


The tip toeing of millions of tiny raindrops down the front windshield of Sehun's taxi made it hard for him to see the road that lay ahead. The wipers worked furiously, sliding back and forth across the glass but as soon as they had tossed the first round of raindrops away, another covering had formed. It was evening, and the sun was setting. The horizon, hidden by a blend of skyscrapers and little tea shops, was an agitated red with a smear of tangerine. It did not match Sehun's mood. Currently, he was feeling content. It was almost the end of the day, and his passenger was being a respectful rider. The young looking boy sat quietly in the backseat of the cab, hands nestled neatly in his lap as he wriggled on occasion to get a good view of the city skyline. Sehun glanced through his front mirror at every red light to get another look at the boy's delicate features. His nose was sloped on the perfect angle, lips the perfect shade and size, and his eyes were bright with an endearing curiousity. Sehun wished he could say something. Anything, just to make conversation with this boy, and hope that he'd be remembered. But Sehun couldn't think of anything to say. He didn't want to come across as creepy, or awkward, which is how he usually sounded saying things in his everyday life. Sehun had given up on trying to be an extrovert a long time ago. That's why he enjoys driving a taxi. He can feel a connection to the person he's transporting, without having to talk all that much. The boy unfolded his fragile fingers to latch them to the door as I leaned into the window. His cherry pink lips parted in awe suddenly, and Sehun wondered what it was this boy has seen. 
"Is it the sunset?" Sehun surprised himself with his own voice. 
The boy's eyes snapped to the front of the vehicle. 
Sehun's lips curled into a smile. The boy's voice was so soft and soothing. He wanted to hear it again. 
"I said, is it the sunset...the thing you were looking at?" Sehun murmurs, apparently audible enough because after the boy's cheeks blush, he responds. 
"Oh, no..." He lets out a wistful sigh, swaying back to the window. "Just marveling at the beauty of this city, all the tall buildings, how the sun sets behind the glass giving the illusion that it's on fire." 
It would have been a morbid concept for Sehun, had the small boy in the back of his taxi not been so gorgeous. 
"As if the glass is on fire..." Sehun whispered, taking a glance out of his side window to see the colours of the sun reflecting off the nearest office building. It did, in fact, look like the glass was on fire. The reds and oranges swirling together in flames of light, rippling across the countless glittering windows. It was beautiful. 
"Isn't it lovely?" The boy had obviously caught him gazing at the sight. 
"Indeed." Sehun answered, spinning the steering wheel sharply to stop in front of the almost passed hotel. "This is your stop, right?"
The boy nods, clicking open the car door and hopping out with a gentle thud to the concrete sidewalk. He smiles back at Sehun before walking towards the passenger side door and tapping against the window. Sehun hastily rolls it down. 
The boy blushes for the second time. "I need to pay you, right?" He says fiddling with, Sehun guess cash, in his pocket.
"Yes, of course." Sehun bit his lip as he checked the toll meter. "It'll be 45 dollars."
The boy withdrew a wad of paper money from a wallet that he had retrieved from within his sweater pocket, and handed it to Sehun. One more smile was exchanged from each, a silent pause, and then the boy turned to walk up the parking lot to his hotel. Sehun turned to the backseat for his eyes to fall upon lost oppurtunity. 
There was no forgotten cellphone. No ring. No pair of sunglasses. No sign that the boy had ever been in Sehun's taxi. But what could he have expected? A slip of paper with his phone number? A note saying that the boy had really enjoyed their twelve minute ride down the city block? No, of course not. Sehun bites his lip again as he rounds a corner to head home for the night. And he realizes, that after all these times of hoping and wishing something wonderful would happen, things like that never do. Nothing ever happens that makes his heart beat wildly with newfound purpose. Nothing ever happens that makes him want to never sleep for fear the feeling with fade. Nothing ever exciting happens to Oh Sehun. 
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nycbean #1
Chapter 1: Wow, alright your imagery is seriously amazing. The way you weave words together to make an image should be art. This is beautiful, almost sad. It's short, but it's enough. I loved it. You're an amazing writer, honestly.