Creepy Chick

Went To Find My Sister A Boyfriend, Ended Up Marrying Him Instead


Han Sung Hee POV

"Unnie, do you want me to tell them about it now?" I asked her.
"Yeah it's fine" She said with a little nod. ~This is going to hurt her~

~1 month before~

I sat on my couch with my legs crossed and my laptop on top. I opened up a web browser and started my great search.
"I've been living in Korea for about 3 months now and the closest I've gotten to Minho is 100 people away during the fan meeting before they had to leave because of another schedule" I said as I leaned back on the couch, "Except that first time at Music Core. If I remember correctly I sprinted down the corridor and out the building because I freaked out" I said laughing to myself, "I left my speech at home" I clicked into the search bar and typed in 'Choi Minho's Family' I thought about how much stalking I'd done in the past 3 months as the web browser loaded. ~I've seen him on 4 different variety shows, 10 times on Music Core and once at a fanmeeting. Stupid dorms have high security so I can't even get close~

I looked over at my phone and saw that I wasn't getting any reception. ~Unnie is supposed to call soon~ I grabbed my phone and picked up my laptop as I walked towards the door to my apartment. I opened the door and stood outside.
"Reception!" I said happily before looking back at my laptop screen. I clicked on the first link and waited for it to load.

As I waited, my neighbor Min Seok came out of his apartment.
"Anneyong" I said with a big smile.
"What are you doing?" He asked raising his eyebrow. Ever since I moved in, I think I creeped Min Seok out, probably with my sudden sprinting and such out of the place.
"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything weird" I said looking around me.
"Why are you standing outside your apartment with your laptop and phone?" He said pointing at the items in my hand.
"Reception" I said lifting my phone.
"I see" He said nodding his head. I looked down at my screen, but the page hadn't loaded yet.
"Load faster, stupid" I yelled at the screen before looking up at Min Seok, "What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Waiting for my parents" He said nodding his head.
"Hey Min Seok-ssi" I said with a smile.
"Yeah?" He asked cautiously.
"Should I call you oppa?" I asked.
"What?" He asked sounding shocked.
"I guess I'll stick to -ssi then" I said shaking my head.
"I think that's easier" He said nodding his head. My laptop made a small noise, indicating that the page had loaded. I looked down and scrolled through the page until I found the information about Minho's family.
"Let's see. Blah blah blah, brother, blah blah blah, father, blah blah blah mother" I said as I scrolled through. "Aha! Brother's name" I smiled, "Min Seok"
"Yeah?" Min Seok asked looking up.
"No. I was just looking up someone and they have a brother called Min Seok" I said with a smile.
"Oh" He said before looking back at the elevator.
"Now I need a picture" I mumbled as I scrolled down the page. A picture popped up as I reached the end of the page. My eyes widened at the picture. I stared at it before looking up at Min Seok. I think he felt me staring because he turned around to look at me.
"What?" He asked.
"Y-y-y-y-you you you you you" I said pointing at him.
"Playing U-KISS, Bingeul Bingeul" My phone said as it started.
~Are you ready? U-U-U-U-kiss. Brave sound brave sound. Bingeul Bingeul Bingeul Bingeul~
I quickly grabbed my phone and turned the music off.
"You were saying?" He said looking at me.
"You" I said in shock.
"I" Min Seok said after me.
"Are" I said slowly.
"Am" He repeated.
"Hyung" I said
"Hyung?" He asked, "You're a girl" He said shaking his head, "Technically I'm you're oppa"
"Not mine" I said shaking my head.
"Then whose?" He asked.
"Minho's" I said pointing my finger at him.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"You are Choi Min Seok, right?" I asked.
"Yeah" He said nodding his head.
"You are Choi Minho's Hyung" I said.
"Yeah. I am. Is there something wrong?" He asked.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled out. Min Seok was startled by my suddenness and stepped back.
"I didn't think I needed to tell you that" He said slowly.
"Then everything I've done in the past 3 months was pointless" I said with a sigh.
"I don't understand" Min Seok said shaking his head.
"I need to talk to you" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him towards my apartment.
"What?" He asked as I dragged him.

I pulled him into my apartment and pushed him down on the couch.
"What the hell is going on?" He asked as I sat down next to him.
"Do you want your brother to get married?" I asked eagerly.
"What?" He asked in shock, "You're one of those sasaeng fans aren't you?" He said leaning back.
"Look. I'm not a sasaeng fan. It's just I made this promise to my Unnie that someday I'd get her together with Minho. I know it's weird but I'm being serious, they would go really well together. She's not good at sports like him, but she can sense spirits and things like that. Her English name is Tenisha, but her Korean name and she's born on the tenth which is your brother's favorite number. Her favorite colour is also blue, which is the same as Minho's. I'm not kidding, they would go really well together and I don't want anyone else as my brother-in-law. It's not I want them to get married straight away, but I really want him to give my sister a go, because I know they'll get along really well" I said all in one breath.
"So let me get this straight. You are trying to force my little brother to go out with your Unnie, because of some promise you made to her?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said happily.
"I don't think so" He said standing.
"Come on" I said grabbing his arm.
"You creepy chick, let go" He said trying to shake me off.
"Just let me try" I begged him as I held on.
"No way" He said heading towards the door. I held on tighter, but I wasn't strong enough to stop him from moving.
"At least let me talk to your parents about this" I whined as he dragged me along.
"Talk to us about what?"-

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey there everyone Yamasau here!

Sorry we haven't been able to update but we have been very busy with school and all that so please stay in with us!

Subscribers and comments are very welcome!

Hey it's Ihsara!
I'm really sorry. This should have been up last week, but we've really had a lot of work from school, so please forgive us. Sadly I can't guarantee that updates will be weekly, but we will try our best to keep it up!

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LastFirstKiss100 #1
That title XD hehe, can't wait to read
Chapter 15: THANK YOU!!!! I really did miss reading this story. :)
THANK YOU!!!!! Hope you update pretty soon! :D
cutiekoala #4
O_o Who is he?<br />
Update soon!
Update PLEASE! :) Great story, At the start I didn't get how they were married but I get it now~
onsangtae #6
Hehe choi sung hee<br />
So sweet and cut :3
Ihsara #7
The marriage will be a lot clearer in the next few chapters :)
when did they get married???<br />
am i that old to FORGET??<br />