Bipolar Météo


Just a short oneshot I decided to do. It's not much to be honest.
It's just something I had up in my head.
Also,  I got a little inspiration to write a one because of the weather.
Forgive me if it is a little lackluster.
The fic isn't really related to weather. :) But I hope you get the analogy.


french word for weather


Change is inevitable.
I changed. You changed.
It's all part of that great story.



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Chapter 1: I missing KeyBer this days...
GOD best keyber one shot ive ever read
Ambertastic_baby #3
Chapter 1: OTL clearly, I should not listen to Beyonce's Listen while reading this. But jeez, this is really good.
KrisBer just needs to stop /shot.
But yeah. I love this a lot.
And I've barely realized how well Listen matches this story /bricked
Lightbluesapphire #4
Chapter 1: Oh another story from you it's great it has emotional feeling coming to me (well maybe I'm too sensitive over love problem -__-) but seriously your story always great♡ so sorry for commenting with my terrible english again hope you don't mind /bow
babyroo #5
Chapter 1: Nice story. I love it.
Daebak! Authornim..
Chapter 1: Cool story. I like it
Chapter 1: Huk~ this could have easily ended in angst. I like it. Don't sell yourself short, the ending is just fine. It fits the rest of the story. It may seem anticlimactic but if it would have been this huge thing... It would have been off.

Le sigh, I'm missing keyber, it's nowhere to be found lately. All I see now is exo-ber, well mainly krisber. Grrrrr you're taking the place of my ship kris! Go away, go away, go away!! Huhuhu I feel all keyber shippers decided to jump ship. (Well not all but a few... A lot.) Henber was always there but dang I did not see krisber being huge.

Stupid OTP, why don't you have anymore interactions?!

Excuse me while I go write angst now...

(Regardless of that comment, you did a good job and thank you. I'm looking forward to where Missing You is headed. I might cry while reading it though. Who knows, I'm so emotional when it comes to my OTP lately.)