The Yang's Reputation

Dorm Room 2012

A few weeks had passed; Kyungsoo and Luhan were still in shock from Lulu's news.

"They've been like that ever since. We have to do something." Kai said looking at Kyungsoo who continued to sigh.

"Have you heard anything from Mira noona?" Baekhyun asked looking at Suho.

"No." Suho said sighing.

"What does Mira's family do anyway?" Kris asked.

"I'm not entirely sure; all I know is that our fathers are good friends." Suho explained.


"Miss Mira I've obtained the files you asked for." A tall male said walking up to her.

"Oh, thanks." She said looking over them.

"I'm sorry it took so long." He said bowing.

"It's okay. The important thing is you got the files." She said smiling.

"You're too kind." He said bowing.

"You're too stiff relax a little." She said slapping the guy on the back.

Mira looked over the contents of the file before closing it.

"So she is pregnant." She said with a sigh. "This wasn't the news I was expecting to read." She said pulling out her phone.

"Are you going to call Suho?"

Mira suddenly put her phone away as she looked at her assistant.

"I'm going to this hospital." She said smiling.

"You have that look in your eyes." He said looking worried.

"Where are my gloves?" She asked.

"Now Miss Mira you're father wouldn't approve of causing a riot in a hospital."

"A riot!? Me? You must be joking." She said laughing. "This is her doctor right?"

"Yes Miss Mira."

"Wait a second, Lulu isn't her real name?"

"That is correct, it's her nickname that Luhan gave her. Everyone calls her that now."

"Well, her real name is interesting, is she?-"

"Yes she is Miss Mira."

“I see.” She said smiling.


Mira arrived at the hospital and walked towards the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here to see Doctor Song." She explained.

"Doctor Song is not in right now, is there something you need to discuss with him?"

"Yes, can you tell him Yang Mira wants to talk to him?" She asked smiling.

"Yang Mira!?" She asked.

"That's correct." She said smiling. "I'll be off." She said bowing.


Mira walked outside to see Doctor Song approaching her.

"Doctor Song, may I have a word with you?"

"Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked.

"How rude of me, my name is Yang Mira, nice to meet you." She said bowing.

"Ya-YANG!? He asked looking terrified.

"Please calm yourself. My father isn’t in that sort of business anymore. I just came to ask you a few questions."

"Questions? About what?"

"One of your patients." She explained.

"I'm sorry, but I can't give out patient information even to someone like you."

"I'm sorry-" she said putting her gloves on. "I don't remember telling you that you actually had a choice." She said smiling. "Now, you are going to tell me." She said combing the hair out of her face with her hand.

"Which patient?" He asked.

"Song Subin." She said looking at him.

"Song Subin?" He asked.

"Yes… Your daughter." She said glaring at him.


"Hyung~ you have to eat something." Sehun said trying to feed Luhan some rice.

"Kyungsoo, you've missed a lot of class, you might fall behind." Kai explained.

Kyungsoo remained under his covers not moving.

"They've become zombies." Chen said shaking his head.

"This can't go on." Kris said looking at them.

"We can't even call her a liar. Unless she’s been eating a lot, we can’t ignore the fact that her stomach is getting big." Xiumin explained.

"I know, now we know she was telling the truth." Lay said with a sigh.

"I'm going to go ask Lulu who is the father." Suho explained.

"Alright." Kris said looking at him.


"Lulu." Suho said walking towards the now pregnant girl.

"What?" She said looking at him.

"Who is the father? You have Kyungsoo and Luhan acting like their spirits have left their bodies."

"Good for them! This is their fault anyway!" She shouted.

"Lulu you're being unreasonable."

"I don't care! I want them both to go through the same thing.

"What are you talking about?.... Are you still upset because both of them dumped you!? Get over yourself!"

"No one dumps me!" She shouted.

"You should know how Luhan is by now! He's a flirt! He doesn't stick to one girl! It was your fault for getting into a 'relationship' with him in the first place! As for Kyungsoo, sorry but he's gay!"

"I don't care! They are both going to feel despair until this baby is born!" She shouted. "UGHH! I don't need this stress!" She said rubbing her stomach. "If anything happens to this baby I'm blaming you!" She shouted.

"You are really-"

"Go ahead and say it Suho, a ?" She asked "call me whatever you want, I don't care."

"You are pitiful." He said looking at her. "I sincerely feel sorry for you." He explained. "Just because you were dumped you are willing to ruin two lives for your enjoyment. I wonder what your parents would say about this."

"My parents? I only have a father." She said glaring at him.


"There! You happy!?" Mr. Song shouted looking at Mira.

"What you did could be considered a crime. I could have you arrested for what you did." Mira said looking over the files.

"I'd do anything for my daughter."

"Yes I can see that. You are willing to ruin two guys’ lives just for your daughter's petty revenge." She said standing up.

"What are you going to do?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"Nothing, I was going to have my guys trash this place, but I won't do it. Instead, I want you to step down from your place as head doctor." She explained.

"What!? I would never do that!" He shouted.

"Really?" She asked snapping her fingers as a bullet shot through the glass piercing the floor. "Now I was being nice. It would be a shame if you were... Let's say mugged while on your way home and the attacker... Oh I don't know stabbed your hands."

"Are you threatening me!?" He shouted.

"Yes I am.” She said sitting back in the chair as she crossed her legs. "I'm a lot nicer than my father, by now he would've stabbed your hands with that pen in your pocket." She said smiling.

Doctor Song quickly hid his hands from her.

"Now that you know how serious I am you WILL step down."

"What did my daughter do to make someone from the Yang family come here personally!? She told me it was to scare two of her ex boyfriends!"

"Those two boyfriends of hers happen to be friends of mine." She said sending a murderous glare in his direction that made him scoot back in his chair. "You know what, I'm being generous today, keep your job, but remember that if you ever do something like this again you'll regret it." She said getting up and walking to the door.

"What about my window?"

"You fix it." She said turning around.

"But you broke it!"

"Really? Are you sure?" She asked flipping a butterfly knife in her hand.

"I mean, silly me, I broke this window I better fix it right away." He said sweating.

"Yes, you are very silly." She said smiling as she closed the door.



A/N: hey guys I'm dead tired I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow~

saw this gif and this came to mind:

Chen: just let me bang you~

Xiumin: NO!

good night~ -__-zzzZZZ

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First off, WHAT!!!? This story got featured? Thank ^u^ Who are all you wonderful ppl?
Well, since this got featured I should probably update those pic links lol (stupid photobucket...)


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mistymountains 193 streak #1
Nice story!
ByunDal #2
Chapter 67: Okay that was wild
Chapter 63: Her stalker?
Chapter 60: We are talking about Kris!! The Kris!!!!
Chapter 59: Lay was in a gang?!! And fought for fun?!!!
Chapter 58: Awwww~ so cute <3
Chapter 54: Ahahahaha.. (*gulps* did I get thirsty? )
Chapter 53: That gifs!!!! My heart is bleeding!!!
Chapter 52: This story is so gay!! And I love it!!!!!!