One More Thing

Next Stop, Insanity

So, can you tell us now?”

Hanuel stared straight ahead at the television screen, pretending as if she didn't hear her mother's question. Her dad came out of the kitchen and sat down on the armchair shortly afterwards. He took the remote, and turned off the TV. Hanuel pouted and buried her face into the pillow she was hugging when she realized what they were trying to do.

Changmin and his parents had left after they finished dinner since they wanted to clean up their own house and get settled in. Not to mention they got the hint to leave the family some time so Hanuel could explain herself. So now was the perfect chance for Hanuel and her parents to have that dreaded boyfriend talk.

“Tell you what?” Hanuel mumbled, defeated.

“About you and Jungkook.” Her mom chuckled in amusement. Hanuel looked up and blew her bangs out of her face, “What do I tell you about it?”


Actually, what I really want to know is who confessed first.” Her dad commented. His wife nodded, but then she tilted her head, “I can bet you 100% that it was poor Jungkook who had to take the initiative.”

Hanuel looked up in surprise, “How did you know?” Her mother laughed and met eyes with her father,

“I knew it.”

“Can I go back to my room now?” Hanuel asked. Her mother turned to look at her, “When did you plan on telling us?” Hanuel blinked, taken aback by the question. She furrowed her eyebrows, “I was going to tell you guys. I just didn't know how to.”

“I was beginning to think you guys would never end up together.” Her dad rolled his eyes. Hanuel tilted her head, “What do you mean?” Her dad shrugged with a playful grin, “Never mind.” He got up and sat beside her, putting an arm around her shoulder, “I'm fine with whoever you're dating. As long as he makes you happy and isn't some criminal or drug addict.”

Her mom nodded in agreement, “I'm glad you chose a boy we bought trust and know well.” Hanuel pinked, “Is that all now?”

“Not yet. I know you have a boyfriend and all, but your main priority will still be school.” Her mother chided. Her father turned to his wife, “How can she when her biggest priority is to beat her boyfriend at school? That's going to be tough.”

Mrs. Lee blinked in surprise, “That's true. Just- never mind. Stay as you are.” She gave her daughter a pat on the shoulder. Hanuel looked between her parents,

“Then can I go now?”

“You may.”

Hanuel let out a sigh of relief and practically jolted to her room.

Her dad chuckled and looked down the hallway where she had run off to. He shook his head, “It feels like just yesterday she still came home and complained about him.”

“Kids grow up, dear.”

“I know. That's the sad part.”

- - - - -


Jungkook looked up from his video game when his bedroom door slammed open and his little sister ran up to him. He picked her up and set her onto his lap. She giggled and leaned her face into his, opening her eyes wide,

“Cookie oppa's bad!”

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and pretended to bite her nose, causing her to lean back, “What did I do this time?” Junghwa turned her attention to his laptop screen.

“Mommy and daddy told me that Hanuel unnie is your girlfriend. Is that true?”

Jungkook almost choked on his spit. His eyes bulged and he turned his little sister around, “How did they find out!?” Junghwa blinked in surprise at his outburst, “Unnie's mommy told them.” Jungkook's eyes rounded in surprise, “So this means her parents know about it too? But how?”

Junghwa ignored his question. She simply hopped off his lap and jumped around, “Yay! Unnie can now be oppa's wife! She can play with me more.” Jungkook stared at her, “Girlfriend and wife are two very different things.” Junghwa stopped jumping and looked up at him,

“What's the difference?”

He almost burst out laughing at her innocent question. He twirled his chair back around and grinned to himself.

“Nothing really.”

- - - - -

Hanuel plopped down onto her computer chair with a sigh. She always thought those boyfriend talks were scary and nerve-racking. Well, at least that's what she saw on TV. The only thing she felt though, was extreme embarrassment.

I mean, who wouldn't?

Thank the heavens her parents already knew Jungkook well enough and didn't need to ask her a million questions about him.

She her laptop and signed into her messenger. Before she could even click on her best friend's name, an incoming video call window popped up onto her screen. Her eyes rounded a bit in surprise when she heard the noise.

Jeon Jungkook is calling you.

