Chapter (1)

Of Sweet Curl

After chasing little Ricky out, Chunji continued on his hunt for L.joe's pictures. He heard from a friend of his from high school that Tumblr is a great way of finding any pictures accordign to your taste. At first, Chunji just scoffed this off from his friend, saying that an internet website like that is a waste of time and space. His friend gave him the weird look on the space part, much to his annoyance. After they began promoting for No More Perfume On You, he started to notice how angelic L.Joe looked with that curly front hair of his. He even grew a (although he hates to admit it) when looking at his fellow bandmate. He tried his best to cover that one though, he does not want people think he's into him or so.


After struggling with his inner self, he came to accept that he's indeed in love with L.Joe's pinkish or orangish hair. He remembered that his friend once suggested a site called Tumblr just for the heck of it. He also remembered that there are tons of pictures in that site to be found. So, he made an account and designed his own Tumblr layout. He is very nitpicky when it comes to design, even a website design. He is such a diva, he thought to himself while flicking his hair. After all the hustle and bustle of beautifying his Tumblr, he cracked his fingers. He was quite the designer, his inner self said. Finally, it comes to his grand mission, the hunt for L.Joe's curly hair images.


He was so content in surfing the site when that moment where Ricky suddenly came in, all of his enthusiasm died out. That is also the point where he covered his laptop's screen with his arms. He thought that it was not obvious but he did not know Ricky was not as gullible as he seemed to be. Ricky marched forward to his side to see what is he hiding behind those long, beautiful arms and being Chunji he is, he panicked. In the end, he used his secret weapon which is he famous death glare, well famous among the boys in Teen Top anyway. He never really showed this side of him in front of his fans. Such a drama queen.


Thunder crashed throughout the dark skies, Chunji flinched when he saw a flash of light came into his shared room. Then, the sound came which made him shriek. C.A.P came bursting through the door, being a leader he is, it is his duty to keep an eye, no both eyes on s. They can be crazy if they want to. Seeing as nothing was at loss, he quietly closed the door while looking rather apologetic to Chunji. Chunji understood his responsibility and nodded silently as to say "It's alright, nothing to worry about!" Well then, he continued on with his search while bracing for impact of the crashing thunder. "God, why didn't the weather man choose another day to ruin..." he complained while browsing Tumblr.


When he finally found L.Joe's pictures, he literally screamed his lung out and this time Changjo and Niel came bursting into the room. "WHOA!! What the hell, something happened here!?" both of them asked simultaneously. Chunji looked rather empty with his eyes glared at both of them. "Oh, nothing happened, it's just the thunder I guess." he said nonchalantly. Nodding in agreement, both Niel and Changjo left the room and into the kitchen. They thought they would try to experiment cooking as usual. C.A.P coming in close behind. He is making sure both of them do not make a mess out of the kitchen. Chunji, feeling a slight annoyance, locked the door this time. He promised to himself that he should minimize the squealing.



This was the image Chunji saw that made his blood rushing to his head and nearly explode because of the pressure. He grinded his teeth, looking at how flawless this boy is. He reminded himself to print the picture next time, just in case. For now, he saved the picture in his brand new folder called 'L.Joe - The Curly'. He thought to himself, "This isn't as curly as the stylist did but whatever, at least there's a hint of it." Feeling rather satisfied with his finding, he closed everything and went outside. He accidently bumped into someone when going out. Guess who?


It was none other than cute L.Joe. His hair wet from the water, he just finished taking a bath. A towel can be seen draping on his shoulder. Half-, with boxer and his near curly hair. Chunji felt a lump in his throat, his heart racing faster. L.Joe gave his doe look to Chunji, making him more flustered. "Wha... what!?" Chunji asked while looking away from him. Then, he saw the other members in the kitchen alongside that little devil, Ricky, smirking towards him. "Huh? Did I even say anything to you? Hmph!" L.Joe walked away, being a smug face and Mr.CoolGuy he is.


That made Chunji's mouth drop. He is certain something is up here... something fishy....



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Chapter 3: Oh mei gawd >w<
Flips table...this was srsly too cute omona dhjlhsafh.
I liked it how you involved the other members..^^ changrick haha
Chapter 2: OMG NOOO i feel so bad for chunji... // //
But im sure its gonna be just fine between off to the next chappie :3
Chapter 3: Awwww, that those last two paragraphs were just the cutest! ♥
I really liked this story~
mepastah #4
hahaha cute chunji spazzing over l.joe...i had fun reading,hehe
chunjoe are sooooo cute~~~~!!!!! ^^
@shineesayshello: Haha, spazztatic isn't it? I'm glad you're enjoying this fic of mine!
I've read this so many times now, its just so cute rjehtgr
@Byunghun: Why thank you! :D