Party preparation?

We dont fight, we are just having a heated discussion. [DISCONTINUED]



Wonder Girl is back!


“Left right, left left left, step step step on it. Step it left, spin around. Stop and spin again, step step and half spin. Look back. Hands down. Snap! Great!” Jin Guk claps his hand brightly. “Hiro, stay focused. Don’t depend on the count. Jin Ah, used your pretty face to a good use. Put some emotion to it. Emilie, today is not your best. Min min and Eric, both of you good. Good improvement. Guys, I want you to know. If you have any personal problems, put it aside as the music starts. Put your heart into the beat. Feel the music runs through your body and just dance. Do you get it?”


“Neh. Gamsahamnida!” All XXY bowed. Everyone slump down to his or her .  I stared at Hiro was lying on the floor was about to dozed off then, Min min wipes her sweats on her cheeks while Jin Ah hold her mirror up and wipes her sweats like a princess. I stared weirdly at Jin Ah and then looked at Eric. We both caught each other staring weirdly at Jin Ah. He and I chuckles. Then, I raised my chin, like a gangster do. Eric copied my action. I do it again. Then, Eric and I keep raising our chins again and again until Min Min interrupted us.


“Err, what are you guys doing?” Min Min asked us while raising an eyebrow.


“She started it first.” Eric pointed at me.


“No! You copied my action.” I pointed at him back.

Then we started bickering.


“Then, you copied mine” Eric said.


“Nooooo, you copied mine first”


“Well, you did kind of copied mine back”


“But still you copied mine first

“Mehronggggg!” Both of us stuck our tongues to each other.


“Would you two just shut up.” Jin Ah snapped.


Then, both Eric and I stuck out our tongues to her “Mehrong!”


“Tsschh, this kids!” Jin Ah held her fist up and then continued dazing her face in the mirror.


Min min, Eric and I burst into laughter. Eric’s eyes started getting teary because of laughing and held his stomach. While I started to hit the floors. Min min stared at both of us wondering why we laughed so hard. We looks like two bunch of crazy drunken dudes.


Hiro who was awaken by our laughter sat up. “What what happen?” He stared at us.


“Nothing oppa. Let’s get back to our dorm. You are too tired.” Min min said to Hiro.


I stared at Eric knowingly. Like we both can read each other’s mind, we tiptoe to behind Jin Ah.


“Lets get back to dorm!” We purposely scream near Jin Ah’s ear and then quickly ran out of the room.


We both laughed and walking hand in hand towards the elevator. We weren’t rushing anywhere since Saturday evening is a free time for us.


Then, we saw a milky white, chubby girl who was balancing two bags in right hand and three bags on her left hand. “Sunbaenim, you need help?” Eric asked her.


“Aahh, new trainee. Please do. Can you help me bring this back to my dorm” She looked at us helplessly.


“Sure do” Eric said. He took two bags from her left hand while I took both bags on her right hand.


“Thank you trainees. Well, don’t forget to come to our party tonight. Silly me, I didn’t ask for you name. I am Sohee, anngyeonghaseyo.” She bowed.


“Im Eric and this is my twin, Milly” Both Eric and I bowed.


“Eric and Milly, okay. You are not Korean right? Mian, I noticed your accent is little different” She tilted her head.


Both of us chuckled at the same time. “We are Chinese American” Eric said.


“Oh. Which part of state you belong?”


“We are from Massachussetts.” I smiled.


“Ahh, that Massachesse. Taecyeon oppa is from there. You guys know each him before?”


LOL. Why does everybody said Massacheese. Aishh, that s name again. Why does everyone thinks that we know each other only because we used to lived in the same place.


“No” “Yes” Both Eric and I said at the same time.


I nudged his arm. Sohee laughed at our action.


“Sohee-ah, is that you.” A voice called her from the dorm and open the door. Yunbin’s head pops out from the door.


“Sohee-ah, what too you so long? I’m hungry. Oh, annyeong!” Yunbin said when she realized Sohee wasn’t alone. Both Eric and I bowed.


“Ah, I must be going. Thanks again for your help. Well, I hope to see you on tonight party. Annyeong! “ Sohee smiles and came into the dorm.


Eric and I walked back to the elevator. “Gege, What party is Sunbae talk about?” I asked.


“Oh, tonight is welcoming back party for JYP sajangnim and Wonder Girls from their global tour. Everyone is invited. Manager hyung already told us last week. You forget right?” He pokes my neck.


I wiggle at his touch. Ticklish. “It must have slipped my mind.” I raised my shoulders.


“So, the party start at 8 p.m. Dress nicely.”


