My 3 Lovers


One day, 16 year old, Nam Woori, was curious about her dad's love life. Knowing that her dad is an idol at the age of 43, who have captured many young and old peoples' hearts. Now you all might be thinking... "Who is this idol?" Since I'm a nice person I'll tell you. This idol is, Nam Woohyun... Yes, The Nam Woohyun has gotten married at the age of 26 and had a child named, Nam Woori, the following year. Has "Infinite" disband? Surprisingly no, they haven't. They are still the same old Infinite the Inspirits have loved sinced the beginning. They're all married now, except for the maknae Sungjong who has yet to propose to his girlfriend. So... We will now journey through Mr. Nam Woohyun's past love as he tells his daughter.  


Hi there! This is all made up of course, and made with my idea. So I hope people won't steal

it. :P Who could imagine Infinite in their 40s? I know I can't, but I know they'll still be the charmingly

hot people they are XD I'm so bad! I made a new story although I didn't complete my previous one. 

But I wanted to type it down before I forget about this. Actually I did forget about this but remembered

about it like... 3 weeks ago? It's been constantly trying to go away since school has started. I would've

made this earlier but I was worried that I might be caught up with this story than my other one xP

Oh yeah! This is a YOU fic but sad to say that it won't be you falling in love with the greasy tree. XD

You are going to be his beloved daughter, Nam Woori ^^ Originally that isn't your name but I forgot 

what I did name the daughter and the lovers... (Bad Author -.-) Lol anyways I hope you enjoy! I'm not

a pro at story making so I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations in this story. I'm sorry again because 

I won't be posting the next chapter soon. I'll probably post it after I finish Don't Make Me Fall For You (click it!)

Or post it whenever I feel like whether I do or not finish. 



You; Nam Woori

Nam Woohyun as your dad

3 Unknown Lovers




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Sounds good! I'll keep an eye out!
Badass-Kid #2
This somehow sounds like when you wanted to tell me how you and appa fell in love -___-