
Agent & Dr. C

A heavy blanket of snow had covered the mountains of the northern part of the country. To add to the spectacle, a cold chilling wind hollowed between the trees whilst the blizzard settled in. As the hikers slowly approached the summit of the mountain, their energy levels diminished, and they became more and more hopeless, regretting their adventure.

“Are we almost there?” shouted Kyuhyun to Sooyoung who was only a few meters away from him, but barely visible because of the poor visibility.

“I don’t know,” she shouted back, stopping. “I can’t see the signs that indicate which trail we’re on,” she sighed, trying to look through the heavy curtain that formed the snowflakes.

“Great, we’re lost,” muttered Kyuhyun when he had reached Sooyoung. “This is karma for calling you a . I’m sorry, by the way,” he said, sitting down on the snow, thankful for his snow pants.

“Karma was me listening to you call me a ,” replied Sooyoung, still looking for the path. “This is my karma,” she murmured to herself, closing her eyes in exasperation.

“Why are we even doing this?” grumbled Kyuhyun, drawing shapes in the snow with his walking pole.

“It’s a team-building exercise. It’s supposed to make us bond,” replied Sooyoung, starting to walk again.

“Haven’t we bonded already on your couch?” snickered Kyuhyun, quickly getting up and following her.

“It’s an exercise that every team has to complete at the Institute,” explained Sooyoung, ignoring his comment.

“You also did it with Luna?” puffed Kyuhyun, trying to keep up with Sooyoung’s rapid pace.

“Yup, we had a treasure hunt in Seoul,” replied Sooyoung.

“And why are we stuck on the top of a mountain, in the middle of winter?” groaned Kyuhyun, visibly annoyed.

“Technically, winter doesn’t begin until the 21st of December and we’re doing this because our partnership will last longer than the one I have with Luna,” retorted Sooyoung, offering him her first smile of the day. Kyuhyun felt the world stop when Sooyoung smiled at him. He suddenly felt warmth diffuse through his body, despite the cold environment in which he was. However, Sooyoung didn’t give him a chance to react and was already walking at a fast pace again, desperate to find their cabin. Kyuhyun looked at her walk away and shook his head, trying to understand the state in which he found himself. Once again, Sooyoung was faster than him and interrupted his thoughts.

“I found it,” she shouted for a second time, pointing at a faint outline that looked like a cabin. Kyuhyun grumbled something, about being punished, under his breath, and continued his walk towards the outline, hoping it wasn’t an illusion of some sort.


After what seemed like an eternal walk, the pair finally found themselves facing the cabin’s front door. Sooyoung quickly took off her gloves, passed them to Kyuhyun – who looked surprised at how familiar the action was – and looked for the key in her inner coat pocket. Kyuhyun offered to unlock the door when he saw Sooyoung’s hands trembling because of the cold. He had a long fight with the frozen lock only to get it to move a little bit. Tired of being cold, the Doctor exhaled loudly, in frustration, and pushed him away before managing to unlock the door and opening it. The pair walked into the cabin relived to find a warm shelter, but to their great dismay it was as frigid as the outside world.

“I’ll start a fire,” offered Kyuhyun, walking over to the fireplace, after he had taken off his hiking gear.

“Do you know how to start one?” asked Sooyoung, looking for a thermostat.

“Of course,” grinned Kyuhyun, putting some logs into the fireplace. “It’s literally the first thing you learn when you begin your military service.”

“Is it?” asked Sooyoung, raising the thermostat’s temperature.

“No, not really,” admitted Kyuhyun. As soon as he was done talking, a roaring sound could be heard through the little cabin indicating that Sooyoung had successfully started the heating system. Kyuhyun pursed his lips disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to show his skills. Sooyoung used to Kyuhyun’s facial expressions quickly caught on to his dilemma.

“Although you can keep the fire on. It’ll keep us warm. I make us some hot chocolate,” she offered when an awkward silence had settled in.


