Sleeping Suju

Went To Find My Sister A Boyfriend, Ended Up Marrying Him Instead


Han Sung Hee POV

"Oh. Leeteuk" I said smiling at him, "I'm here to visit you guys. The other members had invited me to spend the day with you guys. Didn't you know?" I asked.
"No. I had no idea about it. I left early this morning" He said as he opened the door.

I followed him into the dorm, heading straight to the kitchen to wash my hands.

"So what have you been doing so far?" He asked dropping his bag down onto one of the chairs.
"Well. I maybe have poisoned some of your members" I said with a laugh, "However I did make amends by buying a proper breakfast for them, so rather than ill, their stuffed with food" I said as I dried my hands.
"What did you attempt to poison them with?" Leeteuk asked looking incredibly surprised.
"Sweet eggs" I said evilly smiling. I walked over to the separated breakfasts on the table and grabbed a portion for Leeteuk. "This is your piece" I said handing it over to him.
"Thanks" He said taking the box and opening it up. He paused in his action, "There are no sweet eggs in here right?" He asked looking at me suspiciously.
"Park Jung Soo, do you really think I'm going to give something like that to you?" I asked in astonishment.

"If you gave it to the other members, then yes. Yes I do" He said seriously with a straight face.
"Well for your information, I didn't" I said crossing my arms over my chest, "I separated this especially for you form a pack of starving wolves"
"Well, thank you very much" he said with a smile as he opened his box.
"Leeteuk" I began.
"Yeah?" He replied looking up from his food.
"Does Donghae usually behave strangely?" I asked. I was really eager to ask about his behavior.
"What do you mean?" He asked look confused.
"Don't worry. It's nothing. Just a figment of my imagination" I said waving it off.
"If you say so" he said as he continued to eat.

I walked into the lounge room with Leeteuk to find the members sprawled across the couch and floor, sleeping. The only member that was awake was Donghae who was sitting on the couch with Eunhyuk sleeping with his legs on Donghae's lap.
"I thought I was going to do something today, but instead you're all asleep" I said to myself, "I guess I can forgive you guys because you're usually busy"
"Didn't you all sleep enough?!" Leeteuk yelled out as he stood next to me.
"Hey Hyung. When did you get back?" Donghae asked

"Not that long ago" He said, "Eunhyuk why are you all asleep?"
"Delicious breakfast ate too fast" He muttered sleepily, "Time for a nap" He muttered with a smile.
"What about our guest?" Leeteuk asked pointing at me.
"I'm up" Sungmin said as he sleepily sat up, rubbing his eyes, "Teuk Hyung, help me wake everyone else" Sungmin shook Ryeowook awake while Leeteuk attempted to wake Eunhyuk. It didn't work as he just grabbed Leeteuk and pulled him down.
"I want to wake Heechul" I said. I slowly tiptoed towards him and slowly bent down so that I was level with him.
"Heechul" I whispered, "Heechul"
"What?" he groaned.
"If you don't wake up, I'll tell SHINee that you starved me" I said with a smile.
"You wouldn't dare" He said as he turned away.
"Okay" I said grabbing my phone. I dialed a number and placed the phone on speaker.
"Yobeseyo? Sung Hee?" Minho asked through the phone.
"Yah Minho" I said as I watched Heechul sit up and stare at me wide eyed.
"What?" Minho asked.
"I didn't call you. You got -dialed" I said before hanging up quickly.
"You are an evil person" Heechul as he glared at me.
"And this is why people love you" I said hugging him around the neck, "Milky white skin Kim Heechul, Saranghae Kim Heechul"
"You weirdo" He said pushing me away, causing me to stumble over Shindong.
"Shindong, get up" I said poking his cheeks until he awoke and sat up. Everyone was now awake except Siwon.
"I bags waking him up" I said excitedly. I bent down and Super Junior's Prince was sleeping exactly as you would expect him to. As a prince. I grabbed a water bottle that had been left nearby and opened the cap. I slowly raised the bottle and poured all the water on his face.

"Yah! What was that for?" He said as he shot up and wiped the water off his face.
"That was so worth it" I said as I fell back laughing.
"You know you are very lucky that you are a girl" He muttered.

"I love you too Siwon" I said as I sat back up.

"I'm going to get changed" He said as he got up and headed off.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked as I turned around to the other members.
"What do you want to do?" Sungmin asked.
"Can we go outside somewhere?" I asked excitedly.
"Not allowed. Minho's orders" Shindong butted in.
"But he's not here and what he doesn't know won't kill him" I said evilly.
"But if Minho does find out, we'll be dead" Eunhyuk said shaking his head in fear.

