Stitched Hearts [Pit-A-Pat]


Just like any other female leading role in a drama, you’re a poor countryside girl looking for a living in the city. You travel from your hometown, Gwangjoo to Seoul. As you were packing your bags you couldn’t help but smile. You were excited because you finally got to travel outside of your hometown. As you’re boarding the train however, you meet a filthy rich bastard who treats you like trash even though you don’t know him. Though it may sound like any other Korean drama, you try to stay aloof from him and continue on with your journey, however until you realize that the only way for you to survive in the city is with that bastard.

-Why do you need help from that bastard?

- Is he going to help you?

- Will this turn into another Cinderella story?

-  Will you two fall in love?


Third Fanfic!

I'm taking a break from 'I'm Cold' because...I just can't get the next chapter to match well, so in the mean time.. new fanfic!!

I'm not a fan of Suzy, but I thought she would suit this role the best. 

Please anticipate :)


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I'm a big fan of Suzy as well & I love BAP as a group and their songs.. Update soon. :)
Suzy <3 Please update soon ! The first HimchanxSuzy story