Sooyoung stood behind Kyuhyun and watch him staring at the fire. She wondered what was going through the mind that she once knew so well. With a light tap on the shoulder, Sooyoung offered Kyuhyun a warm cup of hot chocolate milk. She couldn’t help but smile when she noticed that he still had the same adorable look of surprise that he had in the hospital. The Coroner sat next to him, on the floor, and they both drank their hot chocolates whilst looking at the fire burn, with their back against the couch. The occasional sound of cracking wood would disturb the silence that walked the fine line between a comfortable silence and one that was awkward. After both their mugs had been emptied, Kyuhyun managed to gather enough courage to talk to Sooyoung only to realize that she was fast asleep. A faint smile appeared on his composed face whilst he got up. Kyuhyun gently took the mug away from her hands and placed a blanket, which he had found on the couch, on her. He then lightly tiptoed to the kitchen and washed the used mugs. Just as Kyuhyun was closing the cupboard’s door the sound of someone knocking vigorously on the front door and a cry for help roared through the small chalet. Sooyoung, who still had her reflexes back from her time in the Emergency room, was up in a fraction of a second and opening the front door in another one. Kyuhyun arrived at the front door moments after. The sight that greeted Kyuhyun and Sooyoung, when Sooyoung opened the door, made them both gasp in surprise and horror. A corpulent man, covered in bold, awaited them on the other side of the door. At his feet’s was a scrawny and pale looking man who was also covered in blood.

“Help,” pleaded the larger man, between two puffs. “My friend is hurt.”

“What happened?” asked Sooyoung, wasting no time and pulling the injured man into the cottage, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

“We were out hiking, some sort of team building drill,” debuted the friend. Kyuhyun nodded nonchalantly and rolled his eyes, glad he wasn’t the only one doing the exercise. Sooyoung gave him a dark look before turning her attention towards the injured man. “Then we got separated,” continued the man. “I can’t walk as fast as him, because well, you know,” he said showing his corpulent body. “But then, I heard Jaewon calling for help and when I got to him… His walking pole was lodged in the side of his neck and he was bleeding.“

“What did you do with the walking poke?” asked Sooyoung, looking at the wound.

“I took it off and threw it away,” replied the man.

“Idiot, that just made the bleeding worst,” grumbled Sooyoung. “Kyuhyun give me my first aid kit, it’s in my backpack,” ordered Sooyoung. “What’s his name?” she asked.

“Choi Jaewon,” answered the man, looking at his friend in concern.

“And yours?” continued Sooyoung, putting on the plastic gloves that Kyuhyun was handing her.

“Park Hyunjin ma’am.”

“Jaewon-shi can you hear me?” asked Sooyoung, making eye contact with the injured for the first time. Jaewon tried to talk but the only sound that came out from him was a gurgle. “Don’t talk, blink once for yes and twice for no,” ordered Sooyoung. The injured looked at his friend and blinked once. “Thanks to your friend here you’ll be able to live. My name is Dr. Choi Sooyoung and I’ll be taking care of you today. We need to raise him up.” Following Sooyoung’s orders, the two men dragged Jaewon and made him sit against one of the walls of the cottage, while Sooyoung stopped the bleeding with her hand.

“Are you an angel?” managed to articulate Jaewon, looking at Sooyoung with admiration. Sooyoung chuckled lightly and shook her head.

“No I’m not,” she replied. “I’m just your doctor. We need to get his temperature up, can someone grab me a blanket, please?” Hyunjin nodded and quickly placed the blanket Sooyoung was sleeping with on his friend. “We are starting to lose him,” murmured Sooyoung. “He needs a blood transfusion. Jaewon-shi, I need to take your heart rate, okay? I’m just going to put a bit of pressure, here, on the other side of your neck, okay?” The man blinked once and Sooyoung quickly placed two fingers on the side of his neck, looked at her watch and started counting. “Heart rate is low,” she announced, looking for something in her first aid kit. “Jaewon-shi what’s your blood type?”

“O plus,” mumbled Jaewon. Sooyoung nodded and wrote it on the back of his hand, with the marker she had found in the kit.

“I’m going to try and stop the bleeding now, but you will need surgery. I’m going to stabilize you now, okay?” Sooyoung did not wait for an answer and turned her head towards Kyuhyun.

“Are you okay?” she asked, frowning. Kyuhyun suddenly looked almost as pale as Jaewon.

“Yeah, I am,” he replied faintly looking at Sooyoung’s pearl pendant dangle over the wounded.