“Who said I’m going to the party. That would been there too” I puffed my cheeks.


“I said so. You know, you need to get out and chill with your friends instead of training in your free times. “


“I chill and get out too”


“Okay, fine. When is the last time you got out our dorm to just and go walk around? And I don’t mean for training or going to the shops to buy groceries.”


“Umm. Like …..”


“When is the last time you hang out with Na Eun?”


“umm, well. She is busy too. Well, umm”


“Humm, kiddo. You are coming to tonight’s party.” Eric said as he punched the code into our dorm.


“Well, I don’t nice shirt to wear?”


“Eric, Milly. Where you guys have been? Come on we are going out” Hiro said as he saw we enter the living room.


“Oh, we help a sunbae. Going out, where too?” I raised my eyebrows.


“Sunbae?oh, never mind. We are going for shopping for tonight’s party!” Min min said.


“Unnie, not you too”


“Chop chop. Go and get ready” Min min said and push me towards our bedroom. I sighed.


“Unnie, have you see my hat?” I scream while rummaging my closet looking for my hat.


“It is somewhere in your closet. I hang it there” Min min screams back from the living room.


I keep rummaging until I found a red watch. I hold to that red watch then reached for the hanger on top of my head and grab my hat. Red watch? I never had red watch. OMG, it’s that ’s watch. I nearly forgot. Damn! Well, since I’m going to tonight party, I might just give it to him. I wonder how his reaction will be. Humm, I hope he wont get angry. Yikes! I don’t want to create unwanted attention. Oh well.


Five of us get into the black wan with our manager. He gave us about three hours to go for shopping and then later meet back at the main door.


“Shopping!” Min min said while hugging my hand.


I sighed. Jin Ah, Min min and me go to search for their dress while Eric, Hiro and manager go find theirs.


“Why is she following us Min min?” Jin Ah said. “I don’t think we will find dress that will suit her” She said while eyeing me up and down.


“Oh, well. I guess we just have to find for you and Min min’s dresses only” I clapped my hands happily.


“Jin Ah, don’t said that. I will dress her myself if I have too” Min min said while glaring at me.


“aah, unnie. Shiro. Me with this short hair and a dress and heels is like ewww” I make the grossest expression.


“I agree Min” Jin Ah quickly said.


“We should celebrate this unnie. We had a finally agreeing on something” I mock a high five to her. She stares coldly at me. Geez, pmsing much?


“We’ll figure out something. You are growing fringes and I think it going to look pretty” Min min said while touching my short fringer that I put behind my ears. “For now, let’s find a dress for Jin Ah. Seems she would take the longest time, comeon Jin Ah” She takes both Jin Ah’s hand and mine and swings it back and forth.


Shop after shop, we came in and out looking for the dress for Jin Ah. Not pretty, too skimpy, too baggy, too short, too long. I was happily plugging in my iPod instead of listening to her comments.


I was gazing at the dress by the rack. Ah, pink. The colour that Jin Ah unnie likes. I ran my hand through the dress. My feet were sore. I pull out a dress. Not too short or too skimpy. Less is more right or so does the fashion magazine said. Jin Ah is in the changing room while Min min was leaning on the door. “Jin Ah, come on. Just pick a dress already.”


I hold out the dress to Min min asking her to pass the dress to Jin Ah. Min min looks at the dress and raised her eyebrows. I pouted my lips towards changing room. “Jin Ah, try this dress.” Min min knocks the door.


“Waeyo?” Jin Ah said without opening the door.


“Just take it. Open the door” Min min knocks the door again. Then, the door is opened and the dress disappears into the room.


Jin Ah opens the door and poses in front of us. “I look pretty right,” She said while gazing longingly at her own reflections. “Thank you Min for picking out the dress for me” She smiles at Min min.


“Ani, it wasn’t me that pick out that dress for you. It was Milly”


Her smiles drop when she heard my name. “Oh well, since that it makes me look pretty. Thanks” She said without looking at me. Geez, totally pmsing.


I just shrug and continue plug in my earphone. I look away and sat down. “Now that, Min min has found her dress. It is time to look for mine. Yeayy!” Min min jumps.


Turn out Min min was taking much longer time than Jin Ah. We came in and out shops more than Jin Ah have done. Too cute, too y, too childish, too oldish. I entertained myself by blowing off my fringe. “Milly-ah, pick a dress for me too” Min pouted her lips. I reluctantly stands up and help her to pick her dress while Jin Ah was looking through some hairbands and clips for herself. She only thinks about herself.


Finally, she picks a gray dress. “Yeayy, finally time dress for Milly-ah. Aren’t you excited?” She squeals.


