Compositions and coffee beans


AU in which Jinki, Jonghyun, Minho, Key, and Taemin are all professors at the same university. A surprising amount of drama unfolds in one small meeting room, where they have coffee together each morning. If their lives were essays, there'd be corrections in red pen all over every page.


“I overheard something I probably shouldn’t have, but it made for a rather interesting start to the morning,” Key said, and the others paused in their last-minute grading to look up at him.

8/13 Updated! :) Btw, I made a decision about the pairing before I'd written the chap before this actually, so feel free to speak your mind in the comments! ;)


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Chapter 6: I love how in the end everything turned out good!!!
This is really adorable. Tbh, if Taemin didn't tell about his feelings towards Jonghyun, I wouldn't have known. He really knew how to keep his feelings hidden!
Chapter 6: I'm a taekai shipper but this ending was super awesome! Guess I found another a ship..
Letmesleep #4
This days I just had something with JongTae, like, they make me love them. Jjong with all this "Dracula opppaaaa~~" thing, aaaannng. A really short and nice story.
kpoperrose #5
Chapter 6: Lol Key trying to justify his actions :D
saae #6
Chapter 6: Yaaay JongTae!!! i just read this all in one go. I was a bit worried that it would end up with TaeKai. Even tho i like TaeKai also, my love for JongTae is way bigger, hahah...
Anyway thanks for the fun story, it really is fun, so many twists and unexpected events XD
nantae #7
i am really sad;_;
nantae #8
noooo i want taekai;_; i love him than any thing ... why do this of him
Chapter 6: JONGTAE! SQUEE!
Chapter 6: Taemin is not that Old. I don't understand. '-'