“Don’t tell me the blood is making you queasy,” she grumbled, applying some gauze on the wound.

“It’s not,” snapped Kyuhyun, not wanting Sooyoung to see that he was in fact feeling a bit queasy.

“Good,” replied Sooyoung, applying more gauze. “I need you to go call for an EMS team to come and get him."

“I’ll do it,” he replied, getting up. Once he had put his winter coat, pants, and boots on, Kyuhyun walked out of the cabin, hoping to get a better reception outside. He walked in the snow and used the side of the cabin to help him maintain his balance. It was however of little use. Kyuhyun felt his legs and body become weaker and weaker by the second until all of a sudden darkness surrounded him.



Kyuhyun opened his eyes lazily and saw a pearl pendant sway over his face. His eyes followed the pendant to see who was the owner of it and he saw a pair of big brown eyes looking straight into his. Bewitched, he opened his mouth, but a shot of pain crossed his whole body. He suddenly felt a burning sensation in his lower neck and in his groin. Kyuhyun groaned loudly, despite how painful it was to open his mouth. He tried to sit up, wanting to understand where he was and what had happened to him, but the owner of the pair of eyes gently pushed him back on the bed.

“Someone please shoot two of morphine in him,” ordered the woman, in a soft but firm tone.

“On it,” replied a woman’s voice.

“What’s his name?” asked his protector.

“Agent Cho Kyuhyun,” replied yet another woman’s voice.

“Kyuhyun-shi, can you hear me? My name is Doctor Choi Sooyoung and I’ll be taking care of you today, okay? You are at the Seoul National University Hospital. You’ve been shot twice, once in the lower left neck and the other in the upper right thigh. Don’t say anything, okay? Just blink once for yes and two for a no, do you understand?” Kyuhyun looked straight into the mocha coloured eyes and blinked once. The woman smiled warmly at him and took his hand. Kyuhyun smiled foolishly and squeezed it, rubbing his thumb on back of her hand. The Doctor giggled softly and Kyuhyun thought he saw her blush.

“Nurse Moon, could we get two bags of A plus blood, please? I don’t want him to bleed to death under my watch.”

“Copy that Doctor,” responded yet a different woman’s voice.

“I’m going to place an arm cuff and we are going to take your blood pressure,” explained the Doctor, gently strapping the cuff around his left arm. As soon as the cuff was on, Kyuhyun felt it tighten around his arm, pinching his skin, and then a slow release of the pressure.

“How is it?” asked Doctor Choi.

“Low, very low,” replied a female voice. Kyuhyun looked at his doctor observe the monitor and bite her lip.

“We need to get his temperature up. Someone please bring me some warm blankets. He also needs three of penicillin STAT,” ordered the dark-haired doctor. She then turned around and looked at what he assumed was his bleeding neck. She delicately applied more dressings on it and secured them tightly with medical tape.

“I need someone to book an OR and page Doctors Choi, Kim, and Im. Tell them we have a twenty-four year old male, with gunshot wounds to the thigh and lower neck, who is being stabilized right now. We need the OR STAT. I don’t care if you have to kick someone out, this man needs to be in there STAT. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, Doctor,” said what Kyuhyun assumed to be a nurse. The Doctor looked back straight into his eyes, the pendant swigging back and forth around her neck.

“You’re going to be fine,” she whispered, gently wiping his forehead with a towel, to take off the pearls of sweat. “You’re going to go into surgery and the doctors will take good care of you. Don’t worry.” Kyuhyun feebly took her hand in his and gathered all the energy left in his body to mumble only a few words.

“Are you an angel?” The Doctor giggled lightly and shook her head.

“No, I’m just your doctor” she replied, in a whisper.

“Then….,” Kyuhyun never got a chance to finish his sentence because a shot of pain stabbed his chest and the room started to spin around him.

“He’s coding,” shouted his doctor. “Get a crash cart! Call the code! Don’t leave me,” pleaded the Doctor, lowering his bed into a horizontal position. “Don’t leave me,” she repeated. Kyuhyun tried to say something, but he felt his body go flaccid. The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was the pearl pendant against the milky white skin of its owner.



