Neurology Department

Next Stop, Insanity

What do you mean by that?”

“Never mind. It's nothing.

“I highly doubt it's 'nothing' if you had to call me out here to discuss it.”

“You'll find out soon, Jungkook.”

“That's not the point! I want to know now.”


Jungkook stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. His eyes wandered around the night life of the city. The families he saw pass by only made him feel even more depressed. He drew in a deep breath to calm his senses.

Did he murder somebody in his past life?

Did he commit some hideous crime that his family in this life had to pay the price?

What the hell did he do wrong?

Was it even his fault?

It wasn't- and he knew that. But somehow, he didn't feel reassured either.

He was about to cross the road when his phone rang in his pocket, stopping him in his tracks. He stepped off to the side to let other people cross first.


“Jungkook, where are you?”

His eyes rounded at his mother's voice. He could clearly hear the panic in her voice.

“I went out somewhere. Sorry, I should have told you first.”

“Are you coming home now?”

“Yeah, I am. See you.”

- - - - -

Jungkook opened the door to the apartment, and he first greeted by a bone-crushing hug. His keys nearly dropped out of his hand, and he looked down at his mother in surprise. “Oh god, I was so worried.” She whispered. He softened and put an arm around her, using his other one to close the door, “I'm sorry. I actually went out to talk with dad.”

She froze.

Pulling back, she looked up at her son, “Your father? What for?” He shrugged, mentally debating whether or not he should just tell her the truth.

He chose not to.

“Nothing. I just wanted to see how he was doing.” He said as he took off his shoes. His mother seemed unconvinced, but didn't pry any further.

Just as he was about to enter his room, his mother called back after him, “Do you want dinner?” Jungkook shook his head with a small smile, “Nah. I'm good. I ate already.”

Truth was, he wasn't even hungry.

He lay down onto his bed and stayed still for a few minutes. He finally turned to his side and reached for his phone settling on top of his drawer. He opened up his contacts and scrolled down to Hanuel's name.
He waited for her to pick up the phone.



“Is something the matter? How did the talk go? Are you okay? Are you home yet?”

He chuckled, feeling a smile form on his lips. She was never this talkative with him. It was cute.

“What's up with the all questions? You wanna know more about your boyfriend?” He heard her scoff from the other line,
“I was worried, but you know what? I'm not anymore, you idiot.” He laughed, sitting up on his bed, “You're so cute when you're angry.”

“Can I hang up now?”

“Hold on. I haven't even talked to you yet.”

She sighed,
“Well then, talk properly.” He smiled, “Fine. Just because I won't be able to sleep if I don't hear your voice tonight.”

“Gross. Hey, you still haven't answered any of my questions.”

“No. Good. Yes, and yes. Happy?”

“Ha-ha, very funny, doofus. I'm serious here.”

“I am too. So, take me seriously when I ask you this- would you like to step outside with me for a bit?”

“Right now?”


“Fine. I'll go tell my mom first.”

“I'll wait for you down on the first floor. See you soon.”

“Alright, bye.”

- - - - -

Hanuel walked into the elevator after getting confirmation from her mom that she could go out. Her mother simply told her to 'not stay out too late', and 'be careful because it's dark'.

When the elevator bell made a noise, signalling she had arrived at her destination floor, she stepped out into the main floor. She walked out of the elevator area and towards the front desks.

Jungkook looked up when he saw her approach. He stood up and walked over to greet her.

“Sorry to call you out so late. Are you sleepy?” He whispered, poking her nose. She glared up at him and swatted his hand away, “It's kind of too late to ask me that since I'm already down here.” He chuckled at her tone, “Sorry.” She sighed and shrugged, giving in, “It's fine. So where are we going?”

“To the nearby park.” He grabbed onto her hand, intertwined their fingers, and led her out of the building.

The two of them walked in silence. However, Hanuel would peek up at him from time to time. After sneaking a glance for the umpteenth time, Jungkook turned his head to give her a raised eyebrow. Her own eyes rounded in shock.

“What are you looking at?”

“You.” She replied in-all-honesty. His lips curved up into a small smirk and he leaned down near her face. He made it so that their noses touched before speaking,

“Hey, are you trying to seduce me? Because it's working.” She blinked for a few seconds before pulling back, “No. I just gave you my most honest answer. Take it or leave it.” He laughed, giving her hand a squeeze,

“I'll take it.”

