
Agent & Dr. C

Sooyoung sat at her desk and looked down at all her case files. She grabbed the ones closest to her and read the reports: two homeless people, one man and one woman, had died of heat , nothing out of the ordinary considering the scorching heats of August. She signed off cause of death and hoped that someone would come and reclaim the bodies. Probably not, they always ended in a Potter’s field, she thought placing the files aside. Her third file was the one of a e found dead in her apartment. Sooyoung had concluded that cause of death was due to strangulation and obviously no one had seen or heard anything. Again, she signed off cause of death and put an urgent note for the police to look into the murder of the young twenty year old girl, but knew full well the police would never waste their time and money on a low life , like they liked to call them. At least someone would reclaim that body. Her last file was the one of the dead man from the night before. This time she couldn’t sign cause of death. She looked at the pictures, that Luna had taken the night before, of the dead body. There were no signs of struggle. It looked exactly like his wife had said, he had gone to bed and the next morning he was dead. Something was wrong, she thought, looking at the unrecognizable face of the victim. Why was the state of decomposition so advanced? Was something put on the body to advance the decomposition rate? Acid?

“Would you look at that? You look y today,” exclaimed Tiffany, barging into her office, cutting off her train of thoughts.

“Tiff! What are you doing here?” exclaimed Sooyoung, closing her file, and giving her best friend her warmest smile. Of all her friends from medical school, Tiffany was the one she was the closest to. She was also the only one that knew about her infamous accident three years before.

“Don’t change the subject, you sneaky girl,” she teased, sitting down at a chair in front of Sooyoung's desk. “Why are you dress so hotly? It this a new way to revive all your dead people?”

“Shut up, Fany!” she laughed. “I just wanted to feel pretty for once.” She concluded looking down at her outfit. Not knowing why, that morning she had abandoned her usual suit and traded it for a black pencil skirt, with a loose cream coloured blouse, topped with black platform shoes, and pearls earrings and bracelets.  

“What’s his name?” retorted Tiffany.

“There is no one,” insisted Sooyoung. “Why are you here?”

“I just came to take you away from your dungeon, girl! If you keep living with the dead you’ll become one. How about we got out together, today? Hmm? I am sure your bodies won’t mind having to wait another day.”

“I wish I could,” sighed Sooyoung, “but I got teamed up with this Detective from the Korean National Police Agency. We just got our first case yesterday and I still haven’t figured out cause of death.”

“So that’s the guy,” exclaimed Tiffany. “I knew there was someone! What’s his name?”

“There is no one and his name is Agent Cho,” said Sooyoung, looking straight into her friend’s eyes.

“Oh Soo,” whispered Tiffany, all happiness washed away from her face. 

“Agent Cho Kyuhyun,” repeated Sooyoung, still looking into Tiffany’s eyes.


“I know, I know. I didn’t choose him; the Institute and the KNPA assigned us together. I’ll keep it professional this time. I promise.”

“Promise, baby? You’re just getting over the whole ordeal.”

“I promise,” she repeated, looking at her watch. “Anyways, you should go. He’ll be here any minute now, we have a morning meeting to discuss the case,” she said getting up from her chair.

“Yeah, okay I’ll go. Call me later,” she said, blowing a kiss to Sooyoung before leaving her office with a sad smile. On her way out, Tiffany thought about her best friend’s situation and Kyuhyun’s. She hoped Sooyoung would have the strength to work with him without feeling too much pain. Lost in her anger, Tiffany bumped into Kyuhyun and gave him a death look when she realized who he was.

“You,” she flatly said, before continuing her march.

“Geez, what’s up with her?” asked Kyuhyun walking into Sooyoung’s office. “Who is she anyways?”

“That was Dr. Hwang,” replied Sooyoung, turning around and walking back to her desk.

“Well I am starting to believe my girlfriend who says that all doctors are arrogant and cold with people who are not doctors.”

“What does your girlfriend do, Agent Cho?” asked Sooyoung, pretending to look for the case file, trying to avoid any kind of eye contact with him. You know the answer, scolded a voice in her head.

