said.

Jessica looked at the tall woman surprised.
Choi Sooyoung was a tall and beautiful young lady, she was the chief of the Seoul Homicide Unit. A unit she comanded with strictness.

She is often annoyed by Jessica's disregard for protocol and rules. A trait that she has punished Jessica for several times.


-"How am I back?" Jessica said.

-"You're just back, you'll be going around with the new detective on the unit, teach her" Sooyoung said.

-"You do what I say, when I say" Sooyoung said.

-"Now go, go, You're giving me headaches just being in the same room as me" Sooyoung said.


Jessica got up from the chair and left the room.
Sooyoung also left as she went back to the station.


An hour later


Jessica stepped out of the mental facility. A young dark haired girl was waiting for her.

-"Ah, you must be..." Jessica was saying.

-"I'm Seo Joo Hyun, Seohyun for short, I'm the newbie" She said.

-"Nice to meet you, are you sure you are experienced enough to work with me?" Jessica said.

Seo Joo Hyun is a young detective that is eager to learn, she personally asked to be partnered with Jessica.

-"I asked to be with you personally" Seohyun said.

-"I hope you're not here to babysit me or something" Jessica said.

-"Not at all" Seohyun said.


-"Just drive me home then, please" Jessica said.


Seohyun drove Jessica home. She stepped out of the car and waved goodbye at the younger girl.

Jessica went inside her house and took a shower and changed clothes.

She then made a call.

-"Hey baby" Jessica said.

-"Oh...hey Jessie..." The voice said.

Tiffany Hwang was Jessica's girlfriend, she and Jessica had been together for a long time.
They met each other when they were still at school and they had been friends before being lovers.

-"Can we meet?" Jessica asked.

Tiffany looked out through the window of her office. She worked as a prosecutor.

-"Sure...okay. Come to my place at 8" Tiffany said.

-"Okay" Jessica said as she hung up.

A pair of arms suddenly hugged Tiffany from behind.


-"When will you tell her?" A small girl asked.

-"I don't know...maybe...today? I just...she got out of that place and...it's just that, this will kill her" Tiffany said as she turned around to face the girl.

-"You have to tell her, it's cruel not to" The girl said.

-"I know, Taeyeon" Tiffany said.

Kim Taeyeon was Tiffany's lover. After being neglected by Jessica who she saw slowly being consumed by her calling and have the young girl spirit she loved destroyed. Tiffany started seeing Taeyeon, She enjoys her goodness, her attentiveness, her easy manner. With Taeyeon she feels special. And for the first time, ordinary. She doesn't feel like she is just another piece in a never ending puzzle.




Meanwhile, on a apartment somewhere in Seoul. A young woman was smeared in blood from top to bottom, she cried as she ran and grabbed her phone. She dialed the numbers quickly. A girl's body was inside her bathtub...she tried to help the girl but she was already dead it seemed. She called the emergency service.

-"Oh my god! I think she's dead...please, please come fast,please" She cried and screamed over and over.


Seohyun stopped her car in front of Jessica's place. She was already waiting by the front door.


-"I know, I know, just drive us there newbie" Jessica said.


Seohyun just did as she was told.


As Seohyun drove, Jessica looked at her.


-"So? Details, what are we dealing with?


-"Young woman, on her early twenties found by the best friend, she was stabbed on her chest multiple times" Seohyun said as she drove.

-"Who called it in?" Jessica asked.

-"The friend did" Seohyun said.

She stopped the car and they both got out.
They went inside the building and inside the elevator.
Jessica and Seohyun stepped inside the forensic's filled apartment. They stepped carefully as the floor was covered in bloody footprints. Jessica stopped and squated down. She looked at the footprints. Seohyun squatted down beside her and extended her arm. Her motion was quickly stopped by Jessica who simply looked at her and nodded no.
She then got up and walked through the house. The living room, the bedroom, the kitchen and finally...the bathroom.
Jessica went inside and looked at the scene.


The bathtub was still smeared in blood , and some of the water still hadn't drained out.

A thick metal scent could feeled in the air, the smell of blood.

Jessica looked at Seohyun beside her. She was taking notes.

-"Keep your hands in your pockets" Jessica said.

-"Why?" Seohyun asked.


-"You won't have the urge to touch anything, just as you were about to do back there" Jessica said.

Jessica walked towards the bathtub. She squated down and looked at it.

-"Something's wrong" Jessica said.


