
Boy Love One-shots

Niel x Ricky pairing




It was raining cats and dogs outside, making the teen top members locked inside. The worst part was that they were bored.


“I know, let’s play a game!” Chunji exclaimed.


“Sure but what?” C.A.P asked. Chunji grinned.


“Truth or Dare.” He said.


“Yah, are we girls having a sleepover?” Changjo asked. Niel laughed, making Changjo smile and blush lightly. Chunji rolled his eyes.


“Well do you have any other ideas???” he challenged him. Changjo sulked and shook his head.


“I thought so!” Chunji said with a grin.


“I think it’s alright. Truth or Dare is quite the classic indoor game.” L. Joe said and shrugged.


“I’m fine with it too,” Ricky said. “It’s not like we got anything better to do…”


“That’s true,” C.A.P agreed.


“Okay so we’re all okay playing right?” Chunji asked. He stared at Niel who didn’t give an answer yet. Niel noticed the stare and nodded. Chunji smiled and the six sat in circle. Changjo sat on Niel’s left and Ricky sat on his right. C.A.P sat between Ricky and L. Joe. Chunji took the remaining spot between him and Changjo. “I’ll go first.” Chunji said. He turned to C.A.P. “Truth or dare?”


“Dare,” he said without hesitating. Chunji smirked.


“I dare you to drink the toilet water!” he said. The other members started to giggle as they were about to witness their leader make a fool out of himself. C.A.P face palmed but did as he was told to.  He went into the bathroom and with much hesitation dropped his head into the toilet and sipped a tiny bit of the water. He immediately raised his head and ran to get clean water from the fridge. The other members laughed hysterically. C.A.P came back and sat down.


“Worst dare EVER.” He muttered under his breath. “Okay my turn.” He turned to Changjo. “Truth or dare?” he asked him.


Changjo pondered for a second before making up his mind and chose ‘truth.’


“Who did you have your first kiss with?” C.A.P asked.


“Do-ahh…” Changjo smiled nervously and glanced at Niel. Niel moved his arm back and forth in front of his neck and then made a huge X with his arms. He didn’t want the others to know that they kissed. Changjo looked back at C.A.P and made up a lie on a spot. “With some girl in school. Yeah, with some girl…” then he wanted to tease Niel a bit and continued to speak. “A cute and y girl with awesome lips…” he looked over at Niel who was covering his face in embarrassment. He glared over at Changjo who looked away while laughing. The other members didn’t understand why the two acting that way but shrugged it off.


“O-kay…” C.A.P said. “Ehh how boring.” Changjo grinned and continued the game. The game continued with Niel walking into a wall, Chunji stuffing his mouth with random food that don’t taste good with each other, and L. Joe putting on bright red lipstick. L. Joe turned over to Ricky who didn’t go yet. “Truth or dare?” he asked.


“Hmm…truth.” He said.


“Okay let’s see…” L. Joe pondered. “I know! Out of all of us here, who would you rather kiss?” Ricky raised his eyebrow. Chunji and C.A.P laughed.


“Good one!” Chunji exclaimed.


“Yeah, who would you kiss?” Changjo asked while drinking water. “It’s not me is it?!” he exclaimed.


“No way!” Ricky exclaimed. Changjo sighed in relief. Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. “Yah, if I answer not only will I feel uncomfortable, the person I mention will be as well.”


“Nah, it’s okay. It’s not like you actually do.” L. Joe said.


“Or does he!” C.A.P said dramatically. L. Joe slightly pushed him while grinning.


“Well…out of all of you guys…I guess it would be…Niel.” Ricky said quietly. Niel slightly blushed but then raised an eyebrow. Changjo immediately crushed his cup of water in his hand. Niel and Chunji jumped out of his seats so they wouldn’t get wet.


“Whoa, what was that for!” Chunji exclaimed.


“Sorry, it was an automatic response.” Changjo replied. L. Joe looked at the time.


“Alright, I think it’s time to go sleep.” He said.


“Yeah,” C.A.P yawned. “It’s time to hit the shack.” C.A.P, Chunji and L. Joe went into their rooms.


“’Night,” Changjo whispered in Niel’s ear.


“Good night,” he replied back. Changjo went into his room.


“Hey umm Niel?” Ricky started to speak.


“Yeah?” Niel replied.


“About before umm…iwastellingthetruthaboutwantingtokissyou!” Ricky said it so quickly Niel didn’t understand.


“What?” Niel asked. Ricky sighed and grabbed Niel’s face with his hands and kissed him lightly before pulling back. “Y-Y-You…GAGHHH!!! Why does this happen to me!!!” Niel looked like a tomato. Ricky grinned.


“That was a better reaction than I anticipated.” He said.


“AWW MAN! FIRST CHANGJO AND NOW RICKY???” Niel yelled in frustration.


“Whoa wait…Changjo???” Ricky tried to take the information in. Niel froze but then sighed and nodded.


“But we’re not together!!!” he said quickly.


“Ah so that’s what Changjo meant when he was talking about his first kiss.” Ricky assumed. He then wrapped his arms around Niel’s waist and Niel’s lips slowly. “I agree with Changjo. You’re cute, y, and have awesome lips.” Ricky said seductively and reached in to kiss Niel again. But Niel, while blushing hard, pulled away from him and ran into his room.


“Uhh, good night!!!” he said and locked his door. Ricky smirked and his lips.


“He tastes good.” He mumbled and went into his room that he shared with Changjo and Chunji.




How was this one? I think this was better than the last one. >///< 

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Newbie99 #1
Chapter 5: Ah.... So cute... I love it....
Sooo sweet...
I loved this so much
Chapter 6: I think you should really make a full story to this! It's so good! :D I love the pairings too!
Chapter 5: Yah. I love this couple and there are seriously not enough fics for them.
More I need more.
Babyangelbestfriend #6
Chapter 6: THIS IS SO CUTEEEEEEE<3333333 I love this story^^ I loved allllllllll the pairings<3
Chapter 6: oh, wow, I am rather pleased with this... xDD
lanternofhair #8
nice story
ND2011hakuren #9
You know if you ever make a sequel let Niel be with Chanjo. I liked their pairing the most..