“She’s a nurse,” replied Kyuhyun, getting closer to Sooyoung’s desk.

“Oh,” was the only thing Sooyoung could answer, feeling her heartbeat accelerate as Kyuhyun made his way closer to her. So as to not feel his gaze on her, Sooyoung ducked her head underneath her desk, pretending to look through some drawers.

“Is this what you are looking for Doc?” he asked, taping on the file, who was sitting in plain sight, on her desk. Sooyoung popped her head for under her desk, feeling her cheeks become warmer and warmer by the second. Her big brown eyes looked at the file and then at Kyuhyun.

“Yes,” she answered, trying to look composed. Kyuhyun’s heart missed a beat when Sooyoung had appeared from behind her desk. Before he knew it a second flashback was taking over his mind. Big brown eyes were looking down at him with concern. The owner of them was speaking, but he couldn’t understand if she was talking to him or to someone else. Soon it became evident that she was giving orders. His eyes fell on a beautiful silver necklace with a pearl pendant.

“Agent Cho, can I help you?” asked Sooyoung, pulling him away from his thoughts.

“That necklace,” he stuttered, while pointing at it. “It’s beautiful,” was the only thing he managed to say.

“Oh, thank you,” said Sooyoung bringing her hand to it, the pendant. “My parents gave it to me when I got accepted into medical school.”    “Do you always wear it?” he questioned, transfixed by the new object that felt so familiar.

“Yes, it makes me feel like my parents are always with me,” she answered, lowering her gaze.

“I am sorry,” the detective said, still lost in a nebulous past.

“Why? I never said they were dead,” she replied, grabbing the file. “Please, have a seat,” she invited him, pointing at a set of couches in front of her desk area. Kyuhyun looked over at the couches Sooyoung was inviting him to. They were set in a living room setting, with one large couch facing two individual ones and in between was a coffee table.

“Coffee?” asked Sooyoung, after Kyuhyun had settled down on the larger couch. Kyuhyun only nodded. Whilst she prepared the coffee, he looked at her slim figure and wondered how such a small thing could be so aggressive.

“So why did Martha Stewart puke all over your office?” he asked, looking at the modern, chic decoration of the Medical Examiner’s office. The warm and welcoming atmosphere of the office was a sharp contrast from the cold one of the morgue. The cold ceramic tiles, that were in the morgue, had been replaced by wood, whilst the walls were a soothing plum colour. Nothing lead to believe that it was the office of the cold doctor he had met less than 24 hours ago.

“This is where I tell families how their loved ones died, Agent Cho. I owe it to them to make it as comforting as I can,” replied Sooyoung, handing him a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, I guess you are right,” he answered, looking at the cup of coffee with a frown. With all the commotion he had forgotten how he hated when other people prepared his coffee. He was so peculiar about it even Victoria didn’t dare to make him a cup. Choosing not to anger the Doctor, Kyuhyun took a sip of the coffee anticipating the worst. When the warm liquid came in contact with his taste buds, he couldn’t believe what he tasted. He even had to take a second sip to confirm what he thought. It was the perfect blend of coffee, milk and a slight tint of sugar, which only he could achieve. He looked over at the Doctor who was peacefully reading the file. How could she know?

“Oh my God,” exclaimed Luna, walking into the office.

“What,” asked Kyuhyun and Sooyoung at the same time, both having had their chain of thoughts interrupted.

“What’s his name,” questioned Luna excitedly, sitting on the couch next to Sooyoung.

“Cho Kyuhyun… I drove you home last night. Don’t you remember,” he asked in total confusion.

“No, not you,” hissed Luna, signalling him to shut up.

“There’s no one,” Sooyoung calmly answered for the second time that day.

“Oh come on Dr. C! I know there is someone. I haven’t seen you wearing something like this since…like forever! So, what’s his name?”

“There is no one! Can’t a girl dress nicely for once?” exclaimed Sooyoung.

“Sure…Hey Dr. C, can I follow you for lunch? I want to make sure you don’t have a secret lunch date.”