-"What is?" Seohyun asked.

-"The order, it's completly wrong" Jessica said.

-"No signs of forced entry, no signs of a fight...still, she wasn't killed with a gun, which you would expect. If the killer was passing as a delivery or service man, he would want to get the kill quickly and leave the scene right away" Jessica said.


-"But still...she was stabbed" Jessica said.

-"What does that tell us?" Jessica asked Seohyun.

-"Crime of passion?" Seohyun asked.

-"Yeah, maybe, this was personal. She probably did something the killer didn't like" Jessica said.

-"The girl who called it in, who did you say she was?" Jessica asked. 


-"Im Yoona, she's the best friend of the victim, Kwon Yuri" Seohyun said.

-"Where is she?" Jessica asked.

-"Back at the station, she's waiting interrogation" Seohyun said.


-"I need to talk to her, let's go" Jessica said as she got up and left.



Back at the station. As Jessica walked inside the office the many officers and detectives applauded her return. Sooyoung stood there with a box in her hands.


-"Hey, welcome, here, it's a little something we prepared" She said as she gave the box to Jessica.

-"You don't need to be crazy to work here...But it helps" Jessica said as she read the small wooden tablet.

-"Thanks" Jessica said as she hugged Sooyoung.

-"Now...in my office, I need to talk to you" Sooyoung said.


-"Please get the girl to the interrogation room" Jessica said to Seohyun before leaving with Sooyoung.

Inside Sooyoung's office, Sooyoung leaned against her desk. She looked at Jessica with a serious expression.

-"Only reason you are working here is because...Lee Min Ho ended up in a coma" Sooyoung said.

-"Look, I don't know if you did it or not, and I don't care. But...if that man wakes up, I don't know what he'll say" Sooyoung said.

-"He'll say nothing, he fell, that's it, end of story" Jessica said.

-"Very well, now go, I want this one solved by the end of the day" Sooyoung said.

Jessica stepped outside and walked towards the interrogation room. Seohyun was standing there.

-"Is she in there?" Jessica asked.

-"Yes" Seohyun said.


Jessica stepped inside. A younger girl sat on the metal chair across a metal table.
Jessica continuously eyed the girl. She had a saddened expression and a look of shock.


-"Miss Im? I'm sorry, I know it's been a hard day on you, can I get you something?" Jessica said.

-"A cup of tea would be...nice" Yoona said.

Jessica got up and went to the door, she asked Seohyun to bring some tea.

-"Now, Kwon Yuri was your friend?" Jessica asked.

-"Yes, we were going to have a girls' outing today, I just went around the corner to buy somethings" Yoona said.

-"You came back and you found her like that? You saw anyone strange around the place?" Jessica said.

Yoona's expression was suddenly calm. Jessica took notice.

-"I found her like that, she didn't deserve to die like that...I didn't saw anyone around the place" Yoona said.

-"Anyone who could held a grudge against your friend? Past boyfriends? Girlfriends?" Jessica said.

-"No, no, nothing like that" She said.

Jessica eyed Yoona. Suddenly Seohyun came inside the room, she put the tea in front of Yoona and left.

Jessica suddenly yawned.

-"I'm sorry, it's just that, it has been a really tiring day" Jessica said.


-"Excuse me, I'll be right back" Jessica said as she got up.

She got out of the room and rushed towards the office.

-"She did, I'm telling you she killed her!" Jessica said.


-"You, get me information on her, anything you can get" Jessica said to one of the officers.

-"Why the hell are you saying she did it?" Sooyoung said.

-"Rewind, rewind that" Jessica said as she pointed towards the screen.

-"There! She didn't yawn" Jessica said.

-"Really? You're basing all that on a yawn?" Sooyoung said.

-"Everyone yawns, if I yawn you yawn, it's a part of the brain that is connected to sympathy. See!" Jessica said as she pointed towards Seohyun who was...yawning.

-"I can't base all that on a yawn, you have to give me something" Sooyoung said.

-"I think she isn't that girl's friend...she's her lover or past lover" Jessica said.

-"Did any of you saw any pictures of them on the house, of them as a couple?" Jessica asked.

-"No...not a single one" Jessica answered.

-"Boss, just give me 5 more minutes with her, please" Jessica begged Sooyoung.

-"Okay, but if you don't get me anything I can't keep her here" Sooyoung said.

Jessica once again stepped inside the interrogation room. Yoona's file was on her hands.

