My Twin Brothers !


Every people in this world have they own journey in life .

That same for Katherine Woo , a girl who never beg or pray for life as twins .

Let it be underlinedTriple Twins

She just want aPEACEFUL LIFE. Of course everybody want that and definitely say a big "YES!"

But everything like a peaceful life just only exist in her Fantasy World.

Have the most annoying brothers , it's enough for Ruins everything. And also enough to Colored her life.


Let's start with some interviews!

They stepped in a wide room with a greeny color. They are going to the middle of the room .

"Okay , we will start it from the older to the younger . So who is the older between the three of you? "

Katherine with antusiasme put her right hand up . She grins a big smile.

"That's me!" She said , the interviewer nodde.

"Let me excuse the both of you to go to that side." He offered and pointed to the corner of the room ,

" We will start it , you can sit there ." the interviewer asked Katherine sitting at the seat which have prepared.


Interview 1


"Can you introduce yourself miss?"

"Ehm..." she clear ," My name is Katherine Woo , 18 years old girl . I was born in Canada . Half-Korean , fourth-Canadian , and fourth-Chinese. That's look complicated but actually it doesn't. "

"What do you think about your twins? "

"You ask me right? " She asked back. "Are you deaf ? Can't you answered that quickly. This wasted my time!" A complain from the corner side , her brother.

"Can you just shut you freaking mouth , Kris!" She yelled ,"I will be honest , they are the most annoying people I ever knew , you see it right ! He even yelled me. How unrespectful He is . They ruin everything! I always hear the girls screaming they name , say that they are so handsome . Handsome my !!! Said that a girl who life and know about them is the most lucky girl in the world. " She stop for a while , take a breathe because she gets tired venting her enger.

"I have leaved with them since diapers , is started from the moment my mom get pregnant. And I will say that I am unfortunate girl who was born as twins with them. And..."

"Okay that's enough , let's go to the next informant. " The interviewer cut off her words.

"I haven't done yet! I need to ex..." Her brothers drag her forcibly.


Interview 2


"Can you introduce yourself mister? "

"Hey ...I am Kevin Woo , the most prettiest in our family. " He blankly ," I think that's all I can tell , my other biography are same with Katherine. We are twins right. "

"Wait ...I will clear that statement . I am the most prettiest in our family . Also ,Did you forget about mommy , she is the prettier. " Katherine said.

"I agree if you said that mommy is pretty . But I think I want ralph , when you said you're pretty! " Kris said , without anyone could aware Katherine bop hardly to Kris , she is very fast , this is the power of black belt of Judo . And he agony , endure the pain.

"Yes . They are right , mommy the most prettiest, the next is me and I think Katherine is the last." Katherine is ready for disprove his judgements , but Kris clamps with his hands.

"What is your favorite things? "

"I like everything that related with pink color . Let me said that I am the maniac... (15 minutes later) So yeah . I like that , although I look so beautiful , I am the most gentle ." Prise himself overload.

"That's true! " Katherine said ,"How about me?" Kris asked ,"You are just a scared cat who afraid with darkness and also unuseful." That was a jackpot . He can't say anything .

"Okay , I think it's enough . Please go to the next informant. "

Kris stand up from his seat coolly to protect his image. But that will over soon ...


Interview 3


"Who are you?"

"Huh...You don't know me." He said arrogantly ," I am Kris Woo!"

"What do you think about your twins? "

"The simple answer , Actually I am a Prince here, and they are my slaves. I am the leader " when he has done. Somehow a shoe hovering in the air and landed right on his head. He give a glare.

"YAH...Who did it? " He said , " It's me! You just said that We are your selves! If you repeat that again . I am swear you can't go home safely ."

"What have you done! one of my favorite beautiful pinky shoe ! Did you throw it!" Kevin yelled and immediately go to the middle and pick his shoe . His presence interrupt the camera which still on .

"What the hell you are doing Kevin !" Kris shouted, " Cut it. Cut it!" He ordered. Meanwhile he ready to start again , the interviewer ended the interview.

"Okay I think that's all for today . Thanks for your great job!"

"What! I haven't done yet! You already ended it. " He complaint." Kevin , did I really deaf , I mentioned that for some minutes ago he said that this wasted his time." Katherine look satisfied when she can beat her brother .

"I am innocent here. " Kevin said while still feel annoyed with what she has done.

"We have no time.I am sorry mister. "

"Aish... But take a picture first , can you use my picture to be the cover . I must look cool and handsome there! Did it will appear in magazines or television ?"


 Hey guys this is my 2nd fanfic , Yeah I can't stop myself to write a new story . I haven't done the first fanfic . But this time I will write about Kevin U-KISS and Kris EXO , also other idols will appear here . Actually I don't really like a schoollife romance , that's just so complicated .

But I try to write a schoollife , and family gander . Yeah I mean this story will with relate family problems but I will put some romance here . Just wait and see. Although I can't update my stories quickly . But I managing to update as soon as possible . My school problem is the one of the reasons . I almost forget it , the interview just the way that I make to introduce the main characters. Hehehe

Also thanks to DARK SECRETS - SHOP for the awesome poster ...^^

Hi guys... I really want to know what do you think about this story? Please leave some comments TT


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Nice story & keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 3: Ur story is good also kinda interesting. Why don't u update it again? ^^
Update soon :))
Chapter 2: Yoo update soon!I like ur story.