“You may and I don’t have a lunch date,” the Doctor calmly answered, before going back to her coffee. Kyuhyun who had witnessed the scene in silence felt an eerie feeling at the mention of his partner having a date with a mystery man.

“Ladies. Enough,” he snapped much to Sooyoung and Luna’s surprise. “Can we please talk about the case? I thought you girls didn’t talk about your private lives at work.”

“Yeah, but it’s not nine yet and we still have about two minutes before the hour, so yeah…,” chirped Luna.

“You approve of this,” he asked, looking over at Sooyoung.

“Of course, the dead can wait another two minutes,” she replied, turning her eyes back to her reading. The three remained in silence for a while, forcing Kyuhyun to look at his e-mail, killing time before the magical hour of 9AM.

“You’re hot,” declared Luna, staring at Kyuhyun.

“Well, thank you,” he smirked. “I get that a lot.”

“You and Dr. C would look good together. I mean you’re both hot. I ship the two of you,” she concluded, looking at her mentor’s eternally long legs.

“Dr. Park,” snapped Sooyoung, hoping to take the attention away from her. Kyuhyun looked over at the doctor who was usually so composed and now looked flustered. The more he looked at her, the less he could decide if she was blushing or if it was his imagination. Probably his imagination, he concluded, it had been playing a lot of games on him in the last 24 hours.

“Well thank you Luna, but I already have a girlfriend.”

“Would you look at the time,” interrupted Sooyoung. “It’s already 9 o’clock! Time to work,” and with those words the two doctors became as frigid and professional as the night before. Kyuhyun observed them in silence, both concentrated on their task, discussing findings, like their lives depended on them.

“We asked for a facial reconstruction when we first got the body. We should be getting the results soon,” explained Sooyoung. Clearly he had missed the beginning.

“Why? We found ID on him and his wife identified him as Kim Sangho. Isn’t that enough?” retorted Kyuhyun.

“For your team maybe, but not for mine. State of decomp was fairly advanced, I couldn’t confirm that the body is really the one of Kim Sangho. This is why I am the best, I don’t leave loose ends to a case Agent Cho.” Kyuhyun stared at the Doctor and nodded, angry at himself for being beaten by a doctor working on her first official case, while he was in his own backyard.  

“So has your team actually found something?”

“No, not really,” sighed Sooyoung. “There are no signs of abrasion or struggle. There is no bullet wound and I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that it’s a natural death. Something is fishy in all of this.”

“Well at least we can agree of that,” grumbled Kyuhyun. “There were no witnesses and his wife called the police as soon as she found him dead, the next morning. We took her in for questioning and everything came out clear.”

“Mmm I am not too sure about that,” interrupted Sooyoung. “Like I said, state of decomposition is too advanced for a death to occur over night, plus you smelt that horrible smell the body had. She’s lying. I’ll get Dr. Park to do a CBC and a tox screen. After that, we’ll do a CT and MRI to rule out any sort of internal damage and if that’s not conclusive, we’ll cut. Got that Dr. Park?”

“I did,” answered Luna, scribbling on her notepad. Kyuhyun looked at the two doctors and felt a cold chill go down his spine. That chill he got when a case wasn’t advancing as fast as he wished. He was losing precious time.

“I am not impressed Dr. Choi,”

“Excuse me?” exclaimed Sooyoung.

“I was told you are the best in Seoul, some even said Korea. Yet it’s been over 24 hours and you still haven’t IDed my man or given me any sort of clues on how he died,” he responded, now pacing around her office.

“Well, I am sorry we are taking away so much of your precious time Detective Cho,” she said, insisting on his title. “But, if it weren’t for you, who wanted so desperately to leave the lab last night and get back to your girlfriend, we would have the answers to your questions.”

“Don’t bring my girlfriend into this,” he threatened, getting closer to her, and looking straight into her eyes. They stood in front of each other, staring into each other’s eyes, neither one of them wanting to give away and let the other one win. As the tension between them mounted, Kyuhyun felt some memories comeback to him. Memories that had been robbed for their owner over three years ago, but after tantalizing their owner and finally being ready to fully comeback.

