A New Apartment, A New Friend And Groceries

Went To Find My Sister A Boyfriend, Ended Up Marrying Him Instead


Han Sung Hee POV


I finally arrived at my new apartment. I put my hand in my pocket for the key, but couldn't find it. I checked my other pocket, but there was nothing there. ~The bell!~ I started jumping up and down hoping that the bells on my keys would make some sort of noise. I couldn't hear the bells anywhere. I looked at my luggage standing next to me and let out a sigh.

"I better start looking" I said to myself as I opened my first bag. I started pulling out the things in bags and putting them next to me. I pulled out all my clothes in the first bag, but it wasn't there. I turned to the next bag and started searching through it. I pulled out all my toys from this bag. ~ Where the hell is the key?!~ I started to panic, throwing things everywhere, in search for my keys.


I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Unnie, where are the keys to the apartment?! I started checking through every item of clothing, hoping that it had gotten caught among it all and not that I had left it all the way back home. Relax. Did you check your back pocket? My eyes widened as I slowly reached for my back pocket. Part of me was hoping it was there and part of me was hoping it wasn't. I put my hand into my back pocket and felt something inside. I made an angry face as I pulled out the key to the apartment. "Why the hell didn't you ring?!" I yelled at the keys. That was when I realised the bells weren't on them. "Where are the bells?"I yelled. I was about to search through my bags when my phone beeped again. I pulled it out and read through the message.Just so you know, you left the bells on your keys here so I packed them into you wallet. I reached for my wallet which was on the floor. I opened it up and found my bells sitting there. ~Unnie!!!~ I closed my wallet and hit myself on the head.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw a guy standing there looking at me strangely.

"Ummm...yeah. Just couldn't find my keys" I said with a little bow.

"Do you live here?" He asked eyeing me strangely.

"Yeah. I'm going to be living here from today on" I said happily, "My name is Sung Hee" I said holding out my hand. He looked at my hand strangely, but shook it.

"My name is Min Seok" He said still looking at me strangely.

"No one has lived in that apartment for a while. Just so you know" He pointing at my new door.

"Yeah. My parents bought this apartment for me and my unnie a few years ago" I said with a smile.

"Oh. Okay. Well I live in the apartment next to you then" He said with a little smile.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you around then" I said happily. ~ Yay! A new friend!~

"Yeah" He said before heading towards his own apartment. 


I opened the door to my new apartment and walked in closing the door behind me. I reached for the light switch as I dumped my luggage in front of me. The revealing my new apartment. It was pretty spacious. Everything was already set out. There was a TV, couch, fridge, microwave, tables and chairs. The only problem was that there was dust everywhere. I walked over to the table in the middle of the room. There was an envelope sitting there. I opened the envelope and inside was a letter in my parents handwriting.


To Min Yeon and Sung Hee,

This apartment is for you for whenever you decide to come Korea. Of course we never told you about this apartment when we bought it because you guys would have wanted to leave us that instance for it. So we decided that we'd keep it a secret from you until the two of you grow up and maybe decided to come back to Korea. If you're wondering how we organised all of this without you two figuring it out. It was when your Appa came to Korea for a business trip. We talked about it over the phone and organised all of this for you. We hope you like the place and that you will use it.

Appa thinks that Min Yeon will come here first because of your studies. Umma thinks that Sung Hee will live here first because you always talk about travelling overseas. Either way, we hope that both of you will someday stay here and actually come to Korea together. Have fun with it.

Love Umma and Appa



I read through the letter and felt tears build up in my eyes. ~Thank you Umma. Thank you Appa~ I looked around the apartment, walking into the rooms to find beds and closets ready to be filled. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. The fridge was totally empty. I walked towards the cupboards to find nothing. ~Of course there isn't going to be anything here. No one has lived here for a few years~ I walked towards the laundry and found a broom leaning against the wall with a sticky note attached to it. 


For Sung Hee: Of course you'd clean the apartment first.

For Min Yeon: I'm shocked, you grabbing the broom first?!

Love Umma


I laughed at the sticky note. Of course Umma. I grabbed the broom and started sweeping up the whole apartment. After 10 minutes I managed to sweep the whole house and gather all the dust. I stared at the pile of ust sitting in front of me.~ It's HUGE!~ I bent down to look at the large pile more closely. Suddenly I could feel nose starting to itch. "Aaaaacccchhoooooo!" I sneezed loudly. I opened my eyes to see my huge pile of dust now everywhere. ~Looks like an explosion~  "No fair!" I whined as I started to sweep up again.


After an hour of cleaning I had cleaned up most of the apartment. By now everything looked really new."Grrr" My stomach growled at me. I quickly put my hand over my stomach as I started heading towards the cupboard. I reached for the handle of the cupboard when I suddenly remembered that I had no food what so ever. I let out a sigh as I walked to my brand new bedroom and grabbed my wallet. 


