Stardust Wink



Bae Suzy :

--Is a 14-year-old girl born on February 10. Her blood type is A, and her zodiac sign is Aquarius. She shares an apartment complex with her best friends Ok Taecyeon and Jang Wooyoung, her unit being 302 which is in between Taecyeon's (301) and Wooyoung's (303). Because of her young age, Suzy appears to be oblivious to the boys' growing feelings for her, and often mistakes their romantic advances for brotherly love. Because of their close relationship, people would often speculate on who she likes better.

Ok Taecyeon :

--Ok Taecyeon was born on April 29, a Taurus.Blood type A. He lives in apartment no.301. He likes Green vegetables, video games in general ( especially Pokem*n). He gets good grades in school, good at sports too. And always get attention from girls. He loves Suzy.

Jang Wooyoung:

--He is 15 years old, live is apt no.303, is both Suzy's and Taecyeon's childhood friend. Dyes his hair brown to look older, has naturally curly hair, most often seem dazed and doesn't know how to wink. He doesnt like electronics much so he doesnt have a cell phone. Doesn't seem aware that he is popular. He's a very good artist and loves chipmunks. He also had a slight infatuation with his art teacher.



Bae Suzy has been friends with two handsome guys, Taecyeon and Wooyoung, since childhood. She has a crush on Soo Hyun, a first-year high-schooler, but she has difficulty finding a boyfriend as everyone always wonders about the relationship between Suzy and Taecyeon and Wooyoung. One day, she goes to Taecyeon's house and finds out that Taecyeon has a girlfriend. She is not jealous, but she feels like she has lost him. On the other hand, Taecyeon's girlfriend is upset about how Suzy comes into Taecyeon's room so freely and asks Taecyeon not to let Suzy into his room again. However, Taecyeon disagrees and ends their relationship. Suzy decides to overcome the odds and confesses to her crush. Soo Hyun accepts, but upon finding out that Suzy has a boyfriend, Taecyeon gets upset. On their first date, Suzy finds herself in her room with Soo Hyun. She tells him about something that happened in the past: She once had a chipmunk named Coco, and when it died, Taecyeon and Wooyoung brought her another chipmunk and telling her it was Coco. Her mother had told her to treasure Coco as the two of them had used their own money to buy Suzy another chipmunk. Soo Hyun then shocks Suzy by asking which one of them she likes. After she replies that the one she likes is him, Soo Hyun tries to kiss her but Suzy gets scared. She wants to call for Wooyoung and Taecyeon but she can't. They both suddenly appear after Suzy kicks Soo Hyun away. Of course, she cannot continue dating him after what happened. Although she cant get what Soo Hyun asked out of her head, Suzy is sure that the she will never be anything more than friends with Wooyoung and Taecyeon. But what will happen when Taecyeon confesses his love to Suzy and asks her to go out with him?


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I read the manga
Arisa_Ameiru #2
Hai there! :D You should tag it if you're gonna kinda base it off a manga, and give credit to the author. :) But, it is based off of Haruta Nana's "StarDust Wink," right? Just some friendly advice from one author to another. :)

Its nice plot..
I cant wait to read first chapter
please update soon
2pmsuzy #4
Update soon :D seemed to be a nice fanfic ^^
Its awesome!! Keep writing author-nim!! :D. Would you mind checking out my fanfic? Once again sorry for advertising :DD