-"You've lived a clean life" Jessica said.

-"At the exception of a few parking tickets...you didn't do anything wrong to society" Jessica said.

-"You graduated early, but still, you work in a library" Jessica said.

-"I like working there" Yoona said.

-"Did you love her?" Jessica asked.

Yoona looked at Jessica and smiled a mischievous smile. Her tone changing.

-"I'm sorry officer, I don't believe in love" Yoona said as she suddenly started laughing.

-"Why did you do it?" Jessica said.

-"Do what?" Yoona sarcastically said.


-"Have you ever been called a freak detective?" Yoona asked.

-"No..." Jessica said.


-"Good, you have no idea what it feels like" Yoona said.

-"Do you know of dark matter?" Yoona asked.

-"I was reading about it the other day" Yoona casually said as she smiled.

-"The mass of the universe, it neither emits or absorbs light, it doesn't emit anything really...you know it's there" Yoona said.

-"You just can't prove it" Jessica said.

-"You know of it?" Yoona said.

-"I'm impressed detective" Yoona said.


Suddenly the door was opened. It was Sooyoung.

-"It's time, you can leave Miss Im, I'm sorry for the incovenience" Sooyoung said.

Yoona walked towards Jessica. Their faces inches apart.

-"I'll be seeing you...detective" She said as she laughed.

She left. Sooyoung stared at the blank Jessica standing on the empty room.
She slammed the file on the table.

-"Damm it! ****, I know she did it, I know it was her!" Jessica said.

-"You saw that, it can only be her" Jessica said.

-"Get me a murder weapon, place her there" Sooyoung said as she turned arround and left.

Jessica kicked the chair against the wall.

-"Aish!" She screamed.




Jessica rushed out of the office and went inside her car. She went to the crime scene again. She searched everywhere inside that apartment. Nothing...
Suddenly, she saw it...she realized what happened, it was simpler than what they thought.
This was no ocasionaly killer. No this was someone...narcissistic, someone who would take pride in the kill.

-"She did it..." Jessica said.

She went back to the car and looked at the file. She saw Yoona's address and drove there.


Yoona was looking at the Seoul sunsetting, city landscape. Just another day in this busy city. Suddenly her doorbell rang.
Yoona walked and opened the door. Her apartment, was modern, but small. You could see only one person lived here.

Jessica walked inside. She stood at the living room.

-"You did it didn't you?" Jessica said.

-"Is this conversation being listened to detective?" Yoona said as she laughed.

-"No" Jessica bluntly answered.

-"Why have you come here detective?" Yoona said as she walked towards Jessica.

She looked her in the eye. Her face getting closer to hers.
She whispered in her ear.

-"Have you come here looking for ?" Yoona asked.


-"Many have done so...you wouldn't leave disappointed" Yoona said.


Jessica remained expressionless.

-"No, I have someone I love" Jessica said.

-"And does that person love you back? Do you think love exists?" Yoona said.

-"I personally don't believe in it, I think...it's just corrupt, the things that love makes us do, it only corrupts us inside" Yoona said.

-"Did you love her?" Jessica said.

-"Going for the crime of passion now detective?" Yoona said as she sat on her couch. Jessica standing in front of her.

-"Do you know I hated my parents detective? They were only interested in the prizes my intelect could give them and never on me" Yoona said.

-"To them I was just another asset, glad they were killed. Sad it wasn't me" Yoona said.


-"Who was it?" Jessica asked.

-"Just another psycopath, you know, they are everywhere these days" Yoona said as she laughed.

-"She deserved to die" Yoona said.


-"Why?" Yoona said.

-"She just did, I gave to her the little feeling I could, and she throwed it away, even called me a freak" Yoona said.

-"I'm glad she died, it wasn't me though" Yoona said with a peaceful expression.

-"What do you think of me detective?" Yoona said.

-"I think you are a narcissistic, psychopath *****" Jessica bluntly said.

Yoona laughed.

-"Closest description of me I've ever heard" Yoona said.

She again got closer to Jessica. Her arms around her, embracing her. 
Yoona looked at Jessica's face.

-"I could give you pleasure...detective, isn't that better than love?" Yoona said.

-"You are sad, you don't know love, Yoona, you never will, that's why you're bound to live this lonely life" Jessica said as she looked at her in the eyes.


-"You're interesting...detective" Yoona said.

-"I'm not going to become one of your interests, Yoona, I know you killed that woman, I just can't prove it" Jessica said.