Kyuhyun woke with a burning sensation on his cheek. He opened his eyes, in confusion, and realized his was lying on the frigid snow. He slowly pushed himself up and sat in the snow, trying to understand what had happened to him. Before he could get to any conclusion, he felt nauseated and a few moments later Kyuhyun found himself bending over and vomiting all of his stomach’s contents. Once he was sure he wouldn’t regurgitate anything else, Kyuhyun thought of at what he had seen and wondered if it was true or not. After much deliberation, he concluded that it must have been his imagination, once again. His brain had probably made it up, after seeing Sooyoung work on the man inside the cabin. Kyuhyun had to admit to himself that his past would probably stay unknown to him whether he liked it or not, but he couldn’t help but wonder if it was really his imagination. What if it was true? Victoria had told him that Sooyoung had taken care of him in the emergency room. Kyuhyun shook his head, concentrating on the task Sooyoung had given him. He didn’t know how long he had been unconscious, but he did know there was a man inside the cabin that was in the same position Kyuhyun was a few years before. Kyuhyun rang the emergency number, at his work, and put in an urgent request for an EMS team. He then slowly turned around and walked back to the cabin, fearing Sooyoung’s questions.


“What took you so long?” snapped Sooyoung, hand on the neck of Jaewon.

“I had trouble getting a signal,” lied Kyuhyun, putting on some plastic gloves. “Here, take you hand away. You’ve done enough for today,” he said, placing his hand over hers. Sooyoung looked at him in surprise.

“You need to keep a stable pressure,” she instructed.

“I will, “ promised Kyuhyun, looking straight into the brown eyes that were now so familiar to him. Sooyoung skilfully removed her bloody hand and looked at him in wonder. Kyuhyun gave her a sad smile, before turning his attention back to the injured, not without taking a look at her pendant. They both rotated every ten minutes, while they waited for the medical team, as the injured grew weaker.

“His circling down the drain. Where is the medical team?” hissed Sooyoung, when Jaewon slipped into unconsciousness.

“They should be here any minute now,” replied Kyuhyun, looking nervously at front door of the cabin. As if on cue, there was a soft knock on the door, followed by two paramedics opening it.

“Finally,” exclaimed Sooyoung, wheeling in the strecher next to Jaewon. She expertly brought it down and opened the first aid kit on it, clearly looking for something. The Paramedics stopped in surprise, but then quickly gained back their confidence again.

“Excuse ma’am, you are not allowed to touch that,” said the first one, getting closer to Sooyoung.

“Why not? I know what I’m doing,” she retorted, starting the heart monitor. The second paramedic smirked before talking.

“You might have seen this on Grey’s Anatomy or something, but that doesn’t mean you know how to use it,” he reasoned.

“Who are you to tell me that?” countered Sooyoung once more. Kyuhyun chuckled softly when he saw the confused expression of the paramedics.

“I’m Do Kyungsoo and this is my partner Luhan and we are certified paramedics, not like you: an amateur.”

“Oh really? An amateur,” snapped Sooyoung. “Then please tell me how an amateur wins the award for rookie emergency physician of the year, as well as graduating top of her class? My name is Dr. Choi Sooyoung, google it if you don’t believe me,” she finished off, injecting something into Jaewon. The two paramedics looked at each, wondering what to do next, but Sooyoung was ahead of them.

“Bring this man to the Seoul National University Hospital STAT. I want you to page Dr. Choi, Kim, and Im for an emergency procedure. Dr. Lee will probably be the one receiving the patient at the ER, tell him Dr. Choi Sooyoung prepared him,” ordered Sooyoung, helping Jaewon onto the stretcher, with the help of his friend. Sooyoung quickly strapped him in and pushed the stretcher towards the two paramedics. “Off you go,” she ordered again. The two men looked at her and then at the man on the stretcher and quickly understood the urgency of the situation. The rolled him out of the cabin, without any more questons, before putting him in their medical helicopter.

“Off you go too,” said Sooyoung, pushing Hyunjin, with all his belonging, out of the cabin. “Your friend needs you.” Hyunjin looked at her and Kyuhyun in surprise and abruptly bowed deeply.