“Did something happen?” She asked, when they finally entered the park's premises. He sat down first, and she stood there in front of him. When he didn't reply, she kneeled down in front of him and put her free hand on top of his knee, “Hey.”

Jungkook finally lifted his head, however, the smiling face he had on earlier was now replaced with a torn gaze. Hanuel's eyes rounded in surprise at his expression.

did happen.” She concluded. He nodded. She gave him a small smile and took his other hand into hers, interlacing both. Jungkook kept his gaze locked onto hers as she gave his hands a comforting squeeze.

“He apologized.” He waited until she looked up, as if giving him the confirmation that she was listening before continuing, “I have no idea why. If it's because he found someone else, then I really don't know what to do.”

Hanuel shifted around on her feet, not knowing how to reply.

“Do you think he's found another family?” He asked. She looked up, “I doubt it?” He gave her a lop-sided smirk, “You sound so uncertain with your answer.”

“I don't think uncle would do that, Jungkook. Maybe he just has something he can't tell you yet.” She whispered. “Yeah, but I'd rather he tell me! I feel like a complete retard since I don't know anything.”

“He said he'll tell you soon, right?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “Yeah, he'll tell me the reason when he
does leave us. Great.”

“I'm sure uncle has something he just can't tell you at the moment. Believe in him.” Hanuel whispered.


Like what?” He sneered, letting go of her hands. Her head jerked up in shock at his behaviour. He wrung his hands together in anxiety and his breathing came out jagged at this point. She grabbed onto his hand to calm him down,


“I don't know what the hell I can do! , I don't even know what the hell is going on!” He exclaimed, avoiding her touch. She frowned, creasing her eyebrows together as she stood up.

“Jungkook, calm down, please.”

He looked up at her,

Calm down? You think I can calm down? You think I can calm down when my ing family is falling apart?!” She gaped at him, “Jeon Jungkook, why are you yelling at me?”

“It's because you don't know !” He shouted. Jungkook's eyes flickered in regret when he saw the hurt, clearly evident on her face but he was just so confused and upset that he didn't even know what he was doing. Her own eyes widened, in both anger and bafflement, “Are you serious? You called
me out to talk with you, and yet you're using me as your god damn anger outlet!”

When he didn't say anything, she let out a small scoff, “You know what? I'll talk to you when you become rational again, Jungkook. I don't know how anything I say is going to get through your head at this point.”

- - - - -

“Hanuel? You're home?”

Hanuel took off her shoes with a huff, and her dad who had just gotten home, stared at her in question. Without bothering to reply, she walked into her room and slammed the door shut. Her dad's eyes widened in shock. Her mother came out of the bedroom and looked at her husband,

“Was that Hanuel?”

Her dad nodded, but jerked his head towards their daughter's bedroom, “She seemed rather angry. I think something happened between her and Jungkook. Could you go take a look?” Mrs. Lee raised an eyebrow, “Why can't you go?” Her husband rolled his eyes and held up his hands in surrender, “Girl talk- boys aren't allowed. Now, go and find out what happened to our daughter.” He made a shooing motion with his hand.

“Excuses, excuses.”

Ms. Lee lightly knocked on Hanuel's bedroom door, “Hanuel?”

No reply.

She frowned, twisting the doorknob open. She found her daughter lying face first on her bed in the dark. She walked over and sat down, putting a hand on her head, “Hanuel.” Said girl finally stirred, however, all she did was throw the blanket over her head and sniffled under the cover. Mrs. Lee's eyes rounded when she realized her daughter was crying.

“Honey, say something.” She whispered in worry, “Did something happen between you and Jungkook?” Hanuel nodded from under the blankets and her mother's frown deepened. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

It took a few moments, but Hanuel finally turned to face her mother.

“I know Jungkook's upset right now, but he doesn't have to yell at me, right? It's not like it's my fault.” Her mother ruffled her hair and gave her a smile, “I know, honey. He's having a hard time, so you have to be understanding.”

“I was!” Hanuel exclaimed with wide eyes, sitting up, “I tried to comfort him, but he yelled at me as if I made all this happen.” Her mother sighed, wrapping an arm around her daughter,

“Just give him some time. He'll come around. Although, it is wrong of him to yell at you.”


“You can't give up on him though, Hanuel. The best you can do now is support him, yes?”

“I can't support him if he's just going to push me away, mom.”

- - - - -

The next day, Hanuel had gone out with Minjung, like she promised.

