Until Five O'clock


Lessons have finished for the day and I have about two hours to spare until I have to meet with my tutor.

I can think of a perfect way to spend them.


I reach the entrance to the dorm block and run up the flight of stairs. The door is right at the end of the long corridor. I tap softly on the wood and hear a deep voice call 'It's open.'

Pushing the door open, I step in and then close it gently behind me.




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Chapter 1: awww so cute !!
dwylwyd #2
Chapter 1: 'revealing his chest in all its toned glory' cUES THE SQUEALS
hailhollyghe #3
Chapter 1: one word.... HOT!!!!
exospirit93 #4
Chapter 1: You should make a multi chapter sequel to this!! It's so so so good!! ^^
Chapter 1: Ohh my heart...Kris <333
THIS MADE MY DAY <3 How about a sequel authornim? :)
mysoulisstarving #7
Chapter 1: i need a sequel../ :/
ddongppyong #8
Chapter 1: damn man you're so good!
young-forever #9
Chapter 1: Omg it is amazing !!! It really needs a sequel :-) and ugh Kris is so hot!! :-) but really the oneshot was really good :-D
hamskkuma #10
Chapter 1: Oh gawd. This needs a sequel! xD Totally love it! <3