She raised an eyebrow and clicked the answer button. Immediately, his face popped up onto the screen. She also noticed that the top of Junghwa's head appeared on the screen as well. Her eyes softened and she smiled,

“Hey there Jungie.”

Junghwa's eyes widened when she heard her name and she stood up on her brother's lap to get a better look at the screen. Jungkook winced at the sudden impact. When Junghwa saw who it was, her eyes brightened and she jumped up, “Hi unnie!” Jungkook bit his lip in pain and held her still, “Please don't jump on me like that. It hurts, kid.” Junghwa turned around and frowned, “Stop. I'm trying to talk to unnie, you bad oppa.” She then turned back towards the camera and she propped her chin onto her palms, with her elbows resting on the desk.

“Unnie, is oppa your boyfriend?”

Hanuel, from the other side, had drop open. Jungkook smirked at her reaction, “Tell her the truth, babe.” She glanced up at him with a contorted face, “Please don't call me that. To answer your question, Jungie, yes he is.” Junghwa gasped, “Why him?”

Jungkook looked offended, “Who else would it be?” Junghwa put her finger to her lips in thought, “Somebody taller!” Hanuel laughed, “But isn't your oppa taller than me?” Jungkook nodded in agreement, “Yeah exactly.”

Junghwa shook her head, “Not tall enough.”

Jungkook picked her up and set her down, “Alright, go away. Mom's probably looking for you.” Junghwa skipped out of the room, “Mommy! Oppa's being mean again!” He turned turned around and faced the screen with a dead-panned look. Hanuel tilted her head with a grin, “You just got beat by your little sister.” She mocked him by clapping, slowly. He frowned,

“Why are you so mean?”

She blinked at him, “I'm not?” He rolled his eyes, “Whatever. I'll forgive you since you admitted I was your boyfriend so cutely.” She scoffed, “Weirdo.” He was about to say something, but then his eyes narrowed,

“How did the parents find out?”

“Changmin oppa. He wasn't aware that the parents didn't know and his tongue slipped.” She explained. Jungkook put a finger to his lips, as if signalling for her to be quiet. She blinked in confusion.

“Don't call another guy oppa in front of me, deal?”

Hanuel gave him a look, “Why should that concern you?” He pouted, “It makes me jealous, that's why.” She rolled her eyes, “I'm going to sleep now. I have work tomorrow.”

“Yeah, in the afternoon.”

“I told Zelo I could work earlier times since it's summer.”

“I still don't approve of you working there.”

“Too bad, so sad.” She stuck out her tongue and ended the call. She was about to sign out when a chat box appeared almost a few mil-seconds later.

yeah. okay. just leave me all alone :( it's not like i'm hurt y'know???

Her lips tugged upwards into a smile and she typed in a reply.

Idiot. I'll text you in the morning. Night (:

k. I will be waiting for your text thennnnnn<3

- - - - -

Hanuel adjusted her work uniform in the staff room and double-checked her reflection in the mirror before pushing open the door to the cafe. She walked over to the counter where her co-worker was already positioned at.

“Aw, I missed seeing you in your work uniform.” Yui cooed as she enveloped the younger girl in a tight hug. Hanuel laughed, “I missed you too, Yui. Had a fun summer so far?” She pulled back with a wide smile, “Oh yeah. I went back to Japan and visited my family. How about yours?” Hanuel hummed in response, “It's been going great so far.”

They both looked up when the back door opened up, and Mrs. Choi walked in. Her face brightened up when she saw the two girls.

“My, have you two gotten prettier over the holidays or is it just me?”

“You've gotten prettier too, Mrs. Choi.” Yui complimented with a playful wink. A hearty laughter came out of the woman's lips, “How flattering.” She turned to Hanuel, “I have some good news for you, dear.” Hanuel blinked in surprise and pointed at herself, “Me?”

Mrs. Choi nodded, “I'd figured you might want somebody working with you that's close to your age.” Yui's face fell, “Hey, now that was an indirect hit, Mrs. Choi.” The woman laughed, “I'm kidding Yui. Your face is still full of youth, don't sweat it. Anyway, I want to introduce to you a new worker.”


