Chapter 23

Betray Me Not

“Today we will be reviewing trigonometric equations,” Professor Oh announces to the class. “The average on the last test was a 45, so you all better pay attention.”


Resigned sighs echo through the classroom as the students wearily extract their textbooks from their bags. It is already December; only 6 more months until they are stuck with Professor Oh. Soon, she will be nothing but a distant memory to recount at college reunions.


    Kai, however, has not succumbed to the tired attitude of his classmates.


On the contrary, Advanced Calculus has become his favorite class.


    Mostly because he enjoys pissing off Hana.


    “Professor Oh,” Kai whines, raising his hand. His classmates exchange knowing smiles, aware of what is going to transpire next. “I don’t have my book. Can I use yours?”


    Professor Oh grits her teeth. “You should’ve come prepared to class, Mr. Kim. It is not my fault if you are not able to keep up with the lesson today because you do not have your book.”


    Kai heaves a theatrical sigh. “Yes, I had my book with me yesterday. But I was dropping off dinner at this brat’s house yesterday, and I think I might have left it there...,” He smirks at Professor Oh’s furious expression.


    “That is a blatant lie, Mr. Kim,” Professor Oh says, crossing her arms. That er didn’t leave anything at home last night, she thinks to herself.


“I do not know what you are trying to accomplish by telling me this," she continues.


    “Oh, I don’t know,” Kai shrugs. “I just thought it might be important. I was at a really cool place last night, though. Do you want to know where I was?”


    “No, I don’t!” Professor Oh exclaims in a barely-controlled voice. “And if you continue to disrupt the class, I will make you leave!”


    And she turns back to the board in a huff, accompanied by the titters of her students.


    Although the sight of a pissed-off Professor Oh may have caused Kai a sort of sadistic pleasure in the past, he feels nothing more than a sort of teasing humor about it now. Her reactions are so... Hana.


“Professor Oh’s hot when she’s mad,” Kris remarks lazily, resting his chin on his hand. Kai slaps him on the head with a thwack! “Ow! What was that for, Kai?”


“Are you seriously hitting on Professor Oh?” Kai says, a thin veneer of laughter masking his irritation.


    “Hey, don’t blame me!” Kris replies, holding up his hands. “You saw her at the student-teacher tournament. She looked hot in that tennis skirt-,”


    “Shut up,” Kai elbows him in the chest, prompting an oof! from Kris. “Focus on the lesson, dip-,”


    “Kai and Kris, stay after class,” Professor Oh says in a sharp tone. The two boys exchange looks.


    After the final bell rings, Kris and Kai trudge up to Professor Oh’s desk. A few students pat them on the back in support as they rush out the door. No one wants to be around Professor Oh as she’s scolding someone.


“What is it, Professor Oh?” Kris asks in a mousy voice when everyone has left.


    “Stop looking so scared, Mr. Wu," Professor Oh says, annoyed. "You're not in trouble. I merely want to inform you that we are having our first meeting of the HSC club today after school. Be there.”


    Kai an eyebrow. “HSC? What’s that?”


    “The ‘Helping Senior Citizens’ club,” Professor Oh says, scowling at Kai. “You’re the one that signed up for it.”


    “Oh, you mean the geezer club.” Kai snaps his fingers. “Gotcha.”


    “Oh my freaking god, it is not the geezer club!” Professor Oh huffs. “How many times do I have to tell you this?”


    “What? It’s true. You’re just masking the truth.” Kai replies.


    Professor Oh’s jaw drops in indignation. “Masking the truth? I’m paying them respect, moron! Why don’t you try that sometime?”


    “I only give respect to those whom I am forced to respect,” Kai sniffs.


    “You have a crappy set of morals,” Professor Oh snarks.


    “At least I don’t have crappy cooking!”


“Wha- my cooking is great! I make the best cup ramen in Seoul!”


“That’s not something to be proud of.” Kai shakes his head. “Whatever. We’ll be at the meeting. Come on, Kris. Let’s go.”


Professor Oh and Kai glare at each other as the two boys back out of the room.


“Are you two dating?” Kris asks in an incredulous voice as soon as they are out of the room.


Kai nearly falls over.


“Are you high?” Kai demands.



    Kris is in heaven.


He is surrounded by not 1, not 2, but 3 cute ladies. Granted, Kris has done much better at a few parties in the past. And Yoojin and her friends (what were their names? Kyung Mi and Yuri?) are more of the bookish type. But the nerdiest girls always turn out to be the wildest in bed... at least, that’s what Kris thinks.