“Oh my gosh! Who is it?” exclaimed a voice, coming from the entrance of the office. Sooyoung gave up on the staring contest and turned around to see her artist in residence, Kim Taeyeon, staring at her and Kyuhyun.

“It’s no one. I just wanted to dress nicely today. Please, why are you here?” urged Sooyoung. Taeyeon looked at her friend and nodded. It was work hours, she had forgotten about her friend’s policy.

“Well, I have some news about your dead guy.”

“Please let them be good ones,” pleaded Kyuhyun, slouching down on the couch.

“I am afraid not. The body you gave me does not match the IDs his wife provided.”

“You mean?” asked Luna.

“I mean Dead Guy at the morgue is Latino and the IDs are those of a Korean man. Meaning the wife is not really his wife. Congratulations on your John Doe.” A silence fell on the trio, each wondering where they had gone wrong in their investigation. As soon as he had processed the information, Kyuhyun was on his feet and making his way out of the office.

“I need to get back to the office. Dr. Choi find me cause of death, now,” he exclaimed leaving the office in a flurry. Sooyoung wasted no time either and went on to give her own set of orders.

“Dr. Park get down to the lab ASAP, conduct all the tests I asked for and bring me the results as soon as you have them.” The young doctor nodded, feeling the urgency of the situation, and followed the steps of Kyuhyun out of the office.

“Thank you Taeyeon,” said Sooyoung, suddenly feeling exhausted by all the morning commotion.

“You’re welcome, I’ll call you when I find a match,” she replied, before leaving the Doctor alone in her pastel coloured office. Sooyoung stared at the place Kyuhyun had been sitting in and felt infuriated. If it weren’t for him, she would’ve stayed at the lab longer the night before and have all the tests he needed that same morning. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t be wearing high heels and her feet wouldn’t be in so much pain. She sat down on the couch helplessly. There was nothing to do. All she had to do was wait for Luna to bring back the test results and Kyuhyun to give sign of life. Sooyoung stared at the ceiling of her office and wondered. Could he still not remember a thing that had happened between them? Would they still be together if he hadn’t had his accident? Would they be married? Sooyoung bit her lip hardly, feeling tears forming in her eyes. It was useless to think about those things. It was clear that they weren’t meant to be together. He was probably happier with Victoria. She closed her eyes and tried to think of other things, it was work hours. She wasn’t supposed to be thinking about her personal life. She didn’t know how long she had been mediating about her past and future when Taeyeon made her second appearance of the day in her office.

“I got a match,” she exclaimed excitedly.

“That was fast.”

“Yeah, well there aren’t much Latinos in Korea. Your guy is named Alejandro Ramirez,” Taeyeon started her presentation, handing her an identification sheet. “He got a working VISA, roughly a year ago, to open a Mexican restaurant in Seodaemun, El Gato Loco. Restaurant best known for their burritos.”

“Mmm burritos,” salivated Sooyoung, looking at the picture Taeyeon had handed her. “Thank you Tae, I owe you one.”

“No problemo, just tell me who it is.”

“There is no one.”

“Really? Last time you wore something like this to work was three years ago, when you worked at the ER. Oh my God! Is it that other Dr. Choi? The one that had the hots for you.” Sooyoung stared at her friend without batting an eye.

“Right, office hours. I am sorry,” replied Taeyeon, who understood that it was her cue to leave. Sooyoung waited until Taeyeon had left her office to look at the information she had just given her. Logically, she had to pass on the information to Kyuhyun, she thought grabbing her phone and looking through her contact list. She looked up at the contact information and wondered if he still had the same phone number. She could try, but then again what if it worked? How could she explain having his personal phone number? She could lie and tell him that his office had given it to her, but what if he asked them later and they said they didn’t? She decided not to take a chance. If he wanted to reach her, he could call her at the Institute and she could call the police station. She settled on another phone number.

“Hey Dr. C,” answered Luna after the third ring.

“How are the tests going?”

“Good. I have everything you need,” answered Luna in her usual peppy tone.