All three heads turned towards the front door that jingled, signalling that somebody had come in. Zelo took off his cap and ruffled his hair, coming towards the counter,


Hanuel blinked in surprise, “Your new worker is Zelo?” Mrs. Choi nodded with a smile and pinched his cheeks, causing him to scowl and pull away, “Yeah. This little rascal hasn't been doing much at home anyway. I might as well make him work right?”

“In my defense, we were on vacation for the past two weeks so I had nothing better to do.” Zelo commented. Yui grinned, “Huh, so you're Mrs. Choi's son. I'm Takashi Yui, nice to meet you.” He gave her a nod, and shook her hand, “Choi Junhong- but you can call me Zelo.”

“Is that your street name?” She inquired.

“More like a stage name.” He corrected. Yui nodded in understanding. Mrs. Choi waited for the chatter to cease before speaking up again,

“Zelo can help Hanuel serve the tables.” Zelo raised his hand, “Can't I just sit here and make the drinks or something?”

“Do you know how?” His mother raised an eyebrow. He snapped his finger with a grin, “I can learn.” His mother's face fell, “That will take more than a summer. Just stick to the heavy work, please. Would you mind flipping the sign outside the door? I'm going back inside now. Get working, you youngsters.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Yui replied. Hanuel fixed her apron and went behind to her drinks station. Zelo shook his head and went towards the door,

“My mother's so discriminative against me. I'm hurt.”

- - - - -

Hanuel let out a tired sigh as she prepared the next drink. Yui was typing in a customer's order while Zelo was serving the biscuits and cookies with a tray. He came back and took the freshly-prepared drinks off the serving counter and went to the appropriate tables.

He came back after another round, he went behind the counter and leaned against the wall. “This is so tiring.” He complained. Hanuel turned around, “This is your first day working and you're already tired?” Zelo fixed his bangs with a light smirk,

“I don't mind working all day if you're here with me.”

Yui whirled around at that comment with a wagging finger, “Hey. Don't flirt in front of me. I don't need to be reminded that I'm old and single.” Zelo chuckled, “Got it.” He got up to clean up another table after the customers left.

Hanuel stood there in bafflement for a moment.

Those words reminded her a lot of something he would have said.

Shaking her head, she ignored his flirtatious comment and continued working.

The bell on top of the door dinged, and Yui looked up after giving the customer his change. The man walked towards the cash register and gave her a smile. He took off his sunglasses to get a better look at the menu.

“I'll have an Iced Coffee, please.”

Hanuel looked up at the familiar voice, and she gasped when she saw who it was.

“Changmin oppa?”

Yui turned around in surprise and looked between the two of them, “You know each other?” Changmin turned his head and his eyes rounded, “What the- wait a second. You work here?” Hanuel nodded and wiped off her hands on her apron before coming closer, “Yeah. I work part-time here.” Changmin nodded with an impressed grin, “Nice.”

Yui blinked, “Is her your boyfriend?”

“Whoa, whoa.” Changmin held out his hands, “No way. She's my little cousin.” Hanuel nodded, “Yeah. He's my older cousin who just came back from Japan. Oh wait, Changmin oppa, Yui here is also Japanese.” He turned back to her, “Really? Are you native?” She nodded and looked back at him, “How about you?”

“Nah. I was born here.”

“Hold on. Your face looks really familiar.” Yui narrowed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows together in thought. Her eyes widened in recognition, but before she could speak out, Changmin held a finger up to his lips with pleading eyes, “Wait. Don't. I wore my sunglasses today for a reason.”

“Is it because the sun's bright?” Hanuel blinked. Changmin turned to her with an incredulous look, “Your mom told me you were smart.” Her jaw dropped, “That's mean.”

Yui clucked her tongue in understanding, “Ah. You didn't want to be spotted. Alright, I got ya.” She handed him his drink, “I'll just forever remember that I served you a coffee.” Changmin chuckled, “Thanks.” He waved to his cousin, “We're coming over for dinner later. Bye.”

When he left, Yui turned to Hanuel with a wide mouth, “Wow. I never knew you had a cousin like that.” Hanuel shrugged, “I never did either.”

