Red Strings


Luna and Kyungsoo first met in a dream. It was made possible by the Red Strings or Strings of Fate wherein two people who slept at the exact same time will be able to talk to each other through their fantasies. They both thought that it was a just a mere coincidence on why they continuously find each other on dreamland and neither of the two believed that one of them existed in real life. But when destiny pulled its strings again, Luna and Kyungsoo will still find themselves in each other's arms.

Main Characters:

Park Sooyoung/Luna

-> she's the perfect example of an open book.     
Luna will be Kyungsoo's moonlight, the reason why
he will be able to smile again.


Do Kyungsoo

-> he was fallen into misery before. He rarely 
smiles, and if he does, it's because the reason was precious.


I can still remember the first time I met her. It was at exactly 11:13:07 p.m. on November 17, 2013. I can perfectly describe her defined curves; her long, black hair that reached her torso; that perfect smile and shining eyes whenever she laughed; her cherry scent; and most of all, her melodic voice that brought me into this insane world of fantasy. When I'm with Luna, everything felt so real.

But every time we wake up, we ended up realizing that we are just a dream.



Or were we?


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Chapter 5: You're really awesome making a good stories author-nim. I'll wait for your future stories. Fightinggg~
Chapter 5: Yes, this is great!
The story just starts by now...
Fighting, Kyungsoo!!!
Authornim, well done!
Love you! <3
Chapter 4: Is Luna hit by the car driving by Kai & Sulli?
Oh my gosh... I got goosebumps...
Aw, believe me or not, but... I wrote almost the same idea of a story like this FF once when I was in high school...
About a girl who meets a boy from her dream, but how the story flows is pretty different... :D
Also mine, the story was narrated by the girl, not like yours. Just sharing tho... :D
Finally, Kyungsoo meets his dream girl, Park Sunyoung...
Ah, you have changed her name... That's right, it's Sunyoung! ;)
Chapter 3: What is it again, Chanyeol? Did you see her?
Chanyeol!!! :D
Aw, Suho... A motherly brother from different parents... Agagaga~
Chapter 2: Aw... So, Sulli did go to heaven...
Oh, Kai... :( I'm sorry...
And Kyungsoo too, he's the most heartbroken, since he lost his world, his only sister...
But then, it all brought him to Luna, his new world...
Soon, they'd be found... :)
Chapter 1: Did Sulli...? :'(
Nooo!!! :'(
Luna, the moon...
Hold a second, Authornim...
This whole time, who you mean by Park Sooyoung is Luna?
I always thought that it was Joy from Red Velvet...
Bc, as far I know, Luna's Korean name is Park Sunyoung...
So, the Park Sooyoung in the Alternatives is Luna too, right?
And now, I can imagine her in a better way... Ahahaha
Well, I like Luna & Do pairing, so let's go! ❣
Chapter 5: Beautifull ! Wonderful! Marvelous! Youre the best!ㅠㅠ i swear i'm curious to death for what will actually happen latter between them .
Chapter 5: This fix is just out of the world!!! It's the best :)