-"And aren't we glad about that?" Yoona said.

-"We aren't..." Jessica said as she left.

-"Go by the shade...detective" Yoona said as she put a finger to her lips and smiled mischievously.

She sat on her computer and searched...Jessica Jung.



Jessica called Tiffany. 

-"Hey, I'm coming over now"  Jessica said.

-"Oh...okay" Tiffany said.

Jessica stopped the car in front of a house. She got inside using a key. Tiffany was standing there.

-"Hey baby" Jessica said as she walked towards Tiffany and tried to kiss her but was rejected.


-"Something wrong?" Jessica said.

-"Sit Jessie" Tiffany said.

Jessica instead leaned against the bathroom door.


-"I've to tell you something..." Tiffany said.

-"I've met someone...and" Tiffany said.

-"We've been seeing each other" Tiffany said.

Jessica looked at Tiffany with a shocked expression.


-"Seeing someone? He? She?" Jessica said.


-"She..." Tiffany answered.

-"Did you sleep with her?" Jessica asked.

-"Jessie...I-" Tiffany was saying.


-"No! No! No! No! No! Tiffany! No!" Jessica screamed as she kicked and punched the bathroom door.

-"No!" Jessica screamed.

-"Why?!" Jessica asked.

-"Jessie, leave...please, go home" Tiffany said.

-"This is my home!" Jessica answered.

Jessica looked at the disappointed look in Tiffany's face and left.

It was night. It was cold. Jessica drove aimlessly through the streets of Seoul.
A cold night.



Sunny sat beside Jessica inside a bar. They drank all night long. 
Jessica suddenly got up and looked at Sunny.

-"She kept it! That's it, she kept it" Jessica said.

-"Your girl left you and all you can think about is work?" Sunny said.

-"What am I supposed to do? Cry?" Jessica said.



Meanwhile Yoona had learned about Jessica's life on the force and personal life over night. She was quite a known figure on the force. Yoona smiled as she read about Jessica.


-"Tiffany Hwang" Yoona said as she looked at the picture on her desk.


Suddenly the doorbell rang.
Yoona got up and opened the door.

-"Detective, what can I do for you?" Yoona asked.

-"Tell me the truth!" Jessica said as she pinned Yoona against the wall.

-"You kept it didn't you? I know you did, because the prestige and the pride of the kill, you had to keep a memento" Jessica said.

-"What did I keep?" Yoona answered calmly even if being pinned against the wall.

-"The knife you kept it didn't you?" Jessica said.

-"Who told you it was a knife?" Yoona whispered in Jessica's ear very low.

-"You're rough detective" Yoona said as she winked at Jessica.

Jessica let go of her.

-"I know you did it, I'm coming for you" Jessica said.

-"Not if I come for you first" Yoona said as she lifted a picute of Tiffany.

-"You leave her out of this, You leave her out of this!" Jessica said as she pushed Yoona against the wall.

-"So this is the so called love?" Yoona said.

-"Yeah, something you'll never understand..." Jessica said as she left.

-"You leave her out of this" Jessica repeated as she closed the door.

Yoona fell to the ground and laying down looking at the ceiling she laughed. A crazed laugh.


-"I'm so getting you detective...I'm making you my new project" Yoona said as she laughed.


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Chapter 28: Ahhh its good story.... U cant read this story's plot easily.... And i'm happy with the ending.... Thanks
Melaleucarose #2
Chapter 28: Damn...! This is the best Yoonsic story that i've ever read.. i enjoy the story so much you do great work au thanks
tjsthysys09 #3
Chapter 28: Damn this is so cool! I want this to become a movie or series
Chapter 28: This is awesomeeeee ..please write more yoonsic story..
best psychological fic ever, i keep rereading it over and over
Chapter 28: never thought i would like a badass pyscho one haha. Yoong daebak! anyway this story is good, i've read 2 yoonsic stories of yours already. The other one is saving grace and i must say, your stories are full of twist though i've only read two haha.
Verbal-Crack #7
Chapter 28: I'm mind f****d right now, badass story author. Ty for the read ;)
YoonSicForever722 #8
Chapter 28: This story is one of my favorite!! I read this many times!!... >_<
mizz_maomao #9
Chapter 28: I just read this story again and again, it's really good story,, good job author-nim.
Chapter 28: Woooow!!!!! You made me go psycho reading this!!! Great author.. Really great.. Thanks for this