“Aw, look at that dog! Isn't he adorable?” Minjung cooed as she crouched down to ruffle one of the small dogs she saw at the pet store. She paused when she noticed that Hanuel wasn't even paying attention. She frowned, stood up, and shook her best friend on the shoulder.


Minjung raised an eyebrow, “Did you listen to a thing I just said?” Hanuel gave her a sheepish smile, “Will you get mad if I said
partially?” Minjung rolled her eyes and slung an arm over her shoulder,

“Let's go, lady.” Hanuel chuckled, “Sorry. I'm just not in my right mind right now.” Minjung nodded, “I know. I can tell.”

“Is it Jungkook?” Minjung asked. Hanuel stopped walking, and Minjung knew the answer, “Is it something you can tell me right now?” Hanuel shook her head. Minjung let out a small sigh, grabbed her best friend's hand before pulling her down the street. Hanuel looked up in surprise, “Where are we going now?”

“Who knows?”


“Who cares? I'll find a way to get your mind off things, don't worry!”

“Is this something dangerous?”

“Who cares?”

“....Thanks, Minjung.”

“I'm awesome, aren't I?”

- - - - -

“What is this place?”

Minjung stepped up onto the doorstep with a wide grin,

“Ta-dah! It's a clay painting store.”

Hanuel blinked and looked up at the giant sign, “Why are we here?” Minjung chuckled, grabbed her hand, and pushed open the door. Hanuel stumbled on the step, and grabbed onto her best friend for support when the store owner came rushing over to greet them.

“Welcome! We have a special deal today! Every clay item under the 'medium' section are all for the price of a 'small' sculpture.”

Minjung's smile brightened, “Thank you!” Hanuel dipped her head with a smile and the owner gave them a bow before walking back behind the counter.

The two girls walked over towards the per-made clay displays and looked around.

“Why don't you make something for the Jeon family as a 'Cheer up!' gift?” Minjung suggested. Hanuel contemplated the idea before nodding, “Sure.” She walked over, and picked up a sculpted picture frame. She decided this would be the best choice, seeing as how she wanted their family to stay together. Mrs. Jeon could put a family picture into it.

Minjung, on the other hand, picked up a cupcake-shaped cup with a lid. Hanuel raised an eyebrow at her friend's choice, “What a kid.”

Minjung looked up and stuck out her tongue, “Oh shush.”

- - - - -

Minjung and Hanuel bid farewell to each other at the main bus station. Hanuel saw to it that Minjung got on her bus first before walking down the platform to wait for her own.

She came home, satisfied with her work- which was now in the process of being sent to get processed and hardened. She took off her shoes and walked towards the living room. Hanuel looked around in confusion when she realized her mother wasn't home.

The store wasn't open on Sundays.

She picked up the home phone and was about to call her mother's cell phone when she noticed the light for the answering machine was on. She pressed the button to play the message, and sat down on the couch to listen.

“Hanuel? Are you home yet? I tried calling your phone several times but it went to voice mail. Oh gosh, where are you? Your father got injured at work and I'm at the hospital right now. One of the heavy wood-cutting machines came off it's hook, and your father risked himself to push his co-worker out of the way. Please hurry when you get this message. Please, Hanuel.”

Stunned, she sat there for a few seconds to process what she had just heard. Her body moved before her mind did, and she was already out the door by the time the automated voice asked whether or not she would like to repeat the message.

- - - - -

Hanuel arrived at the hospital half an hour later. She mentally cursed the bus for arriving late, and then scolding herself for not charging her phone last night.

She walked through the revolving glass doors and arrived at the front desk of the emergency department. The lady looked up, “How can I help you?”

“Has somebody named Lee Jiwook came through? Injury at work?”

The lady checked her computer before looking up and nodding to confirm the girl's question, “Yes. What is your relationship with this man?”

“He's my father.”

“Just follow the red stripes down, and take the first left turn you see. He should still be in the emergency beds.” She explained. Hanuel gave her a smile, thanked her, and quickly made her way to her destination.

Her eyes wandered around, keeping in mind to follow the red strips amidst her worried state. Her eyes brightened ever-so-slightly when she saw a glimpse of her mother standing beside one of the hospital beds in the emergency room and she immediately walked inside.

“Mom.” She called out. Her mother turned around with teary eyes and Hanuel felt her heart drop.

Was her father injured that badly?