“Dude, get your eyes off their chests,” Kai mutters in Kris’ ear as he takes a seat next to Kris. “You’re here for a geezer meeting, not to pick up girls.”


“Hm?” Kris tears his eyes away from Yoojin, Kyung Mi, and Yuri, who are piercing lasers into him with their eyes. “Oh. Sorry.”


“So, you’re all here.” Professor Oh steps inside the classroom from her office. “I guess we can start. Yoojin, go on ahead.”


Yoojin nods at Professor Oh and stands up. “Hi. So, this is our first meeting of the HSC-,”


“Geezer club!” Kris cuts in. Kyung Mi and Yuri glare at him, while Yoojin doesn’t spare him a glance.


“-and we’re going to start club activities right away. So, the Seoul Nursing Home will be holding a gardening festival this week, and they asked for volunteers. I signed us all up,” Yoojin continues. “Be at the Daejun Gardens by 9 AM. Wear comfortable clothing.”


“I can’t go,” Kai says immediately. “I have a dance competition.”


“That’s next week,” Professor Oh says, before hastily adding, “I think. I mean, I don’t know about dance competitions. I’m just hypothesizing.”


In truth, Professor Oh heard Sehun mentioning to Kai last night that their dance contest at the Park Performance Center had been rescheduled.


But of course, she technically isn't supposed to know about her student's dance schedules. Especially the one student who she supposedly hates the most.


Kai shoots her a look. Nice going, Captain Obvious.


“Fine,” he says. “I’ll come. Kris?”


Kris winces. “Uh... I guess.”


“Yuri and I are in too, of course!” Kyung Mi chirps. Yoojin gives her friends a wide beam.


“And I’m coming too,” Professor Oh says.


“So we’re all set.” Kris smiles at Yoojin in a terribly greasy fashion. “Wow, you’re doing a great job as President already.”


Yoojin gives him a strange look. “Uh, our meeting’s lasted like 10 minutes.”


“Still,” Kris grins. “As Vice President of the Student Council, I give you two thumbs-up. We should go out sometime.”


“Maybe next time,” Yoojin says, rolling her eyes.


Kris’ jaw drops. “Hey, that’s my line!”


“Well, well, well,” a cold voice cuts in. “Looks like this club’s first meeting is off to an unproductive start.” Joonmyeon strides into the room.


Yoojin and Kai tense.


“Hey, Suho,” Kris says. “What’re you doing here? I didn’t think we needed another Student Council member checking up on this club.”


“It is my duty as the president to look into new clubs,” Joonmyeon replies. “To see if they’re actually planning to go somewhere.”


“We’re doing fine without your checking up,” Kai snaps. “Leave.”


“Don’t tell me what to do,” Joonmyeon says, his eyes narrowed. Kai stands up, approaching Joonmyeon. The two are glaring down at each other with terrifying intensity-


And then someone steps in between them.


“Thank you, President,” Yoojin says in a smooth voice, bowing down low. “I appreciate your concern. I apologize for not wholly focusing on the subject of the club. Please forgive me.”


Joonmyeon stares with widened eyes at Yoojin, along with the rest of the members of the HSC. Professor Oh’s jaw is slightly ajar.


Then Joonmyeon’s eyes turn hooded again. “Apology accepted, Yoojin. Please spend the rest of your meeting time furthering your club.”

And he paces out the door.

A/N: sorry for the lack of updates :( school is still killing me. Class officer elections are going on and I'm running for treasurer and it's soooo stressful. And I have so many speeches to give this week..... gah. 

Kris is such a omfg 

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Listening to the news about this 10 yr old boy from california who just got his high school diploma :^)


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Zndjcjaj #1
905 streak #2
Chapter 41: I can't believe I kinda reread this in one go!! My goodness! But it was fun 💁‍♀️
905 streak #3
I think I've read this twice with my other account. Very happy to find this and hoping to reread this as soon as possible ^^
14 streak #4
Chapter 42: Finished rereading this and I'm already missing this ?
Chapter 41: Always coming back for this story❤️
I think I’ve read this like more than 5 times but I still never get bored rereading it<3
KimHyeJoo #6
Chapter 42: Why i just see this fanfic? Awwww
Theyre so cute
Thank you for the fanfic :))
Chapter 17: What cafe is this? If the chance of Junmyeon is around, count me in!