Final Chapter

JongKey plus Me


"Sweety, how did it go? Did you manage to stalk them to your heart's content? Hm?" My mom's raised eyebrows made the words sound all the more erted.


Mom frowned. "Honey, you've been obsessed with them for quite a while. Don't you think you should just drop Shinee and switch to another group? Like, I dunno, Big Bang? They seem to be quite popular."

"Too many scandals."


"I prefer people, not aliens, Mom."

"Super Junior?"

"Too old."


"I like my pretty boys."

"FT Island?"

"Too..wait. FT? Hm...I like the sound of that." Oh lala I really like the sound of that.

"Yeah..which reminds me, what did you take from Shinee's dorm?" Her eyes flashed, but I took it to be completely normal, because her eyes flash every time she asks me what I took from idols' dorms.

"Er, their toothbrushes, some clothes, some shoes, and some....let me see..." I pulled a small mountain of things out of my pocket. "Sunglasses...and instant noodles! Damn, even their instant noodles taste better than the stuff we have at home."

"Do they know that you took all this stuff?" Mom looked concerned.

"No. Heck, I didn't even know that I had taken all this. It kind of just magically appeared in my pocket."

My mom's eyes flashed for a second, then she sighed. "Honey, I thought we taught you not to be a thief..."

"Oi. It's not considered theft if I didn't know that I took it, yo. And plus, the ebay account's under your name."

"SHHHH~" My mom quickly covered my mouth with her hand. "Child, you do realize that the only reason why I sell idols' posessions on ebay is because...because..."

I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"So that I can fund your future expeditions!"

"...." I love how she could make my idol creeping sound so...epic.




She dares question my manliness? MY manliness? I mean, if she questioned, I dunno, Onew or Minho's manliess, I would be perfectly ok with that. I mean, they are kind of...but me? THE ALMIGHTY KEY? HOW DARE SHE QUESTION MY EPIC MANLINESS? While it may be true that my manliness is not, shall we say, conventional, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a man! Geez! Real men use mascara too!

" think that I'm manly don't you?" I batted my eyelashes at him, unconscious of the fact that he was interpreting my eyelash batting as a threat.

"Eh heheh..of course honey, you're as manly as you are girly..."

"...was that a yes or a no?" I desperatly tried to maintain my now not so good looking smile. My eyebrow may have twitched.

"AHAHAHAHAHA the stars are so round today, don't you think? Ah hah, yeah, um, look, there's Orion!" He pointed at the window.

"....hyung, it's almost noon....where on earth do you see stars..." Taemin's lazy voice floated in from the kitchen.

"Shut up Taemin. Go clean. Right, how on earth did her mother find you guys to clean her kitchen? I don't remember ever signing up to help people clean their houses..."

"Oh. We didn't either. It's just, we were walking past here the other day, and someone was making very yummy food. We knocked on the doors one by one until this place. The lady was nice enough to share some food with us, but we had to come today to help her clean her house.

"JONGHYUN! ANSWER MY QUESTION. AM I MANLY OR NOT?" Trying to evade the question? I think not.

"Don't you dare talk to my Jong baby that way!" Go Chujang reappeared in the living room, but she seemed...distant. Like she was thinking about something.

"Honey..F.." F? What? Why is Go Chujang's mother swearing?

"OH F-" What. Why is she swearing too?

"Jonghyun?" Go Chujang looked at my Jong baby, then at me, then at her mom, then back at Jonghyun. "I'm sorry, Jong. I can't be with you.."

Dude, it's not like you were ever going to be with him in the first place. Jonghyun, however, seemed a little more affected than me.

"What? You're leaving me?'re my first love..." Full blown puppy dog eyes. I was sorely tempted to smack him. Seriously, first love? If she's your first love, what am I? Your negative first love? What the hell?

"I know..I'm sorry..." You're sorry my . I know? You know what? Geez, have some shame lady.

"My first love broke my heart for the first time. And I was like baby~~~~~~oh ~~~ no~~~~baby~~~~ oh~~~ I thought you'd always be mine, mine..." Jonghyun started belting out J. Biebs. Oh God. Child, you just wanted to sing J. Biebs didn't you? T__T

"'M SORRY!" Go Chujang couldn't spit out a complete senence. With the awkward 5 word phrase and "I'm sorry" she bolted out the door, though it seemed like she might have been sobbing. What. I didn't know that crying was within her capacity. 

"?" I looked at Jonghyun, then both of us looked at Go Chujang's mom. She smiled, apologetic, then dragged us into her kitchen, where Taemin and MInho were cleaning, while Onew was happily munching away at fried chicken.

"Eat." She motioned toward the endless plates of chicken. Just as we reached for the chicken however, Onew's snarl and glare sent us a loud and clear message: touch my chicken and you die.


