A few things & Coffee

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Hi, I am Jongdae... Nice to meet you



 ▴Underworld Writing Contest▾

Prompts used: S17, Q2



I saw a girl with bun on the top of her head, sitting at the nearby table; her legs crossed at the ankles. A small smile on her lips as she turned the last page of her rather thick book. I built up the urge in myself to go and talk to her; time was moving by, as I watched her place her book in her bag and grab her Frappuccino. Practically tripping over the table leg to walk to her; I tapped her shoulder and bowed.


"Omo! Are you okay?"

"Uh, ne--" I rubbed my head in disbelief. "I can't believe I just did that, sorry--"

"Oh, it is fine; my name is Ali --" She extended her hand to me.

"Jongdae--" I kissed the top of her hand and bowed properly this time. "Nice to meet you Ali"


I smiled as she blushed a warm shade of red and covered her full pink lips with her delicate hand. At that moment the world around me seemed to move in a blur; but her, standing there, perfectly clear. Is this what love at first sight is? 

A few things & Coffee


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chlorophyll #1
Chapter 1: no wonder u win the writingcontest ^^
its so nice and good
Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♥♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: my..
just found this.