Final Chapter

Of Sweet Curl

Awkward silence spreads throughout the room. Chunji cannot believe that L.Joe would do such a thing. A flurry of thoughts came into his mind. He rushed towards L.Joe and pushed him off the seat. "It's nothing okay? Don't be getting the wrong idea," he does not know if he was doing the right thing but impulses told him it is the right thing to do. "See this!?" He gestured the cursor on the folder and deleted it. "Now, back off. I do not want to see your face right now Lee Byunghun!!" he screamed his lung out. L.Joe just stood there. He did not budge at all, looking as mighty cool as he can, hands in his pockets while fondling the inside of his pants.


Chunji, blurred by watery eyes, started pushing him off. It was a daunting task pushing him out because L.Joe looked like he is struggling to stay put. He finally manage to push him outside. He slammed the door in his face. "What did you do this time, Lee Byunghun?" C.A.P asked, sounding fatherly as usual. L.Joe slid down the door and took his legs close to his chest. He buried his head in his arms. Ricky tried to get to him, he cannot stand seeing his friend being down like that. He was stopped in motion by Changjo, he shook his head, as if to say "No." Ricky understood this and backed down. C.A.P said they might want a moment to think and he turned off the TV and took all the other members into their repective rooms. Niel, who shared a room with Chunji, stayed in C.A.P's room for awhile. Changjo whispered, "I'm sorry" when he passed the man with the orangish hair.


L.Joe thought that was totally awkward, he wanted to make it right again. He cannot believe it he lost his cool. He did not know Chunji hyung would take it personally. He was so depressed, especially with the faint sobbing behind the door. He man up and knocked the door, slowly and carefully, not to irritate the latter. "Hyung, c'mon, I'm terribly sorry..." he said, sounding as apologetic as he can. "You should..." Chunji answered in between his sobbing. He knocked the door again, three times to be exact when there is no answer. All he can hear is his dear hyung's faint sobbing. He sat near the door, waiting for the time when his hyung would feel better and open the door. For the time being, he thought, "Let's get some ice-cream..." he ate it while waiting for the chance to strike.


After nearly an hour and a half or so, Chunji opened the door and peeked outside, to see if his little angel is still there. He is, still eating the ice-cream, he can see three sticks of ice-cream on the floor. L.Joe finished the fourth one and noticed the door opened a little bit. Without Chunji realizing it, he opened the door abruptly and tackled the said man. Both of them fell on the floor with L.Joe pinning the older one. Both of them breathed hot air. Then, L.Joe regains his composure and said, "I'm sorry for being a curious twit but I have to say, I'm quite happy to see you fanboying over me. Honestly." "By the looks of it, you're not being serious enough..." L.Joe thought for awhile, "Oh, that! I was thirsty so I thought of nipping the ice-creams we bought yesterday, it's not like I didn't care. Please Chunji hyung, trust me!" The younger boy pouted. He does look cute and innocent, Chunji thought to himself. He is such a jerk to go crazy because of something so small.


Suddenly, Chunji got teary eyes. "I'm sorry for pushing you out, getting mad at you, yelling..." L.Joe puts his index finger on his hyung's lips. "Shh, not to worry my dear hyung, what is it that made you create that folder?" L.Joe asked, again, out of curiousity. "It's... it's just I freaking adore your new hair, it doubles no maximize your cuteness. Godammit!" He cussed, thinking how pathetic he must looked right now. Well, he did blush and looked away from the younger one's y gaze. "Huh... that's it!?" L.Joe laughed his off. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I can give this whole hair to you, if you just ask for it," he gestured to his fluffy hair. "How will I ask you honestly if you keep using that cold front?" Chunji is the one that pouted this time around. "Aww, I'm sorry but I have to keep my cool exterior even behind the fans you know." He smiled while saying so.


Still pinning the older boy, he lowered his head and gave his hyung a peck on the left cheek. "Touch it, hehe, I don't mind," he ordered Chunji to do so. Chunji, hesitantly though, touched his hair. He ruffled through his hair and took in the sweet fragrance of said boy's hair. He is content with what he got. He loved his sweet angel, always. L.Joe on the other hand, started planting kisses all over his face. "Yah, that's enough!" Chunji yelled since it was annoying the hell out of him.


The others observed the scenery from the hallway, "Oh, my! What a turn of event, maybe they'll take this up a notch..." and Ricky received a smack on the head for that comment from Changjo. "We're too young to be thinking such a thing!" He whispered to Ricky's cute pointy ears. C.A.P ushered all his babies to the living room, not wanting to ruin that fluffy moment between those two.



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Chapter 3: Oh mei gawd >w<
Flips table...this was srsly too cute omona dhjlhsafh.
I liked it how you involved the other members..^^ changrick haha
Chapter 2: OMG NOOO i feel so bad for chunji... // //
But im sure its gonna be just fine between off to the next chappie :3
Chapter 3: Awwww, that those last two paragraphs were just the cutest! ♥
I really liked this story~
mepastah #4
hahaha cute chunji spazzing over l.joe...i had fun reading,hehe
chunjoe are sooooo cute~~~~!!!!! ^^
@shineesayshello: Haha, spazztatic isn't it? I'm glad you're enjoying this fic of mine!
I've read this so many times now, its just so cute rjehtgr
@Byunghun: Why thank you! :D