A conversation about love.


A conversation about love between a man and woman in a coffee shop. 

"Do you believe in love?" her eyes glowed in curiosity.
Completely baffled he continued to sip his warm coffee. Taking the time to think for a reply.
He thought, What kind of question is that? Did she eat something weird?, and he realised that he has gulped down the last drop of coffee from his mug.
He put his mug down the table and grabbed a tissue from the stack to wipe the creamy frost from his upper lip. He really was taking his time because he didn't know what to reply. Anyone would've been taken back by that 'out-of-the-blue' question and clearly it has severely caused a moment of hesitation for him.
Finally gathering his conscience and words he replied "No, I don't. Why are you even asking? Are you in love?" he curled his eyebrows and rested his face on his hands staring back at the girl.
"Well I just wanted to know what other people think about love. I'm not currently on a relationship though. But I do certainly believe in love" she smiled. 


Note from Writer:
"My friend and I were discussing about the reality about love. I was unable to properly give her an answer so I decided to give write a story to describe what I think what love is. I hope you feel the same way and I hope that you realise that you are not alone."
"I hope you like this story and hopefully you don't find this story confusing!" 


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Xane94 #1
wahhhh, Jang Geun Seuk ><
your plot is great! also your writing style is simple but well, the simpleness is the point! Made me feel like the cast, kekeke. But give some tag please, to make people make your fanfic :)
Chapter 1: Wow, this is good. I really liked how everything was plotted out carefully and put in deep thoughts. I also learned something too. Really really loved it! Good luck author!
Chapter 1: Nice plot, concept, idea and the way the characters conversed.
It is great, but if you edit it a little, it will be better.

Though its good, but since this is a Fansite, people wants to read an idol in it, perhaps add a tag, so others can find your fic more easier, and you will have more readers.