Miracle Girl (In December)

Miracle Girl (In December)

~Few month later~

"Gege! Wake up you going to be late!" Tao were jumping on Kris bed. Kris stir in his sleep. He groan lowly and raise slowly.

"Whaat?" He pulled his hair a bit stressed when Tao disturb his sleep.

"Gege it's already 10.30 am! You don't have that much time any longer. YOU'RE LATE!" Shout Tao

Kris open his eyes shockly and glanced on the clock on the table

"! I'm late! Why didn't you wake me up more earlier panda!" He jump of his bed and reach his towel on the hanger and run into the bathroom. Tao cover his mouth and laugh.

"Serve you right gege."He said while walking out the room.

"The dragon already awake?"

"Yep mei mei, and he going to be shock when he saw you here." Tao sit on the kitchen chair, joining the other member that were eating their breakfast. They hear like something fall more spesific Kris the one that fall. They then saw kris were running to the living room while trying to wear his sock on his left leg. He was jumping to the kitchen.

"I'm late dammit!"

They try to suppress their laugh when they see how frantic Kris is.

"Guys, i don't have time to hear you laughing on me because i'm freaking late for the date!"

"Did you sleep late yesterday dragon oppa?"

"Yes i did slee.... huh?" He look up and froze.

"M...Min An? You're h...here?" he added on.

"Yes oppa. I know you'll be late so i came here so that we can go together." Min An said while winking at him.



"Gege stop it. Please don't be like this!" Tao hold on Kris waist. Kris lean his forehead on Tao shoulder.

"She didn't leave us!" Yelled kris. The door suddenly open showing a nurse with panic looking at Dae Ji.

"Doctor we need you inside now! Urgent." She said. Dae Ji left exo and get in the operation room. They feel curious and just waited there. After an hour, Dae Ji out from the room with a smile.

"It's a miracle." He said to them.

"Hu? What does that mean?" Ask D.O

"Min An, she alive. The nurse called me inside because Her heart beating again! The surgery was success." He told them happily. Exo look at him unbelieve but then they shout happily while kris just standing there trying to process what he heard just now. His smile appear.

"Min An still alive."


~End flashback~



"So oppa, what you want to tell me at that time?The time before i get in the operation room." She as me when we reach at the park. We take a sit under a tree. I stare at her face lovingly. She look at me then blush.

"I love you." I confessed to her. Her eyes were scanning my face, trying to find if i were joking with her but nope she can't find it.


"I love You Min An. I fall in love with you since the first time i saw you, the time when the children where hugging you."

"Dragon oppa" She said in a whisper.

"I know you love me too. I remember each word you said in your letter." I . Min An hit my arms, she formed her lips into a pout.  I pinched her cheeks. She pulled my ear and whisper.

"I love you too dragon." She said innocently. Her words sent shivers down to my spine. I wrapped my hand around her waist and pull her closer.

"I love you more my miracle girl."



Yay!!!! finishhh


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Dorjie #1
Chapter 7: Little dragon!!! That's really cute!!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #2
Chapter 4: Okay I won't cry!

*ten seconds later*

Uwaaaaaah! Its so heartbreaking TT TT Min ah don't you dare die or I'll kill myself
syiqintomim #3
Chapter 10: wwwuuu ~ Lollipop Girl ! I ♥ it , I ♥ it authorim :) ♥シツ
nerdyviv #4
Chapter 8: Awwww so cuteee and very emotional too :) good job authornimmm
sitinurfarisyah #5
Chapter 10: Yeay update ~
IzyanAzahar #6
Chapter 10: When are you gonna update it?
EmoLuvO #7
Chapter 9: You're under arrest for making such a touching story! Just kidding, but your story is really sad and nice!
Atika95 #8
Chapter 1: daebakk...very nice my friend :) good job -clap my hand-
Chapter 2: So sad.. ㅠㅠ
My throat's immediately gone dry..
sitinurfarisyah #10
Chapter 9: You ty author ! I hate you !

Nah , you're so good I'm gonna die .
Even tho the spelling is not right , you got me crying heh?

Thanks !