“Perfect. You said you wanted to follow me for lunch? Do you still want to come?”

“Of course I do! I am coming right up. Where are we going?”

“Oh, I’ve been in the mood for Mexican lately. I heard there is a really good restaurant in Seodaemun, El Gato Loco,” said Sooyoung in a nonchalant tone. She figured she had nothing to lose if they went there. She had no official way of contacting Kyuhyun and she was hungry.


Luna and Sooyoung were seated in front of each other in a corner of El Gato Loco. On the way to the restaurant, Luna had briefed Sooyoung about the tests results. As expected, the blood count had shown no abnormalities for the age of the victim. What had disturbed Luna the most wasn’t the amount of that came out in the tox screen, but a mysterious substance Luna couldn’t identify.

“I don’t know what it is,” sighed Luna handing her the skeletal structure of the substance. “I’ve never seen it before.” Sooyoung looked in horror at the paper her student was handing her.

“Pass me the scans, please,” demanded Sooyoung, still looking at the paper. Luna took the scans out of their envelope and gave them to Sooyoung, who looked at them in silence.

“He was poisoned,” breathed out Sooyoung.

“What? How?”

“See this compound attached to the molecule? It’s poisonous and if I am correct, one of its effects on the human body is a high fever. A fever high enough to kill someone.”

“And that would explain the internal damage that we seen on the scans,” concluded Luna.

‘The only question now is who did it,” said Sooyoung, dumping her tortilla chip in the salsa. “State of decomp was fairly advanced, I put time of death between 65-72 hours before we found him.”

“But, why would the wife, slash girlfriend, slash whatever she is lie?”

“I don’t know. Act normal, the food is coming,” urged Sooyoung, stuffing with food again, while Luna cleared the documents from the table.

“So then I told him we could have anywhere,” declared Luna, when the waitressed had arrived with the food. The waitress laughed at Luna’s comment before leaving them alone again.

“Don’t ever go into acting,” grumbled Sooyoung, biting into her burrito. She had to admit they were divine, much better than the frozen ones she got at the supermarket. The teacher and apprentice both ate in silence, enjoying their meal, and thinking about their recent discovery. Sooyoung scanned the restaurant, looking for something that could be poisonous enough to kill someone. The only thing she could think of were the cleaning products and none would cause deadly fevers. What concerned her most was that none of the employees seemed to be worried over the fact that their boss was missing.

“Excuse me,” she lifted her hand, calling for their waitress. “These burritos are so good! I’d like to congratulate the chef. I heard he is also the owner, Alejandro Ramirez.”

“Oh, thank you!” exclaimed the waitress. “I’ll pass on the compliments to him."

“No, please! I’d like to give my compliments personally,” insisted Sooyoung.

“Oh…but he is very busy right now,” fidgeted the waitress. “I am sorry.”

“Please,” pleaded Sooyoung. “I’ll start to believe he is not here,” she went with a giggle, trying to sound as natural as possible. The waitress started to look more and more nervous, as Sooyoung insisted. She looked around her, to make sure no one was listening, and quietly whispered to Sooyoung.

“He isn’t,” confessed the young waitress. “Alejandro oppa likes to go on trips around the countryside and leaves frozen burritos for us. The cook just does the other food and side dishes.”

“Do you know when he’ll be back?”

“I don’t know,” said their informant. “Sometimes he can be out for up to a month.

“And who takes care of the restaurant?”

“Kim Sangho, but he is also out of town, so it’s his wife who is in today. Do you want to talk to her?”

“No, it’s okay. Thank you. You can bring us the bill. Together, please,” murmured Sooyoung, processing the information she had just gathered.

“What should we do now?” asked Luna.

“We wait for the Agent Cho to come and save us on his galloping horses,” gloomed Sooyoung, finishing her beer.


Kyuhyun sat on one of Sooyoung’s numerous couches, in her office. He was nervous, not worried, he tried to convince himself. He shouldn’t be worried about Sooyoung, he barely knew the girl after all. Yet, he still felt anxious at the idea that she was missing. It was because she was his working partner, he reasoned, and if something happened to her…he’d rather not think about it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her walk into her office, with Luna.