"He's so annoying" I groaned, "Come on. What do you guys usually do for fun?"
"I don't know" Shindong said shrugging his shoulders, "We usually aren't home and if we are, we go out"

"Damn you Minho for banning me" I muttered, "Come on be rebellious. Let's go out!"
"Are you insane?" Heechul yelled, "Even if we are the hyungs, Minho can get pretty scary"
"Being married to an idol " I said as I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head, "Why can't it be like the way you write it in a fanfic?"
"Welcome to reality" Heechul said as he walked past. I poked my tongue out at him as he walked away. I started to feel bored, just sitting there when Donghae sat beside me.
"Don't worry" He said, "Something will come up"
"Yeah" I said slowly sliding next to Leeteuk. "Donghae is being sort of creepy lately. You sure there's nothing wrong with him?" I whispered to Leeteuk.

"He's just being friendly" He said with a smile as he ruffled my hair.
"If you say so..." I said turning around to face the TV. ~Donghae's being really weird. I should be careful because I might ruin EunHae~

We watched TV for about 30 minutes, when Siwon came out drying his hair with a towel.
"You're still here?" Siwon asked sounding a little annoyed.
"Yep. I'm here to spend the day with Super Junior" I said poking out my tongue at him, "But it seems like I would have had more fun staying at SHINee's dorm"
"Siwon be nice" Leeteuk said scolding him.

"Yes Teukkie Hyung" He said.
"It's okay Leeteuk" I said, "I shouldn't be whining anyway. Think about it, so many fans would kill to be in my position....Maybe I should invite a fan" I said slyly
"NO!" Everyone yelled together.
"Whoa! Calm your farm!" I said with my hands up, "It's not like I have anyone to call. All my friends are overseas and Cho Hee has work today"
"What about your...” Eunhyuk started.
"No. My Unnie has work and even if she was home, I'm not going to call her for you!" I said sternly. ~Must protect EunHae~ I laid back down landing on someone. I looked up to see Ryeowook staring at the TV.

I pulled out my phone and quickly checked Twitter and Asianfanfics. I opened up one of the latest updates in a fanfic and continued reading from where I had left off. I started laughing as I read, attracting everyone else's attention.
"Why are you laughing?" Ryeowook asked looking down at me confused.
"It's funny when you read fanfics and compare them to how the character is in real life," I said wiping away a tear, "And Siwon is probably the most different of them all"
"You’re really weird Sung Hee" Ryeowook said shaking his head.
"Hey Sung Hee" Sungmin said coming out of nowhere and sitting next to me, "I want to see your wedding photos"
"I don't have any" I said as I bookmarked the chapter "I burnt them all"
"YOU DID WHAT?!" He asked loudly.
"Geez, calm down" I said sitting up, "I didn't burn them, Minho's family has an album and I think Minho has a couple somewhere. I don't really care to be honest" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"That's a bit harsh" Sungmin said.
"Well I didn't exactly want to marry Minho" I said to him, "I kind of had to marry him"


*Crawls out of hole and dusts off dirt* Hey guys I just got back from mining gold... for the past... eight months.... ok ok im sorry that we haven't update in so long but i had a hidden chapter up since last year and I was waiting for my sister to edit so it is her fault! fine ok i wont be mean I'll take part of the blame too.. BUT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! enjoy this chapter and I WILL INSTANTLY START ON THE NEXT CHAPTER! I PROMISE!!

Yamasau Out~

*Builds wall and cuts small hole* Hi guys *Puts hand through and waves*
So.....long time no see, huh? Okay, super sorry that we haven't updated in a while. What my sister said is true, it's my fault that it's been so long, so through your rotten fruit at me.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and hopefully we'll put up another chapter within the next month :P

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LastFirstKiss100 #1
That title XD hehe, can't wait to read
Chapter 15: THANK YOU!!!! I really did miss reading this story. :)
THANK YOU!!!!! Hope you update pretty soon! :D
cutiekoala #4
O_o Who is he?<br />
Update soon!
Update PLEASE! :) Great story, At the start I didn't get how they were married but I get it now~
onsangtae #6
Hehe choi sung hee<br />
So sweet and cut :3
Ihsara #7
The marriage will be a lot clearer in the next few chapters :)
when did they get married???<br />
am i that old to FORGET??<br />