September Rain


There is a 1 in 700,000 chance of being struck by lightning. She saw the blinding light and heard the loud crack before she could even think of the odds. She felt like she had died for a minute, but then hers eyes opened. She saw his face, felt a warm hand on her heart and felt as if life was being returned to her body. Then she woke up.


It had a been a year since Elina Kim suffered a freak accident during a thunderstorm. She lives normally, however suffers from heart issues and other minor problems because of the incident. Every other night she has nightmares about what happened to her and ignores the feeling of helplessness she has when she awakens.

That helplessness eases one day when she befriends a strange boy named Jongdae. He smiles more than she does, laughs shamelessly, dances in the rain, sings around strangers and shares his limitless imagination with Elina. The closer they become the happier Elina feels about life.

However, Jongdae begins to act distant from Elina, and Elina can't help but think that there's something he isn't telling her.

As Jongdae's secrets begin to unravel, Elina comes to realize that she isn't the only one whos feelings need easing. Jongdae has his own troubles haunting him and a curse he can't escape. Elina will do all she can to save her friend from his fate.

"No one is usless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."


Author's Note


This is a story that will revolve around freindship and helping others (and romance of course). This is also a fantasy story that will feature Chen's lightning power, other magical aspects and a bit of adventure at the end. This will be a write-as-I-go story and will be subject to plotholes, though I will try my best to not let those occur. I wont portray the OC as too helpless or weak because I find that type of character a bit degrading to woman, she won't be too headstrong either. I'll try to find a happy medium. I hope you will enjoy this story and take away a few lessons in helping others from it. We don't know everybody else's issues and hardships so we should always be kind to others. Subscribe if you'd like and stay with me till the end^^ 

poster credit to sejgeh from violetkecil poster shop

quote credits Charles Dickens

I own this story, do NOT plagarize.

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I'll update this soon, I just want the first chapter to leave a good impression. Plus dat schoolwork...


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