“Where were you?” he exclaimed.

“Oh we were out for lunch,” answered Luna in her usual happy mood, oblivious to the mounting tensions in the office.

“Yeah, I know that. What were you doing at El Gato Loco?” insisted the detective, getting more and more frustrated by the second. Sooyoung stared at him, unmoved, from her office chair.

“We ate burritos and did a bit of investigation for you. Turns out Ms. Lee, the wife, is the one in charge of the restaurant where her real and fake husband worked.”

“Yeah, well add a lover to your equation,” grumbled Kyuhyun.

“A lover?” repeated Sooyoung. “Damn, she must be getting some action.”

“Yeah, three lovers,” confirmed Kyuhyun, choosing to ignore Sooyoung’s comment. “If you would’ve waited for me, instead of going on your little fieldtrip, you would know that Ms. Lee had a third lover and was with him last week.

“So that would explain why she found the body so late, explaining the advanced state of decomposition,” thought Sooyoung out loud. “But, what happened her real husband, Kim Sangho?”

“We’ve issued a nation wide missing person alert. We are hoping to find him alive,” explained Kyuhyun.

“That makes sense. Luna send the poisonous structure to Dr. Lee! Let’s see if she can figure out what it is.”

“What do you mean poison?” asked Kyuhyun, after Luna had left.

“Mr. Ramirez was poisoned,” explained Sooyoung. “When he was poisoned is still unclear, but the poison took its last lethal effect a bit over three days ago now. The poison, still unknown, gave him high fevers leaving his organs boiling inside of him. The only question now is, who did it and why?”

“I know who did it.”


“The third lover. Video surveillance showed him going into the restaurant, a week ago, and depositing something in Ramirez’s glass of water. You telling me he was poisoned gives me enough grounds to get an arrest warrant for him.”

“Perfect! We can close the case file then,” concluded Sooyoung.

“Not yet Dr. Choi,” snapped Kyuhyun. “What were you girls doing in a possible crime scene? Don’t you know how dangerous it could be?”

“Don’t blame Luna,” said Sooyoung, getting up from her chair and looking straight at Kyuhyun. “It there is someone to blame, blame me.”

“I will,” he retorted, getting closer, for a second argument that day. “Do you know in how much danger you put yourself and Luna in? Those people are dangerous, Dr. Choi!"

“Oh come on! Mariachi players never killed anyone,” protested Sooyoung.

“Don’t argue with me, Dr. Choi,” he said, raising his voice, and closing the gap between them.

“Oh yeah? And who are you to tell me what to do? You’re not my dad, or my boyfriend, or brother; you’re just my co-worker. Besides, we were in a public space. Nobody would have done anything to us there.”

“Maybe not there, but in the privacy of your own home yes. They know your full name, how you look, what car you drive and if you paid with visa they’ll be able to figure out much more about you, like your home address. These are people who kill their own friends and lovers over nothing,” he retorted, full of anger at Sooyoung’s naiveness.

“Well, you are going to arrest the killer and it’ll be all over,” skulked Sooyoung, trying to ignore the feeling of uneasiness growing in her.

“No it won’t. Do you know what we discovered,” he asked, now yelling at her.

“No, please tell me,” she yelled back, annoyed at the whole situation, at how Kyuhyun thought he could dictate her life just because he was her partner and worked for the police.

“This is not just another homicide case that ends when you lock up the killer. These people are directly related to the Drug Cartels in Mexico. Killing someone who gets in the way of their operations, is like killing a fly to them. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Do you understand the danger you just got yourself in? Do you Summer?” A cold chill went down Sooyoung’s body when she heard Kyuhyun say the nickname he had given to her years before. She looked at him in awe, trying to understand what was going through his mind, but Kyuhyun’s mind had gone blank. After he had blurted out the last part, Kyuhyun was busying himself looking away, trying to avoid Sooyoung’s intense stare, trying to understand what he had said.

“I am sorry,” he finally said, reaching his hand out to her, to appease her.