Hanuel walked over slowly, and she held out her arms for her mother. Mrs. Lee wrapped her arms around her daughter's waist and cried into her shoulder. She was crying so hard, that she couldn't even get the words out. Hanuel dared herself to peak over her mother's shoulder and take a look at her father.

Her face became expressionless.

“Could you please tell your mom to calm down? All I did was dislocate my elbow, and she's crying as if it's my funeral.”

Her dad rolled her eyes and leaned against his pillow with an exasperated sigh. Mrs. Lee immediately pulled out of her daughter's arm and smacked her husband on the head.

“How could you say that? You know how worried I was?!”

“I'm still alive, aren't I? You're over-reacting.”

“I cannot believe you, Jiwook!”

Mr. Lee was about to retort, when he saw Hanuel's frozen figure standing off to the side and he raised an eyebrow, “What's wrong? Why are you so quiet?” His eyes widened when she looked up with a glare, “I thought this was something major. Do you know how scared I was? Mom!” Mrs. Lee turned around and sniffled, “Say what? Why are you all yelling at me?”

Hanuel slapped a hand over her face and walked over to put a hand on her mother's head, “He dislocated an elbow. It's nothing major, mom. You made it sound as if he was on life-support on the phone so I literally ran all the way here.” Her mother frowned, “This
is major!” Her dad groaned from his resting position,

“I give up. Your mother's a wimp.”

“Lee Jiwook, watch it.”

“Are you okay though, dad?” Hanuel asked as she walked over. He nodded with a grin, “I'll be back to work in no time.” His wife pushed his head back down, “Absolutely not.” He gaped at her, “Oh come on! I'm fine, see?”

Hanuel chuckled in relief and bent down to give her parents a hug, “I'll go buy you two a drink. I'm glad.” Her dad smiled up at her, “That's my strong girl.” Hanuel gave him an eye-smile before turning on her heels. However, on her way out she managed to catch her father's comment,

“She sure didn't get that trait from you- ow! How dare you hit an injured man in the hospital?”

injured man said he was fine!”

- - - - -

Hanuel jogged down the hospital stairs after arriving at the cafeteria and getting two hot coffees. She arrived back in the main hospital building and looked around. She made her way down the hallway she recognized and made sure to be careful to not spill the drinks.

However, the further she went down the hallway, the lesser the people she saw. She blinked when she found that there were no longer signs leading her where to go. She turned around, only to find that the door she came through had closed behind her. She whirled around in confusion.

“I'm lost.” She whispered in frustration.

She was about to reach into her pocket to take out her phone to call her mom or something, but then she remembered she left her phone at home. Not to mention, it wasn't even charged. She mentally groaned at her situation and turned around to hopefully go back the way she came.

Just as she was about to turn the corner, she
almost bumped into someone and she let out a yelp before bending her head down to apologize.

“Hanuel? Is that you?”

Her eyes widened in recognition and she lifted her head up to see if it was who she thought it was. Her eyes rounded in surprise, and they only got even bigger when they drifted towards the sign on the door that this person came out from.

Neurology Department


You guys are given the permission to kill me for updating so lateo(╥﹏╥)o But I am so sorry! I had exams, and then life got in the way :c I've been reading all your comments, wall posts and private messages though! I just haven't found the time to reply to them all, so please be patient D: (But y'all are the sweetest people ever to talk to! <3)

Anyway, hope you like the update ;~; As an apology, here's this chat I really wanted to add into the chapter, but didn't find it fitting LOL. No but really, I really wanna add this in somehow but I couldn't. Not in this chapter at least LOL

Another note: I made a new fanfic(s), because this one's gonna end soon LOL. 
Her Life Through His Eyes - This one stars J-Hope and Jungkook :D I haven't seen many J-Hope fanfics floating around, so ta-dah! It's a romance, school life and just everyday life, so if you guys are interested, check it out! (:
Forgetful, but not Forgotten - This one is about the hardships about being a idol, but there's definitely romance LOL. It stars
Zelo and Jungkook! <3

Is anybody else freaking out about B.A.P and BTS' new MV like I am? Omg Zelo, Jungkook and J-Hope. >:( Stop. My heart can't take it. (How awesome would it be to get Jungkook's rose on Valentine's Day? ;~;)

Who's your bias in BTS? B.A.P? :D 

Alright, bye! :D (Hope you enjoyed this super sad awesome chapter lmfao)

do you guys like snow by the way? i absolutely hate it. i've been shoveling snow as tall as me for the past week >:( and i'm 167cm LOL. imagine that 3


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)