
Queer & Proud

“Oh Sehun! Welcome home!”


The doll faced guy exclaimed while smiling down on Sehun. Sehun gaped for a while before finally snapping out of the daze and pushing the guy off him.


“What are you doing?!” He exclaimed as he glared at the startled guy beside him. The guy blinked at him, clearly confused.


“I was giving you a welcome hug,” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


“A welcome hug?!” Sehun tried hard to not yell. “I don’t even know who you are!”


“You don’t need to know who I am for me to give you a hug.”


Sehun stared at him in exasperation. He shook his head and slowly stood up while grabbing his two bags. He walked over to the unused bed and placed his bags on top.


“Should I give you a tour around the room, Oh Sehun?” the guy said brightly. Sehun twirled around to see that he was standing right besides him.


“No, I do not need a tou-wait. How do you know my name?”


The guy giggled loudly, and it creeped Sehun out to no end.


Everyone knows your name.”


Sehun decided not to ask. He ped his bag and began to take his things out when the guy jumped on his bed and looked a little too comfortable for Sehun’s liking.


“My name is Xi Luhan,” he said. “Of course I already know your name.


Sehun kept quiet and turned around to go to the bathroom. Luhan stood up and trailed after him.


“Transfer students are really rare in this school. Everyone stays from first year to thir year; no one leaves, no one enters. That’s why you are such a big deal. My friends were so jealous that I was the one who got the new kid as a roommate!”


With an exasperated sigh, Sehun slammed the bathroom door behind him


Sehun wondered if it was too late to change roommates.






After organizing all of his toiletries and taking a quick shower just to cool his head, Sehun slowly opened the door and stepped back into his room. Strangely, Luhan was no longer there. Sehun did a mental happy dance and unpacked the rest of his clothes before checking his schedule.


His next class, Calculus, was supposed to start in 20 minutes. He wasn’t required to take any classes today, but he found taking classes a better alternative to staying in his room all day. Especially when Luhan could storm in anytime.


Quickly packing his bag, Sehun walked out of his dorm room and into the main building where the classes were held. He nodded curtly at the receptionist before glancing down at the map in his hands.


The calculus room was relatively far.


He managed to find the classroom about 4 minutes before class began. The hallway was bustling with students, and Sehun felt uncomfortable under all the looks he received. Usually, kids weren’t so interested in the new kid. Sehun didn’t like being under the spotlight. He swung open the classroom door and escaped into the room.


Only a couple of kids were seated in their respective seats. Almost everyone was standing up, talking to their friends. The moment he stepped him, the room became silent and about twenty pairs of eyes turned to look at him.


That’s when a strange fact hit Sehun.


Everyone was male.


The only female he laid eyes on was the receptionist lady. Every single one of the students were male. Ties and pants. Even the extremely girly looking ones, with ponytails and eyeliner, were obviously boys.


Cursing at his misfortune and at his mother for putting him in this all boys school, Sehun went to an unoccupied desk at the back of the room, ignoring all the stares, and sat down. The guy in front of him who was previously looking at his phone turned around and looked at him with interest. Sehun noted his dark skin and his drooping eyes.


“You’re new,” the dark skinned boy drawled and tapped his phone on his desk. Sehun frowned at the gesture, but replied for the sake of being polite.


“Yes, unfortunately so.”


Sehun was aware of the fact that everyone was looking at the two conversing males.


“I take it you’re not a very talkative guy?” the boy continued, a small smile stretching on his face.




A short silence fell upon them before the boy started laughing. Loudly and obnoxiously.


“Good, good. I like you already.”


Sehun was about to retort, stating clearly that he was not to be liked, but the boy had already turned around and was now looking at his phone again.


The teacher walked in soon after and went straight to the front of the room. He scanned the room quickly before stopping on Sehun.


“Oh Sehun? The transfer student?”


Sehun nodded and took in a quick breath, hoping the teacher wouldn’t force him to make any sort of formal introduction.


“Did you collect all your textbooks and materials for this class?”


Sehun shook his head. “No sir, I haven’t.”


The teacher shoveled through his piles of paper before picking out a worksheet. He went to the corner of the room, grabbed an extra textbook, and handed it to him.


“You can use this textbook for the rest of the year. The worksheet is your homework for tonight. I expect you to be finished with it by next class. Understood?”