“Ani, I found my so called dress.” I quickly pick this whole pieces in a quickly gladly.


“Omo, that quick. Chop chop go try it” She pushed me towards the changing room. Quickly, I change into that whole pieces and walk out the changing room and quickly went back in. “Hey, that was even not glance for us. Jin Ah don’t she look pretty” Min min said while holding my shoulder so I would face Jin Ah. Jin Ah nodded and looks away. “Chop chop went back in. Next, we gotta do our hairs and mani padi.”


While I was changing into my normal shirt again, my phone rang. Gege? It is have been three hours now.


“Eh oohhh gege” I said to him like the teletubbies greet each other.

(A/R: I was listening to teletubbies song when I did this. Lol)


“Ehh oohh Em. We are finish. Where are you guys?”


“Ermm, I”


“Milly, is that Eric. Well, you can ask them to go back and pick us up later. We are going to hairdresser and mani-padi” Min min said knowingly from outside the changing room.


“Erm, Eric. I guess you can go back and pick us up later. We are going to hairdresses and mani-padi hell”


Eric chuckled. “chincha? Hahahaa. You hairdresses and mani-padi. Make sure you ask them to paint your nails pink okay?”


“Sure, Ill make sure to top it with pweetty stars!”


“oh Well, manager said we will wait for you guys. He said he want to treat us games in game arcade later.”


“Arcade? Damn, I want to play too. Gege, I want to play too” I open the door.


“Come one hairdresser next” Min min help me pay for her dress and my stuff.


“Gege, save me. Please. I’m on my knees, mentally”


“Em, I guess it is Jin Ah doing. Just ran for your life then”


“Worse, it is Min unnie” I whisper slowly.


“Hahaa. I can’t be your superman. Min noona will kill me with her aegyo. Have fun sis. Saraengheyooooooo”


“Gege. Cheshh. How could he do to this to me” I stared at my phone unbelievingly. This is so meaaaaaaaaaaaann. Weyoooooo.


“Milly, ppali.” She dragged Jin Ah and me towards a hairstylist shop. She put me down on a chair and takes off my hat. I stand up and Min min pushed me down to the chair again. “Milly, I will strap you to the chair if I have to.” She said with a smirk. Then, she smiles sweetly. “Be a good kid okay” Then, she pats my head.


“Emilie, just listen to her. She can become more evil than me” Jin Ah said to while checking out her hair’s reflection on the mirror. Ma, pa. Please just save me. Jebal yooooooooooo.


For half and hour I managed to stay half awake. I keep yawning and dozed off. The hair stylist managed to style my hair to her taste despite that I kept fall asleep. I open my eyes and stare at my own reflection. I actually look nice.


“You look pretty. Kind of a tomboy way” Min min said when she caught me looking at the mirror. “Mani padi time!”


Thank god, the mani padi things only tooks for a while. I managed to nap. They painted my nail silver. That only after Min min coaxes me. I gladly jump off the chair and stretch my body.


“Jun Lee Oppa, we are done. Where are you now” Min said through the phone.


(Park Jun Lee: I’m their manager. Don’t forget me XD)


A/R: double updates. I love you mucho mucho guys. 

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I updated We dont fight we are just having a heated discussion. I edited the old chapter that i used to upload. enjoyyy :D


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chinguyah #1
update soon ~~
kitktykatty #2
Chapter 21: Haha, Jin Ah is such a diva xD And oMo, Jay and Milly are so cute~! I have changed my otp for this story~! Please update soon~! (Don't worry Minjun oppa, I still love you more ^^)
jesica27 #3
Chapter 21: Taecueon please`~~~~ (pout)
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 20: Uh oh... Jin Ah and her mysterious unnie are up to something... I love the adorable reunion between Milly and her band mates~! And how Jin Ah thinks her going out with Jay is a date but honestly it isn't, just a friend thing. Even if Jay likes her, or she likes Jay they still didn't really consider it a date >.< At least not in my opinion XD Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 19: Awwwwww, Poor Milly~! Jay likes her~!~!~!~! OMG~!~!~! And my poor Jun. K~!~!~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #6
Chapter 18: Haha~! Great chapter~! Well, as long as you leave my Junho alone~! XD
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 17: Wahhhhhhhh~! Evil author~! Why does Jun K have to be the one who I think is starting to like Mil~!~? I like Jun K more~! ;-;
kitktykatty #8
Chapter 15: Great chapter~! I love Em's tomboyishness~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 13: Great chapter~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 12: oMo~! I hope Emilie will be okay~! o.o Please update soon~!