“Don’t,” she said, moving away from him.

“Look, I am sorry. I don’t know why I said that…”

“Please go away,” she cut him off, moving another step backwards. Kyuhyun looked at the usually composed doctor become nervous and agitated. He didn’t understand why she had reacted in such a ways, it was just a name, just a mistake he thought, whilst exiting the office.


That evening, Sooyoung was back in her bubble bath with her glass of wine and the bottle next to her. She thought about the moment Kyuhyun had called her Summer. She smiled foolishly at the name he had given her three years before, from his hospital bed. When he said it, it felt like not a moment had passed, but more than a moment had past.  Their relationship was over and there was only Sooyoung to hang on to the memories of the moments they had shared together. Moment shared in secret, that magical doomed spring and summer. Her thoughts suddenly darkened, at the thought of him losing his memories. How could he not remember her or their past, but still remember her nickname? All the medical knowledge she had could not answer that question. It was a question she had pondered on since the moment he forgot about her. The vibrations of her ringing phone interrupted her questioning, forcing Sooyoung to reach for it. She looked at the caller ID and smiled, so he hadn’t changed his phone number after all.

“Choi,” she said, ignoring the fact that she knew who was calling.

“Hello, Dr. Choi? This is Detective Cho,” said Kyuhyun on the other side of the line. He felt nervous and didn’t know how to start a conversation with his co-worker. Maybe it was because of his mistake, or maybe he was nervous because he had looked up her phone number in the police database, or maybe because the phone number seemed oddly familiar.

“Good evening, Agent Cho. Please don’t tell me we have another case.”

“No, not tonight,” he chuckled. “I just wanted to leave my cellphone number with you. In case there is an emergency and you need help.” Sooyoung didn’t answer, wondering how he had found her phone number, maybe he had remembered, but the rational side of her told her that he had probably looked it up.

“Are you still there?” questioned Kyuhyun.

“Yes I am. You can give me your phone number now.”

“Do you have something to write it down on?”

“I do,” lied Sooyoung, looking at her bubble bath.

“Okay, so my number is 070-728-9145.” Sooyoung silently drank a bit of her wine while he recited his phone number, not botherting to take note of it.

“Did you get it,” insisted Kyuhyun.

“I did. It’s 070-728-9145, right?”

“That’s correct,” confirmed Kyuhyun.

“Well then, thank you Agent Cho. I’ll keep that for future reference. Good night.”

“Aren’t you going to give me yours?” urged Kyuhyun.

“Well, since you called me, I am guessing you already have it. Good night, Agent Cho."

“Good night,” he replied, hanging up. “Summer.”  


Yay, new chapter!! Thank you everyone for subscribing! Just a little warning, I started classes again, and this year is pretty intense, so I don't know how often I'll be able to update. ;__; But I'll try to update as soon as I can. Hope you enjoyed it~

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Chapter 9: Seriously, i'm in love wth this story! Good job authornim :D
bukaqiaqia #2
My favorite! I am a new reader and so glad to find this awesome story!
Ps.Did sooyoung lie about her phone to avoid kyu using it?
trotch #3
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and read it all at one shot. It's so good!!! I'm waiting for the next season!
soobeautifulchoi #4
Chapter 10: I love it :D
I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 10: You did a great job on your trailer, nice editing.... Can't wait for the next season.

lulu88 #6
Chapter 10: When I so it marked as completed I was confused and disappointed and then her it is another part of this wonderful story , and the trailer is great .
going to read season two now :)
Chapter 10: OMG *_* the trailer ..,, is AWESOME !!!
can't wait for the next season !
hope kyuyoung will still be alive !
update soon, hwaiting !
neonflowers #8
Chapter 10: Waaah cant wait for the second season but then how come when i click the link it redirects me to my stories...?

I mean idk if its just my phone going cray cray or you made a mistake HAHA
singsongsungjong #9
Great story! ^_~
lohsna #10
Chapter 10: for a sec i thought you abruptly make this complete *sob sob.
Yeeeeeey season 2. Lets go :D