Zelo came back with dirty cups and a raised eyebrow, “Why aren't my co-workers working?” Yui jabbed a finger towards Hanuel, “Her cousin came so we had a little chat.” He looked towards the door, “That tall guy wearing a scarf when it's 30 degrees outside?” “Yeah, him.” Hanuel replied. Zelo chuckled, “Unique cousin you got there.”

Hanuel met eyes with Yui and grinned.

“Yeah, you could say that.”

- - - - -

Hanuel took out her phone to check the time after coming out of the cafe. She yawned and fixed her hoodie before turning to the left and started walking. She didn't even make it 10 steps before somebody grabbed onto her shoulder. She turned around in alarm.

“Hey, sorry. You walk too fast.” Zelo grinned. Hanuel turned back around, “I've been told.” He walked beside her, “So how has your summer been so far?” Hanuel nodded with a thoughtful smile, “It's been good. How about yours? How was your trip to Japan?”


She looked up with questioning eyes and he chuckled, “I should have taken some Japanese classes before I went. I felt like I went to another planet.” She laughed, “It couldn't have been that bad.” His eyes widened and he gasped, “You try getting lost in the busy city without a cellphone and money. Then you can tell me that isn't bad.”

“You got lost?”

“No. More like my parents ditched me when they saw giant mascots walking around the streets.” He rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into his pockets. She laughed, “You didn't bother asking for directions?”

“Uh, yeah. I tried. They thought I was some crazy street kid with blonde hair.”

“Well, you do stand out with your hair colour.” She commented. Zelo looked up and touched his honey coloured tips, “Then should I dye it again?” She blinked, “To what?”

“Your call.”

“Why me?”

“Seems like you have good taste in hairstyles.” He grinned as he picked up a strand of her hair and waved it around. Hanuel stopped walking and tilted her head to study his face for a second.

“Why not try a darker colour?”

Zelo raised an eyebrow, “Yeah. It doesn't match my skin tone.” She shook her head, “No, no. A light but dark colour. Like gray? Silver?”

“Okay, so you want me to look like an old man.” She held up her hands in surrender, “It seems like I don't have good taste after all.” He chuckled, “I'm kidding. It sounds like a cool idea. I'll consider that.”

They walked for a while in silence before Zelo spoke up, “I just came along since I was meeting up with my friends around here. I'm heading that way.” Hanuel stopped and looked up at him, “Alright. See you, Zelo.”

He gave her a small salute, “Same to you. I'm looking forward to working with you, co-worker.” He winked, and turned around. Hanuel tilted her head, looking at his retreating figure.


He definitely reminded her of him.

Her eyes widened.

She was starting to think about him a lot more recently. Was that supposed to be a good thing?

- - - - -

Jungkook played with his phone as he waited outside the apartment building for Hanuel to return. He leaned against the wall of the building and squinted his eyes under the sunlight. When he noticed a familiar figure walk up the path, he pushed himself off to get a better look.

His face brightened when he saw her.

Hanuel looked up and she was momentarily surprised when she saw Jungkook walk towards her. He stopped in front of her and leaned down, “Did you miss me?” She leaned back and pushed his face away, “No.”

“Why can't you be like a normal girlfriend and say something like Oh of course I did, Jungkook.”

“Because that's not something I would do.” She rolled her eyes with a small smile. She looked up at his red face and frowned, “Did you wait long? You're all sweaty.” He fanned himself with his shirt and pouted at her, “The things I do for you.” She scoffed, “I never told you to wait for me, idiot.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to.”

She took out a napkin from her bag and leaned onto her toes to wipe his forehead. “If you're going to wait outside in the sun, put some sunscreen on. Or at the very least, don't wear black to attract the sun's rays.” She lightly scolded. Jungkook blinked at her sudden gesture, but then softened. He grabbed onto her wrists and pulled her in for a hug. fell open, “Jungkook-”

“You're so adorable. Why do you have to do such random things to make me feel so happy?” He whispered. She flushed at his words, “I don't know?” He pulled back with a wide smile and grabbed onto her hand,

“Let's go for a walk.”