What the hell did that child see in chicken has high cholesterol...he should eat more fish. Fish is better for the human body than chicken, at any rate. And it's not like we're in some landlocked country where seaood is extemely hard to come by..we're going to eat more fish from now on.

Go Chujang's mother laughed awkwardly and got out some juice. "Er..I'm sorry about the trouble that Chujang's caused you these past few days..."

This woman was apologizing?



Damn, Key asking me about his manliness is scary. -shudder- The way he batted his eyelashes...that was a definitely a threat. It was his way of saying "agree with me or you die".

The random J. Biebs interruption..that was just 'cause I felt like it. Lols. I enjoy moments where I can sing random things and no one calls me crazy haha.

And the fact that Go Chujang just apologized..then her mom is apologizing..what....wasn't this lady just yelling at us a couple of minutes ago?

" like that sometimes..sorry about that..."

"That's ok...I guess. Where'd she go?" I actually was kind of curious.

"To hunt F-er, sorry, I am not at liberty to disclose such information." What. Did she think that she was in the FBI or something? Seriously.

"At any rate, feel free to finish off the chicken. Taemin and Minho, you guys don't actually need to clean the house; it's alright. You guys can leave once you finish." Her eyes went cold when she said this, her hands making some sort of 'hurry up' motion. But, being the oh so epic Shinee that we are, we decided to ignore her signals, and went on savouring the chicken slowly. Or rather, Onew delightfully devoured his chicken, while the rest of us stood around awkwardly watchin him eat.

"Thanks, Mrs. Go! We have another schedule in a few minutes; so we have to go now. Thanks for the chicken!" Onew dragged us out the door after bowing to the smiling lady, who, just for a moment, looked like she really wanted to kick us.

"Hyung, do you think Go Chujang's going to find us again?" Taemin looked at me worriedly..well, sort of worriedly. He was worried that he wouldn't have a toy to play with. But then, Minho's a good enough toy for the boy. Children, do not be greedy. Greed is not good. Be satisfied with what you have.

"She better~" Onew looked at me with hostility.

"NOT." Key cut him off and glared at him. Onew looked at him for a moment, then sighed.


--------------------------------------------I----------my epic division of scenes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


It's been 3 weeks now, and Go Chujang hasn't come back. Huh. Oh well. I'm sure we'll have another stalker fangirl following us around sooner or later.

Key and I got back together--not that we were actually seperated in the first place. But still, we were now officially a couple, and 2min was officially a couple, and Onew..Onew found his true love at the chicken place we often go to.  No, he did not fall in love with a huge rubber chicken; he fell in love with a human.




Key's phone rang, and I picked it up for him.

"YO sup da honey~~~" Don't question my sanity. It's perfectly normal.

"Hyung...? It's Jaejin."

"Oh hey! How's it going? It's Jonghyun btw; Key's kinda busy at the moment."

" you know someone named..." There was a pause as he yelled to someone in the background. "Go Chujang?"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHAHAHAHA. No wonder Go Chujang and her mother kept saying "F". They meant FT Island! Oh dear, poor FT.


"She's..creeping me out..." I heard a slight shudder. Ok, no, I didn't actually hear it, but I could sense it.

"Aha. Ahaha. Ah. Ha. Get her on the phone."

"Jonghyun?" Ah, dear Go Chujang, what are you going to do to FT? lols

"Hey! How's it going? You stalking FT now?"

"Yeah..I'm sorry I had to leave you.." -cough- ahaha, you don't actually need to be sorry...

"You go girl~" I suddenly realized that Hongki had taken my hair dryer but had never given it back..." Oh by the way, if you see a pororo hair dryer, get it back for me will you? Hongki's a douche; he borrows my stuff but never gives it back."

She didn't say anything, but I heard some random screaming, plus a lot of metallic clanging sounds, in the background. After a minute, she picked the phone back up. "No problem. Anything else?"

"No. Just enjoy your time with FT." I smiled and hung up the phone. Life was good; yeah, life was good.





Finally. Sorry, this is a really crappy ending, but I have absolutely no inspiration left..lols. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me till the end! I appreciate the support :)

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calendaroflove #1
hahahhahha keep on laughing
love love love love <3
Hahaha. really loved this <3
winter-child #4
LOLOLOL.<br />
Epic ending. <br />
Aaaaa gosh i swear im gonna be the first person to die from laughing this is freaking funny i love the bear in seoul hospital and bearxchicken thing aaaah forget it i love all the chapters
ashley888 #6
you finally updated!!! puahaha go chujang is beasssst. XD<br />
update soon since you're on vacation -coughcough-<br />
or you could just enjoy the new scenery......and leave us again ): LOL<br />
so update soon :D
siwon- #7
Kodaeme #9
OI. The revolution's going great. I just haven't found enough textbooks/calculators to overthrow them.