Sehun muttered back a reply and shoved his book and paper into his bag. He looked around the room as the teacher began his lecture. Only a few were paying attention. Most were playing on their phones, sleeping, talking to each other, or reading manga behind their bags. Few students were even applying makeup. And Sehun wasn’t even talking about the simple BB cream. It was full out eyeliner, lip gloss, and mascara.


Jongin, who Sehun learned was the name of the dark skinned boy in front of him, must’ve caught Sehun’s shocked expression as he turned around after a loud snort.


“Do you even know where you are?”


Sehun faced him and frowned. “Am I supposed to know where this is?”


Jongin looked at him blankly before giving out another one of his obnoxious laughter. He leaned forward, pat Sehun’s shoulders encouragingly, and smiled slyly at him.


“You’re in for one hell of a surprise, Oh Sehun.”


Sehun looked at him unamused and Jongin shot him a smirk, stood up, and walked to the back of the room. None of the students paid attention to him and even the teacher simply glanced at the leaving male before turning back to the whiteboard.


Taken back at the whole ordeal, Sehun leaned to the right and whispered to the guy beside him.




The guy, possibly the only one in the class paying attention to what the teacher was saying, looked at Sehun with an annoyed expression.


“What,” he replied, his tone completely monotonous.


“That guy just left.”


The guy blinked slowly.


“Yes he did. What’s your point?”


“He left during class. Without saying anything. Is that even allowed?” Sehun kept his voice low, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to their conversion. Luckily for him, everyone was too engrossed in their respective activities.


To his surprise, the boy in front of him snorted and turned his head back to the textbook on his desk.


“No, of course it’s not. But it’s Kim Jongin. He can do whatever he ing wants to and can get away with it.”


Sehun caught the bitter tone in the boy’s voice but decided to leave it. He wasn’t a very noisy person, and he didn’t want to further trouble himself with talking. He simply nodded, whispered a short thanks, and plugged his earphones into his ears.


Class wasn’t very long and before he knew it the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Almost the whole class shot up, shoving whatever they had out into their bags and running out the door. Sehun also stood up when a voice stopped him.


“Oh Sehun.”


Sehun was startled but kept it hidden with his usual placid face. He turned around and faced the boy he was talking to earlier. He had stood up and Sehun noticed that he was pretty short for his age. He also had the largest eyes he had ever seen, but they were hidden behind an equally large pair of glasses.


“I saw Kim Jongin talk to you earlier. I just want to warn you. I wouldn’t hang with his crew if I were you.”


Sehun cocked an eyebrow.


“I don’t hang with anyone’s crew.”


The boy stood silent for a while before offering a hand. “My name is Do Kyungsoo. Seems like we’ll be sitting next to each other for the rest of the year. I just wanted to give you some helpful advice. You seem to have no idea where you are right now.”


Sehun hesitated but decided to return the handshake. “You already know my name. I appreciate your advice, but I don’t think I’ll be hanging with Jongin’s ‘crew’ anytime soon.”


Kyungsoo cracked a tiny smile before nodding curtly at him and walking out the door.


Sehun was also about to leave when he saw Jongin enter the room. Jongin looked at him, smiled widely, and walked over to him.


“Hey, new guy. Got anywhere to sit with during lunch?”


Sehun wondered why Jongin came back to the classroom. “No.”


Jongin suddenly grabbed Sehun’s arm and dragged him into the hallway. Sehun was too shocked to say anything as he was forced down the hall and into what looked like the cafeteria. Jongin went straight to a large table at the very back and forced Sehun into an empty seat.


“We have company guys!” Jongin announced as he took a seat across him. Sehun gaped at him for a while before scanning the rest of the table. He didn’t know anybody, until his eyes landed on the grinning boy beside him.


“Sehun! You came to sit with us!” Luhan exclaimed and embraced Sehun. “I’m so happy!”


“Wh-what?!” Sehun pushed Luhan away and stared at him. He couldn’t believe his luck. Not only was he dragged here by some kind of psycho he was warned to stay away from, but now he had to sit next to and eat together with his extremely annoying roommate?


, Sehun cursed inwardly, I need to get away from here.


“Sorry,” Sehun looked straight at Jongin. “But I was warned by a certain someone to stay away from you and your ‘crew.’ I think that includes not eating with you.”


Jongin stared blankly at him before bursting out in laughter.


