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bts-trans:   사실 여러분들 편지읽느라 안심심하진 갑자기 보고싶었어요 하하  [JIN] In truth, I wasn’t bored because I was reading your letters but I suddenly missed you all haha  Trans cr; Juliana @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS


사실 여러분들 편지읽느라 안심심하진 갑자기 보고싶었어요 하하

The truth, I wasn't bored because I was reading all your letters but suddenly missed you all haha


bts-trans:   아쉽게도 여기까지이잉 헤헤헤 초복인댕 제사진 보구 힘내세요 오늘도 희망찬 하루되세호홉 @-@„! pic.twitter.com/L8Q4RaqhrX  [J-HOPE] Unfortunately, just until here hehehe cheer up after looking at my photo, have a hopeful day today too @-@„!  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


아쉽게도 여기까지이잉 헤헤헤 초복인댕 제사진 보구 힘내세요 오늘도 희망찬 하루되세호홉 @-@„!

Unfortunately, just until here hehehe cheer up after looking at my photo, have a day full of hope today too @-@„!



여러뿌운~ 간만에 희망이가와떠요옴 !! @-@ 그럼나도 진형따라서 질문타임!!!! @.@)

Everyone ~ After little time Hope came !! @-@ Next time I will do a Q/A time !!!!! @.@ )


bts-trans:   삼계탕 챙겨드세요 나도먹었진  [JIN] Make sure you have some samgyetang (T/N: chicken soup with ginseng and dates) I ate some myself  Trans cr; Juliana @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS


삼계탕 챙겨드세요 나도먹었진

I ate some Samgetang, make sure you have it too


bts-trans:   뷔타임~ 더운데 질문던져줘요~v pic.twitter.com/Rc0rTJdHUK  [V] V-Time~ It’s hot but throw your questions~ v  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


뷔타임~ 더운데 질문던져줘요~v

V time ~ It's hot but give your questions ~v



저는 여행하러 갈때가 가장 행복해요~

I am the happiest when I am in a trip~


bts-trans:   저는 여행하러 갈때가 가장 행복해요~  [V] I’m the happiest when I’m going on a trip~  질문3개끝~ 며칠전찍은사진으로 마무리하게씀돠 감사합니당~ pic.twitter.com/lp7p4c0nvq  [V] Finished answering to 3 questions~ I’ll finish with this photo I took a few days ago, thanks~  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


질문3개끝~ 며칠전찍은사진으로 마무리하게씀돠 감사합니당~

3 questions cut (Meaning he finished answering them) ~ I will end with this photo I took few days ago.


bts-trans:   방탄이 진해에 떳다. photo by SUGA pic.twitter.com/I2iqqgFDJP  [SUGA] Bangtan leaving Jinhae. photo by SUGA   안녕하세요 슈간데요 수많은 아미님들이 왜 로고를 안박고 올렸느냐 이차가공 당한다 하시는데 첫째 로고가 없슙 둘째 로고 박을줄을 모름 셋째 이차가공해도 됨 응캬캬 전 쿨하니까여 :) 아미님들이면 수백번 가공하셔도 됨 :)  [SUGA]  Hello It’s SUGA. Why a lot of ARMYs have uploaded the photo without logo. Even if you can second process it (edit), first it doesn’t have a logo; secondly, I don’t know ; and third it’s ok to edit it eungkyakya Because I’m cool :) If it’s the ARMYs you can even edit it 100 times :)  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


방탄이 진해에 떳다. photo by SUGA

Bangtan Leaving Jinhae. photo by SUGA



bts-trans:   여러분들의 성원에 힘입어 로고를 박았슙 :) 왜 안박는지 아시겠죠…? 응캬캬 골뱅이는 노트북으로 그리기 힘들어서 뺌… :( pic.twitter.com/tXbB29V8Nv  [SUGA] With all your support I’ve put a logo :) Why didn’t I put it…? eungkyakya Because it’s hard to draw it on the laptop/notebook … :(  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


여러분들의 성원에 힘입어 로고를 박았슙 :) 왜 안박는지 아시겠죠…? 응캬캬 골뱅이는 노트북으로 그리기 힘들어서 뺌… :(

 I’ve put a logo with your support :) Why didn’t I put it…? Eungkyakya Because it’s hard to draw it on the notebook (laptop) … :(



안녕하세요 슈간데요 수많은 아미님들이 왜 로고를 안박고 올렸느냐 이차가공 당한다 하시는데 첫째 로고가 없슙 둘째 로고 박을줄을 모름 셋째 이차가공해도 됨 응캬캬 전 쿨하니까여 :) 아미님들이면 수백번 가공하셔도 됨 :)

