9 Months

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This story started with Cho Kyuhyun, a young man who got rejected by someone who he love the most.. Unexpected, his failed confession during New year night brought him to new love which created by an accident with Kim Ryeowook, a young boy who live with his dad.. He is an ordinary boy who spend his times with work at his dad's bakery.. Kyuhyun's favourite bakery.. Because of Kyuhyun, Ryeowook should hide himself from everyone include his lovely dad and live with Kyuhyun for 9 months...



Note: i'm sorry for bad description ^^





"Kyu.. You what?? You ??"

"Hyung... I found the bread's maker~ i found the patissier~ and.. I'm falling in love with him, Hyung.."

"Huhh?? Are you sure?? It's love? Not guilty??"

"Wookie... How about you now? Is he treat you well?"

"He.. Kyu.."








New fluff Kyuwook story for all my lovely readers, my friends also my families who always supported me ^^

it's 100% Kyuwook,.....

it's mpreg... 

and this fic need subscriber, comments and a lot support  ^O^9

Thanks for everything from you all ^^


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urgoodmate #1
Chapter 20: I really love ur story
Opie90 #2
Chapter 7: Why minho do that? Its too childish, but i guest minho start realease his felling to kyuhyun
Opie90 #3
Chapter 6: Ommo that's was great story. Really sorry coz found this earlier. Snd my english is not good enough. Mianhae :)
Chapter 20: omo so cute! funny how kyuhyun is unstoppable ert! a little tooo old man! gyahahaha! thanks for holding onto him ryeonggu~
NishaRyeosomnia #5
Chapter 20: huwaaa.. >.<
this ending so romantic.. hihihi
i want boyfriend like Kyu too la.. #dicekekWook
hehe, seneng dech liat mereka kek gitu..
ok, aq lanjut baca ffmu yg lain ne nnti.. ^^
NishaRyeosomnia #6
Chapter 19: huft, Minho dah nyerah..
dan akhir'a dy sadar seberapa besar cinta Kyu ke Wook
aigo, Minjae-ya, bagi donk foto KyuWook yg lg kisseu.. >.<
Minjun bener2 kek Wook ya.. kkkk
kasian Kyu anak'a ngikutin sifat dy,, hihihi
NishaRyeosomnia #7
Chapter 18: Kyu babo namja..
giliran kek gini aja baru dech dy nyesel..
hayu sih, keras kepala, so stubborn boy.. -_-
Minho, greget dech liat'a disini, tp aq ucapin makasih ya udh mau jadi tempat pelarian Kyu sekaligus nyadarin Kyu kl dy tu ga bisa jauh2 dari Wook..
coba kl Wook ga dirimu dorong, mana bakal Kyu sadar.. #smirk
Wook baby, please, bertahan ya, ini br awal mulai kebahagiaanmu beb.. :')
NishaRyeosomnia #8
Chapter 17: huweee~~
Eonniii~~ T^T
chap ini bikin aq kesel sama Kyu.. #tendangKyu
jahat banget sih??
padahal Wook udh berusaha bwt maafin Appa & Eomma Cho..
tp Kyu malah ninggalin Wook kek gitu,,
udh ditinggalin disakitin lg bathin'a..
apa dy ga inget sama janji2 dy dl ke Wook??
mana Minho manfaatin kesempatan banget,,
bikin tambah kesel ke si koropi.. -_-
NishaRyeosomnia #9
Chapter 16: why about the car, Kyu??
mobil siapa itu emang??
ck, Wook mah ga jauh2 dari jerapah ya??
dalam sejarah belum ada pangeran naik jerapah bwt nemuin sang pujaan hati.. -_-
aigo, Minho kelakuan makin aneh aja dech,,
btw eonni, apa kau punya dendam pribadi ke Minho sampe tega bikin dy jadi antagonis??
NishaRyeosomnia #10
Chapter 15: oh no, kenapa Wookie's appa harus kecelakaan??
sapa itu yg nabrak??
Minho kah??
aigo, semoga aja hal terburuk ga terjadi..
btw Minho maksa bgt sih??
kl Kyu ga mau ikut ya biar sih..
kenapa dirimu selalu membuat perasaanku jungkir balik eonni-ya??
di awal manis2 adegan'a, giliran kesini'a nyesek.. -_-
pdhl aq demen bgt tu liat kyu sengsara gara2 ga dikasih nyimpen foto bayi'a.. kkkk