“Was that certain someone named Do Kyungsoo?”


Sehun leaned back and stared at him. “How did you know?”


Jongin grinned good-naturedly.


“He’s my boyfriend.”


Sehun’s eyes widened and he choked on his own spit. “He’s your what?!”


Before Sehun could say anything more, he saw a small figure stomp towards his table, his whole stature screaming anger.


“Oh Sehun! I told you to stay away from him!”


Sehun gaped as Kyungsoo glared down at him. He heard Jongin laugh and breathed out in relief when Kyungsoo’s anger was switched to Jongin.


“Shut the up, Jongin, or you’ll be sleeping in Luhan’s room for the next month!


Jongin grinned up at the other before snaking his arm around his waist and bringing him onto his lap.


“Are you still angry, honey? I told you I was jus-”


Jongin was cut off by a painful kick to the ribs. Kyungsoo stood up, huffed in anger, and looked back at Sehun.


“I clearly told you stay away from him. I don’t need to deal with another idiot, and unfortunately whoever hangs around him turns into one!”


Kyungsoo pointed an accusing finger at Jongin and the latter faked a sob.


“Ouch, babe, that hurt.”


“I am not your babe!”


Kyungsoo slapped the back of Jongin’s head, shot Sehun a final glare, and took off.


Sehun was still left startled at the whole interaction, but everybody else seemed quite immune to it. Luhan was simply laughing while eating his lunch, Jongin was massaging his throbbing head, and the rest were all talking to each other.


“Woah, hold up,” Sehun held up his hands, “so you guys are seriously dating?”


Jongin was about to respond but a guy wearing a blue beanie beat him to it.


“Of course they’re not,” he said, rolling his eyes at Jongin’s pout, “he wishes, but Kyungsoo would rather kill him instead.”


“Kyungsoo is clearly interested in me,” Jongin stated, but the whole table turned and dead panned.


“No, he is not.”


Luhan giggled and turned to Sehun.


“Kyungsoo is Jongin’s roommate. He’s also one of the smartest kids in our school. Jongin has had the hugest crush on him since elementary school, but Kyungsoo despises him.”


Sehun faced Jongin.


“Why don’t you just go for a girl instead? They would kill each other for your good looks. Why waste your time going for someone who hates your guts?”


Jongin stuffed a piece of kimbap in his mouth, chewed slowly, and finally opened his mouth.


“I’m not going to go for a girl. I couldn’t even if I wanted to do. I’m gay.”


Sehun blinked slowly.


“And so is the rest of the school.”



I finally got to update the first chapter :)


I wanted to get to a particular section in the story before start updating. I hope i haven't kept you guys waiting for too long.


I'm reallyyy excited for this fic. Hopefully everyone feels the same!


Things will get better and better from now on, so come back for more!


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 1: Luhanieeeee
Rainflowerstorm #2
I remember reading this WAYYYY back in 2013 for the first time. Seriously so well-written and beautiful!! I know it's been almost a decade since I first started this, and I know that the last update was in 2015, but know that I am still holding out for the Act 3 update even after all this time. If you decide to update it, that's awesome and I'll be here for it! But even if you don't decide to update, please know that IT IS OKAY AND I STILL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR ENDEAVORS!! Do what makes you happy!! We love you author-nim!! <3
Chapter 42: Act 3! Please, I read this way too fast and I need more!
EerinKaialovers #4
Chapter 42: Excited for the Act 3
Chapter 42: Please update 🥺
Rainflowerstorm #6
Chapter 42: I first read this story 5 years ago. I read it about a week after the Act 2 Finale chapter had been posted, and I completed it within a few days. And ever since then, I have been checking over and over and over again for the past 5 years to see if it has updated. Normally, if a fic hasn't updated in a year, I give up on it, but not this one. This fic is SO GOOD, that I have continuously checked for an update on it for the past 5 years. Sadly, the day has not come, but I will continue to check, because it is just THAT GOOD.
Chapter 42: Ugh. I miss this. Its been bloody years since the update. I hope you'll give us the update still.
Chapter 42: Still waiting for an update!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 42: I really really loved this story. I onow it’s been a long while since it’s been updated but It was still a very good read. I enjoyed the plot, the characters and the emotions I felt while reading Queer and Proud.
I’ll keep an eye incase you return back. And. I hope you’re doing great author.
Take care!♥️