Hello, It’s SUGA. Why did many ARMYz uploaded the photo without logo. Even if you can edit it, first it doesn’t have a logo; secondly, I don’t know ;  third it’s ok to edit it Eungkyakya because I’m cool :) If it’s  ARMYz you can even edit it 100 times :)


bts-trans:   [130712 SUGA] 방탄 슈가씨 사진이 없길래 어제 뮤뱅 대기실네서 찍은 사진올려요^^ 아 슈가는 왜때무네 이렇게 이쁘죠?^^ 땀땀땀;;;;;;;;;;;; pic.twitter.com/0ZovlA8opv  [SUGA] [130712 SUGA I didn’t upload any photos of Bangtan SUGA-ssi, so here’s a photo from Music Bank’s waiting room^^ Ah, why is SUGA this pretty? ^^ *sweat* ;;;;;;;;;;;;  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


[130712 SUGA] 방탄 슈가씨 사진이 없길래 어제 뮤뱅 대기실네서 찍은 사진올려요^^ 아 슈가는 왜때무네 이렇게 이쁘죠?^^ 땀땀땀;;;;;;;;;;;;

[130712 SUGA] I didn’t upload photos of Bangtan's SUGA-shi, here’s a photo from Music Bank’s waiting room ^^ Ah, why is Suga this pretty? ^^ sweat sweat sweat ;;;;;;;;;;;;


bts-trans:   [언젠지 모르겠음 preview] 게임하는 막냉이 꾸기 찰칵!! 으앙 이 슈가형아 쥬금…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ pic.twitter.com/kSU87bIcSE  [SUGA]  [Not sure when was it preview] Snap at the maknae Kkuki who is playing games! uwang This SUGA-hyung is a bit… ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  아버지의 마음으로 한컷한컷 방탄이들 보정하는데 솔직히 귀찮… 아니 아니 너무 즐겁..즐겁다…!! 응캬캬 나중에 블로그에 원본들 올릴께요 응캬캬 언제가 될진… 모르겠슙… 최대한 빨리 올릴께요 :)  [SUGA] In father’s heart one cut one cut, the Bangtan members compensate it but it’s really a pain… no, no, I really enjoy doing it.. I enjoy…!! eungkyakya Later I’ll upload more at the blog eungkyakya when will it be… I don’t know… I’ll upload them as soon as possible :)  안녕하세요 슈간데요 사진들 셀렉하는데 왜때문에 제사진은 없죠..?? 나도 사진기 들고 편의점 볼록거울 앞에서 폼잡으면서 한손으로 카메라들고 사진찍어야겠다… 근엄한표정지으면서 :)  [SUGA] Hello, It’s SUGA. I was selecting the photos but why isn’t my photo there…?? I also, holding the camera; I took a photo in front of the Supermarket’s convex mirror holding the camera with one hand… with a serious expression :)  Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


[언젠지 모르겠음 preview] 게임하는 막냉이 꾸기 찰칵!! 으앙 이 슈가형아 쥬금…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  [Not sure when was it preview] Snap of the maknae Kuki who is playing games! This SUGA hyung a little … ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



아버지의 마음으로 한컷한컷 방탄이들 보정하는데 솔직히 귀찮… 아니 아니 너무 즐겁..즐겁다…!! 응캬캬 나중에 블로그에 원본들 올릴께요 응캬캬 언제가 될진… 모르겠슙… 최대한 빨리 올릴께요 :)

In father’s heart one cut , the Bangtan members indure it but it’s really a pain… no, no, I really enjoy doing it.. I enjoy…!! Eungkyakya Later I’ll upload more at the blog Eungkyakya when will it be… I don’t know… I’ll upload them asap :)



안녕하세요 슈간데요 사진들 셀렉하는데 왜때문에 제사진은 없죠..?? 나도 사진기 들고 편의점 볼록거울 앞에서 폼잡으면서 한손으로 카메라들고 사진찍어야겠다… 근엄한표정지으면서 :)

Hello, It’s SUGA. I was choosing the photos but why isn’t my photo there..?? I was also, holding the camera; I took a photo in front of the Supermarket’s convex mirror holding the camera with one hand... having a serious expression :)




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http://www.asianfanfics.com/chat/view_room/8685 (Would guys please check this if you are interested in SMTM3) [[DELETING LATER]]


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