Cogs in the Machine


Children are far more complicated than wires and gears.


so this is an adaptation of clockwork fagin, by cory doctorow. i'm sorry (kinda)


Woohyun makes his way through the room with a smile as vibrant as it's always been since he was young, dragging his metal leg with skill practiced along the years. He walks up to the counter where Sunggyu rest his elbows, carrying himself like he owns the place. Although in a way he has done, the older man thinks, years ago when they and the machine they built were the masters of St. Angela's Home for the Rehabilitation of Crippled Children, along with the other residents of the place.

*throws confetti*


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Chapter 4: damn, they make HOME feel so good.
Chapter 4: Dude this is such a cool story, I'd love to see it as a chartered fic, like a super long one!:)
Chapter 4: this was a fun read, even though their lives at St. Angela's started out crappy. The setting is fascinating and I like the way that Sunggyu and Woohyun's relationship developed, nice fic!
Chapter 4: very interesting. awesome idea. great story. loved it!!
Chapter 4: I'd bookmarked this a whileeeeeeeeeeee now!
So happy I read it today~ :3333
I loved when the grinder died tho kekeke
Why does woogyu make me so bubbly inside?? ^_^
Chapter 4: Are you human?

I don't think you are because how can a human being be this perfect and produce this perfection?

/rolls away/
Chapter 4: that was beautiful like everything that you write can i squish you again please please please my love is overflowing
Chapter 4: hoyaaaa ㅠㅠ
but the ending was really sweet i loved it ♡♡