Royalty Pains


Time does not matter as the sun comes and goes on this land. The population is small, the world vast. Humans and non-H (non human) creatures live together in what should be said as harmonious but no province is safe as descrimination and turmoil takes it's toll for the worst. Aristocrats are being murdered left and right, humans are being slaughtered and lives are being taken. In a world where centaurs walk freely on land, mermaids swim gracefully in the sea and entities strive for something more, a place that was once called home no longer feels like it.

Refering to the picture:

1. Kingdom: This province doesn't have a name. It is normally refered to as The Kingdom. This province holds the greatest population and is said to have the best weather.
2. Aria: Ruled by the Grand Duke and Duchess Cross. Very nature based province with the lowest population out of all the provinces. Normally it is sunny and warm in Aria. It tends to shower during the winter rather then snow.
3.Henencia: Ruled by Arch Duke and Duchess Stein. Henencia's geographical situation is similar to that of Tyanessy in that it is tropical. However, unlike Tyanessy, it does rain and get gloomy during the winter but less frequent than Aria.
4. Lancia:Ruled by Duke and Duchess Kim. Lancia's geographical situation is similar to that of the Kingdom. The only difference is that it has more snow fall compared to the Kingdom and is more susceptible to snow storms.
5. Vlascu: Ruled by Arch Duke and Duchess Jung. Vlascu is a naturally cold area that doesn't get a lot of light like Borrice. Although there are signs of foresstry in the area, the trees are normally bare due to the lack of light. 
6. Tyanessy: Ruled by Duke and Duchess Wright. Tyanessy is a tropical island that has "perfect whether" all year long. 
7. Boriice: Ruled by Duke and Duchess White. Boriice is a typically snowy area that obtains a lot of sunlight as well. Although it's narutally bright in Boriice, the snow does not go away.

Royal Ranks:

1. Monarch (King and Queen)
2. Grand Duke 
3. Arch Duke
4. Duke
5. Lord
6. Knight
7. Commonman


I think that's all you need to know for this story. Sorry, still in the process of sorting all of this out.


Aria is safe. Father treats our people kindly, many of the once non-H (non human) species enjoys my father's presence and supports his power over the land, we normally get along with one another minus the occassional disputes and such. Unlike the other provinces, there is nothing wrong with ours and for now, we are fine. 

I am Alice Cross, the youngest and only daughter of the Cross family. We are a family of a long aristocratic lineage and are well known among other families as kind rulers who are fair to the people of their province. My father, Grand Duke Cross and my mother, the Grand Duchess, holds a lot of power in the royal courts and are always heard out in royal meetings. That title was given to my family centuries ago by the previous King and as of now, we are the only family that holds such a title. Our province is Aria: a spacious, forestry filled land that is-- although behind on technilogical development, excels greatly in medical herbs and fine wood. Although it may seem that our province isn't that special, we are located near the bay and thus prepared many docks for trade with foreign neighbors. You can say we are smiliar to a trade market like province, well the cities near the ocean that is. Our province is normally peaceful, the people finding no reason to cause trouble but it happens.

My brother, Alexander, has already been wed and is following my father's footsteps into becoming a Grand Duke. Although he will most likely be tested by the other Dukes of the other provinces, I have faith my brother will do fine. As for myself, I am already 19, I have been the topic of many possible bachellors and their families. Bearing such "prestige" blood, or how so many people love to call it, I have become the apple to many males eyes. Many come and visit our estate, hoping to fancy me but they all are just the same: bland and boring. Although it would make my parents ecstatic to witness me interested in one of the possible bachellors, it is simply impossible. Many times, during dinner, my mother would bring up how the earlier bachellor seemed like a nice fellow and I do take into appretiation her concern over my matrial status but I cannot find a care for someone who is only "nice". I do not wish for someone who is "nice". Rather, I want someone who is everything but it. And woe be me that it is nearly impossible to find a suitible man that qualifies to be my spouse who is not "nice".

"Alice," Mother began as we sat at the dining table, the food being set out before us by the servants. "I think your father and I may have found a very suitable bachellor for you."

"Both you and father agreed on him?" Alexander teased. Father was always so hesitant on me being married. He always said I needed to marry an Arch Duke and Alexander had already married the daughter of Arch Duke Stein. As far as my knowledge went, there was no Arch Duke bachellors for me to marry. 

"Yes Alexander, your father and I both agreed on this. You see, not too long ago, there has been a new Duke of Vlascu, I believed their surname was Jung. Anyways, he was promoted to Arch Duke Jung by the King. However, due to his and his wife's sudden death, Lord bless their souls, their son is now the Arch Duke and from what I have heard, he is quite a stunning man." Mother was smiling widely. She was always excited about me meeting possible suitors but never did I see a grin as big as the one she had now. Now I really felt pressured to like this Arch Duke.

"What happened to the previous Duke--"

"He will be coming tomorrow." Father interrupted me. "This Arch Duke Jung will be arriving here tomorrow. He is to be staying the night at our estate and returning the following morning." Father was bitter about anything that included myself and marriage. Although mother said he had agreed on this new Arch Duke, father's facial expression was still as bitter as always when it came to the topic.

"Yes, he will be seeing you all the way from Vlascu Alice. Oh I do hope you give him a chance." Mother couldn't help but ramble and although I found sincerity in her excitement, she had cut father off from ending the conversation he despised more than sitting in the royal courts for hours during a pointless meeting. "I believe his name is Taekwoon. Ahh, even his name sounds so-- dashing."

"We'll see mother." Was all I could say to end the topic, for both my father and myself. He couldn't be too bad was what I thought. How different could he be from all the other suitors was what I asked. He must be a nice man for father to agree was what I believed.

took me so long to write this chapter, you don't even know. Ugh.


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Chapter 6: Katherynn is so nice to Alice ^^
I hope Leo will change >.<
hambrejoyce #2
Chapter 6: i love this
pls updateeeeeee ps pls pls pls pls
Chapter 6: Love your story so far!!! Keep up the good work!!! And please update when you have time; would really appreciate it.
12345678910 #4
Chapter 5: your drawings is cute^^ i'll upvote & subscribe your story
Chapter 5: i love the little maps, it will take a little getting used to to remember which rooms are which but that's ok~ can't wait for the next chapter ^^~~
Music-is-life #6
Chapter 4: It's really great written, I love it ! Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 2: *shudder*
i kinda see why this fic called 'royalty pains'. i got dizzy from all the mixed feelings, in a good way. i mean, this is jung taekwoon we're talking about, it's only normal that he's so perfect he made you dizzy, keke.
this is lovely, please write some more!
whyleowhy #8
Chapter 1: Beautifully written! Excited for more ^^
Music-is-life #9
Chapter 1: I just LOOOOVE this first chapter, thank you for updating so soon !
I was really looking forward to their encounter & I'm not disappointed :D
Of course she fell for him immediately, how can she not huhu ?
But I really like your descriptions & I'm curious to learn more about his character... ^^
Music-is-life #10
Yay, first comment ! Huhu \o/
Anyway, I really like your story so far, it's kind of original compared to other fics on VIXX so I'm looking forward to the first chapter & the meeting of our two characters ^^
Keep up the good work~