Slowly Killing Me


You are the fire he is the frost.


 Your balcony was covered in a thick blanket of pure, white snow. The snowflakes that fell upon your eyelashes felt like sadness weighing on your eyes.

Minseok had done this.

You walked ferther into the snow with heavy steps leaving small puddles in your wake. You would have never known it was cold unless it was snowing, but it was only because of this curse. You took slow steps until you were right in the middle of the balcony. You watched the snow fall and pile up litghtly on the railing of the balcony. You took note how the snow that fell around you melted before it even had a life on Earth. You then felt to thin arms wrap around your middle.

You were the only girl he was able to touch and show his love to because evey other girl would freeze at his touch, no pun intended.

You're opposites.

You are fire.

He is ice.

You can ruin many while he can preserve many.

You can kill eveything that is him though he is slowly killing everything that is you.


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