Her eyes widened, “Right now?” He nodded, “Yeah, why not?” She frowned, “I'm tired from work.” Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled her along,

“Your lovely boyfriend here will give you energy.”

She shook her head in amusement, “Sure he will.”

The two of them arrived at the neighbourhood park and he brought her over to one of the unoccupied park benches under the shade.

“How was work?” He questioned as he played with her fingers. Hanuel looked down at his hands, “It was good to see Yui again. Oh, Zelo's also working there now too.” Jungkook paused, “Wait what?”

“His mom wanted him to work there for the summer to help out.”

He frowned, “Well then, I'll apply for the job so she can fire him. Then we can work together.” Hanuel rolled her eyes at his childish words, “Yeah, you go do that.” He got up with determined eyes,

“I actually will.”

Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled him back down, “Are you actually?” Jungkook turned to her with a serious look, “Yes. To protect you from that skyscraper.”

“Protect me?”

“Because he might do things to you.”

She sighed, “You're being dumb.” Jungkook's jaw dropped, “I am not. He could be sneaky while working with you and- I don't know- touch you?” She scrunched up her face, “That's called being a ert. I also think that nickname is reserved for you.”

He grinned with playful eyes, “Oh yeah.” But then his face darkened again, “What if he tries hugging you?” Hanuel leaned against the bench and yawned, “Why would he?” Jungkook shrugged, “Didn't he hug you before?”

“That was before.”

“Yeah, that was before you got a boyfriend. So that's something you should only do with your boyfriend.” He grinned. She rolled her eyes, “Sure.”

“There's lots of things you should only do with your boyfriend.” Jungkook commented with a thoughtful look. Hanuel tiredly turned to him, “Like?”

He cleared his throat and held up their intertwined hands, “This?” She nodded with a yawn, “I know that much.” He then used his other arm and pulled her head onto his shoulder. Hanuel blinked, “What are you doing?”

“Educating you.” He replied. “That was also something you should only do with your boyfriend.” She lightly scoffed and closed her eyes, not even bothering to pull away.

“There's more.” He continued. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the head. This time her eyes flew open and she pulled back. Jungkook tilted his head with a smirk, “That's something you should only let your boyfriend do to you.” She pinked and used her other hand to touch her head in embarrassment, “Yeah, I think I know that much too.”

“There's one more thing.”

She sighed in exhaustion, “What?” Her eyes began drooping once more and Jungkook almost laughed at her cute expression. He brushed her bangs behind her ears and Hanuel blinked up at him. He mentally fanboyed over her cute expression. Still holding one hand of hers, he used his other to cup her face and pulled her in close.

So close to the point that their lips touched. Jungkook closed his eyes and gave her a kiss on the lips. Her eyes widened at first, but then they fell shut in happiness. Hanuel felt her heartbeat accelerate- like it always did and her lips tugged into a soft smile. She felt the heat rush up to her cheeks when she realized other people could probably see them.

He pulled back after a few seconds and rested his forehead against hers with a playful look,

That better be something you only do with me.”

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Hi guys :D I just wanted to apologize in advance for the delayed update. School started, I joined so many new clubs -.- Not to mention I got sick so I didn't have the energy to sit in front of my computer and type up 10 pages of words ;-; 

But I made it! This chapter is 3 pages longer than my usual ones. Do you guys know why? :D

I reached 500 subscribers! \o/ As well as reaching 70 upvotes! Thank you guys so much T-T I honestly never expected this story to get this far. You guys are so amazing <3 Your comments are wonderful, and I don't even- I don't know what to say :s Thank you guys for all commenting, subscribing and upvoting! ^^; 

Yeah this was a long author's note. I'm just so happy and adjwhakdsa.

But wait! Did you guys see BTS' new MV? OMG. <3 But whyyyyy did J-Hope only have one part? Jin and V can rap and sing. Why not give them more lines too? ;; I know Jungkook's cute and talented and handsome and all but c'mon, the other members are equally talented too, right? T-T

Oh well. I still loved it *o* 

How about you guys? Did you like it? x]

It's actually like 3:23am here. I should be sleeping x_x I stayed up for you guys, though! 

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Thank you!
[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)