“Thank you so much,” he said. “My friend owes you his life. How can we thank you?” Sooyoung chuckled lightly and shook her head.

“No, your friend owes his life to you. You are the one who brought him safely to us. We just patched him up. You saved his life.” A bright smile ran across Hyunjin’s chubby cheeks. “Now go,” urged Sooyoung. “You’ll miss your flight!” Hyunjin bowed one last time, before running as fast as his heavy body could take him towards the helicopter.


Kyuhyun and Sooyoung spend the reminder of the afternoon cleaning up the cabin from all the bloodstains that were left behind. After the cabin was back to its original state, Kyuhyun went back to his intense staring contest with the fire, lost in his thoughts. Sooyoung tapped lightly on his shoulder, for a second time that day, and offered him a glass of wine.

“You brought wine?” he exclaimed in surprise, taking the glass Sooyoung was offering him.

“Of course, I always need a nice glass of wine to relax after a long day,” she said, sitting next to him, once again.

“What kind is it?” he asked, smelling the wine.

“La Vieille Ferme,” replied Sooyoung, taking a sip.

“I hope it’s not from 2009?” grimaced Kyuhyun.

“Of course not,” reasoned Sooyoung. “It was a horrible year, why would I buy some?”

“Well then,” said Kyuhyun with a smirk. “To our love of wine,” he said offering her his glass. Sooyoung smiled playful and taped it lightly with hers.

“Cheers,” she said.




A few days later, after Sooyoung and Kyuhyun had arrived back in Seoul. After their adventurous team-building exercise had come to an end, Kyuhyun found himself staring at an apartment door. For what he thought was the millionth time, he looked around to make sure no one had noticed his unusual behaviour. Gathering all his courage, for the fifth time, he finally managed to knock on the door. When he finished knocking, Kyuhyun was sure his heart had skipped more than one beat and when the door opened, revealing the feminine silhouette, he was sure his heart had fallen into his intestines. He bit his lip and looked up at the woman he was now absolutely sure that he was in love with. His mouth felt dry, but he had to go on.

“I have been thinking about us, these past few days,” he debuted. “About our past, our present and our future and I…I have come to the conclusion that I love you, more than anything in this world. I’ve come to realize that life is so short and I could drop dead tomorrow morning and I don’t want to drop dead without you, not when we’ve been away from each other for so long. Without you I am lost. I’ve been trying to find myself since I lost my memory, but with you I am myself. I am not lost. You complete me. I don’t want to spend another moment without you by my side. I want to tell you every morning, afternoon, and evening that I love you. Freely, with no strings attached. I know I’ve made mistakes, but I’m trying to be a better man for you. Everything I do is for you,” he said, getting down on one knee. “Song Qian, will you marry me?”


A/N:Thank you once again to all my wonderful subscribers, new and old, thank you for sticking to this story. I love you!

Okay no, but seriously...what do you think??? Leave your thoughts below so I can spazz with you!! Ah I can't wait to see your reactions!!

Lohsna I'm looking at you! Those exo members were for you!

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Chapter 9: Seriously, i'm in love wth this story! Good job authornim :D
bukaqiaqia #2
My favorite! I am a new reader and so glad to find this awesome story!
Ps.Did sooyoung lie about her phone to avoid kyu using it?
trotch #3
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and read it all at one shot. It's so good!!! I'm waiting for the next season!
soobeautifulchoi #4
Chapter 10: I love it :D
I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 10: You did a great job on your trailer, nice editing.... Can't wait for the next season.

lulu88 #6
Chapter 10: When I so it marked as completed I was confused and disappointed and then her it is another part of this wonderful story , and the trailer is great .
going to read season two now :)
Chapter 10: OMG *_* the trailer ..,, is AWESOME !!!
can't wait for the next season !
hope kyuyoung will still be alive !
update soon, hwaiting !
neonflowers #8
Chapter 10: Waaah cant wait for the second season but then how come when i click the link it redirects me to my stories...?

I mean idk if its just my phone going cray cray or you made a mistake HAHA
singsongsungjong #9
Great story! ^_~
lohsna #10
Chapter 10: for a sec i thought you abruptly make this complete *sob sob.
Yeeeeeey season 2. Lets go :D