Height Issues


L.Joe has heard enough about his height. Yes, so what if he's short, as compared to the other Teen Top members? L.Joe really lost his patience when he brought his best friend to Teen Top's dorms, where he was again, insulted. L.Joe dashed back into his room and locked it firmly. Then, he started to pout.


Imma update after my exams end, next week. :9


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Vandjimin #1
Chapter 1: AAAAWWWW that's so cute nieljoe so good writing imma read it again
Chapter 1: XD I have lost count of the many times I read this .
And over time xD .
I really liked how he was sulking at first then hearing laughters out there made him cry bec I'm emotional like that , I don't like people making fun of me especially if it's my family OTL
So I know how it feels , it's not trivial to cry over it .
And when no one noticed his puffy eyes sobs , I can exactly relate .
His whole attitude the next day , made breakfast then locked himself again xD .
It was too onesided until Niel made it end sweetly ~
strafield #3
Chapter 1: Love love love love
sparrow101 #4
Chapter 1: gasp!!!!!!!!
Niel* i meant hehehe
So cutte omo~
Niljoe feels *O*
Chapter 1: So cute and fluffy!
Chapter 1: Nieljoe *moments*
Chapter 1: OMG,i seriously blushing and grinning like crazy when read this story of yours!!!
NielJoe noments,so sweeeeeet~~~~ <3<3
Chapter 1: NIELJOE!!!! <333