I walked out onto the streets. ~Where to I go to buy food?~ I wondered along the streets looking at all the different types of stores until I came upon a supermarket. I walked in and was wowed by the size of it. ~It's freaking huge!~ I walked towards the entrance, but stopped trying figure out whether I should take a basket or trolley. I stood there for five minutes before deciding to grab a basket.~ I only need basics~ I walked in and was in awe of the place. 


I walked up and down every aisle twice just because I was having trouble taking everything in. And my Korean is a little rusty. After about 2 hours of walking I headed towards the check out. There wasn't much in my basket other then the basics like a few vegetables, fruits, rice, spices, pack of lollies and a few other things. As the woman at the check out scanned all the food, I watched as the price slowly rose. After a few scans I realised that I had already passed my limit. ~I knew I should have brought more money~ Opened my wallet and looked in to only find 200000 won. I looked up at the price to see 365900 won on the screen. I looked through my wallet to see if I had any more shoved in the corner when I saw some money shoved into a corner. I pulled it out and counted an extra 300000 won. I handed the woman the money as I grabbed my bags.


As I left the supermarket I looked in my wallet to find a piece of paper in the corner. I opened it up to find my Unnie's hand writing.


I figured that the amount you'd have on you isn't enough so I put in some of my own. 

Don't waste it! :)


I smiled at the note as I pulled out my phone from my pocket. I dialled my unnie's number as I was walking back home.


"Hi Unnie" I said happily as I swung the bags in my hand back and forth.

"Hey Sung Hee. How's Korea? You having fun?" She asked.

"So far, so good. The apartment Umma and Appa had bought for us is really nice. I finished cleaning it and went out to buy some food and stuff for me" I said as I crossed the street.

"Really? You have to send me a picture when you get back. Where are you now anyway?" She asked. I could here a soft humming sound in the background. ~That's probably her computer. The computer geek~

"I'm on my way home now. Thank you for the extra money. It came in handy" I said with a smile as I saw my apartment building ahead. "What are you doing now?"

"I just started up the computer. I have a bit of work to do on it. That and Music Core is going to be on in two hours so I'm going to watch something else until it starts" She said with a little laugh.~ MUSIC CORE!!!~

"Unnie. I have to go. I'll call you later okay?" I said quickly into the phone.

"Oh. Okay. Have fun. Call me" She said before hanging. 


I bolted towards the building and ran up the stairs. ~10 flights of stairs is a lot to run up with bags!~ As I reached my floor, I saw Min Seok standing outside.

"Hey Min Seok-ssi! Can you take care of my bags while I'm gone?" I said shoving the bags into his hands.

"Why?" He asked looking confused at the bags in his hands.

"I'm late" I said as I started skipping down the stairs.

"For what?" I yelled at me

"Music Core!" I yelled as I reached the bottom, looking up at Min Seok.

"You know there is an elevator" He said pointing to the elevator next to him.

"Too slow" I yelled as I ran down the rest of the stairs.


Min Seok POV


I watched Sung Hee run down the stairs. As I turned around to head towards my own apartment, the elevator opened up, but there was no one in there. I looked to see the button pushed. ~Sung Hee is one weird girl~ I thought as I closed the door behind me.


Hey there everyone Yamasau here. I would jsut like to thank everyone that sided with me on the previous poll! (Hands out free Visit SHINee Passes) Told you Oneechan! Anyway hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that have watched Paradise Ranch (AND IF YOU HAVEN'T GO. WATCH.NOW!) Sung Hee and Min Yeon are exactly like the two sisters who are actually like the two of us in real life! Creepy much!

Anyway please comment and subscribe on this story and check out my others as well!


Hi. Ihsara here and I'm not happy. How could our readers side with my sister. I'm so hurt, so I have decided not to talk to you.




Okay so that is really difficult to do because you guys are so awesome for reading this. We really do act like the sisters from Paradise Ranch (and occasionally like Dong Joo and his secretary with me being Dong Joo)

Anyway, I'm starting to ramble on and on, so I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry SHINee haven't come up yet, but they will soon. By the way what do you think of the poster and background? I made it myself.

If you liked this chapter

Put your hands up, Put your hands up

P-p-p-p-p-put your hands up!

(^ Don't you love this song ^)


Okay so we have decided that over our holidays we are going to attempt to learn two dances. One of them is SHINee's Replay (Japanese version. Not sure if there is a difference between the Japanese dance and the Korean dance) and the other we want you to decide.

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LastFirstKiss100 #1
That title XD hehe, can't wait to read
Chapter 15: THANK YOU!!!! I really did miss reading this story. :)
THANK YOU!!!!! Hope you update pretty soon! :D
cutiekoala #4
O_o Who is he?<br />
Update soon!
Update PLEASE! :) Great story, At the start I didn't get how they were married but I get it now~
onsangtae #6
Hehe choi sung hee<br />
So sweet and cut :3
Ihsara #7
The marriage will be a lot clearer in the next few chapters :)
when did they get married???<br />
am i that old to FORGET??<br />