Only ...................TaeTeuk=Why does this always happen to me?!

Aspiring Lovers

A/N=I just wanted to focus and progress more on TaeTeuk's story and Kangin so here is a update for you guys on TaeTeuk 


At the terrace

Taeyeon sighed as she looked at the view of Seoul and thought long and hard about her life and the huge dilemma she was dealing with.She bit her bottom lip and gulped her saliva as she tried to think what is going to happen to her life next and when is this problem going to end.She just wanted to be free and get back to dealing with her problems only related to work,not this huge love dilemma that was going on.She heavily sighed her breath out as she thought about the conversation between the two men,who both were willing to give up their relationship they had with her to the other.Her thoughts were interrupted by loud footsteps that was coming from the back,which made her turn out as to who could interrupt her right now.Taeyeon blinked her eyes when she saw her ex-finance looking at her,looking both nervous yet confused and not knowing what to do right now.

''Look Kangin! There's anything left to listen or say so please just go away from here.'' Taeyeon demanded but then was surprised to see a bag next to him.

''I'm here to say goodbye.'' Kangin spoke as he looked at the girl of his life walking closer to him with a shocked expression on her face.

Before any more could be said between the two,Kangin took out a lot of placards that was in his bag and held it in front of Taeyeon,who seemed confused as to what was going on.

*He's leaving forever?!* A small teardrop rolled down from Taeyeon's eye to her cheek.

  1. ''Goodbye'' was written on the first placard
  2. ''Sorry to make you cry'' was written on the second placard
  3. ''But please promise me'' was written on the third placard
  4. ''You'll always keep smiling'' was written on the fourth placard,making Taeyeon to sniff as she continued to cry while Kangin shook his head and gestured his smile and gestured her to do the same,making her to slightly laugh.
  5. ''You are still the love of my life'' was written on the fifth placard,making Taeyeon to look at him deeply while Kangin gulped his saliva in sadness as he sighed heavily.
  6. ''But you are someone else's wife now.'' was written on the sixth placard,making both of them to accept the sad reality and to let out another deep breath out of their mouth.

*I'm sorry but this is the truth Kangin.* Taeyeon wiped her tears.

*In this life time,you belong to Leeteuk but for all the other life times we might experience,you will be mine.* Kangin knew he couldn't hold on to Taeyeon anymore since his rights over her was long gone now.

Kangin took a step closer to hug Taeyeon for the last time however Taeyeon immediately walked back as she knew this was going to make it more harder for her than it has already gotten.She looked to the side and wiped the flowing river of tears her eyes were shedding out,which gave Kangin the signal as it was now time for him to make his move out of the building and into a new place where he could maybe find a place and the time to move on from all this he was experiencing right now.

''I'm sorry that I got close to you.'' Kangin apologised. ''I forgot that you were married anyway the ring looks really nice on your finger.''

Both Taeyeon and Kangin looked at one another with the sudden comment Kangin had just commented and secretly both of them started to think back at the times where they were happy with one another,enjoying their life with no one else interrupting just like how Kangin wished today's reality was as well.

''Dr.Taeyeon you're here?!'' Jin,one of the nurses immediately smiled when he saw Taeyeon after looking for her for a long time. ''This is for you!''

Kangin immediately went to his bag and placed the placards in his back while Taeyeon was confused with the huge envelope that Jin was holding for her.

''What is this?'' Taeyeon asked as she looked at the envelope

''I don't know Dr.Taeyeon besides it's yours so please see it yourself.'' Jin walked away after Taeyeon held the envelope.

Taeyeon opened the envelope and grabbed the paper out of the envelope as to what was written to her that interrupted the moment she just had.She read the papers and was immediately shocked with tears flowing out of her eyes again and her voice started to shake when she saw exactly what the paper had stated,which made her to stare only at the paper.

Kangin immediately walked closer to her when he noticed how shocked Taeyeon was looking when she read the letter.

''Taeyeon what's wrong?! Taeyeon? What is this?'' Taeyeon immediately held the paper away from Kangin when she saw him trying to reach for it. ''Taeyeon show me.''

''What's the point?!'' Taeyeon cried. ''What has happened has happened now.''

''Taeyeon what's written in that letter that you are crying like this?!'' Kangin was worried at Taeyeon's state of behaviour right now. ''Why are you reacting like this?!''

''Both of you have teamed up to just ruin my life! Both of you have played me like a fool!'' Taeyeon felt like all her bottled up emotions were now impossible to control. ''You left and came back into my life whenever you wanted but now Leeteuk...He asked my hand for marriage but now he wants to leave me?! It's so easy for you two to just NOT think about other people and their feelings!''

''But Taeyeon isn't Leeteuk----'' Kangin was interrupted.

''LEETEUK WANTS TO GIVE ME A DAMN DIVORCE!'' Taeyeon angrily shouted,making Kangin to have his eyes wide open in shockness. ''THAT IS WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS DAMN PAPER! He...He doesn't want me to be his wife anymore. Leeteuk Park wants to divorce me!''

Kangin looked to see Taeyeon run off with the paper held tight in her hands,making him angry with what Leeteuk had just done as it made the situation even more complicated than before.Kangin immediately ran around,looking for Leeteuk as he knew the right thing to do was to stop Leeteuk and convince him to not go with the divorce idea.Kangin ran towards the first place he could find Leeteuk and saw Leeteuk opening his locker.

*She still hasn't met me after I given her the divorce papers!* Leeteuk continued to think about what was going on. *I wanted you to be away from me but now that I've made that happen,I don't know why I don't feel good about it! What am I even saying or even doing?! Why has this gotta be so complicated!?*

Leeteuk immediately turned around when he heard footsteps running towards him,making him to slightly look up and hoping that it was Taeyeon.

''Taeyeon I---'' Leeteuk immediately stopped when he saw Kangin standing right behind him.

''Are you waiting for Taeyeon?! What do you think that Taeyeon will come back to you!?'' Kangin asked. ''I mean after what you did,can you even expect her to go back to you?''

''I don't want to talk about this!'' Leeteuk immediately walked away from Kangin.

''You have to talk about it!'' Kangin raised his voice,stopping Leeteuk from walking any further. ''Especially after what you have just done,we definitely need to talk about it!''

''Don't interfere in this!'' Leeteuk turned around to face Kangin. ''This isn't about you nor is it your problem!''

''You are right!'' Kangin replied. ''This isn't my problem since I'm the problem!''

''Kangin please!'' Leeteuk spoke.

''Leeteuk please don't do this!'' Kangin requested. ''Taeyeon's already very sad so don't make her even more sad and depressed!''

''She may be depressed and sad for now but later her smile will return!'' Leeteuk walked to the corner as he thought about Taeyeon.

Kangin rolled his eyes and sighed as he couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. ''Look Leeteuk her smile will only return when she is with you! She is your wife so don't take away her rights from her!''

''Kangin don't come in the middle of this.'' Leeteuk looked at Kangin.

''Take the damn divorce papers back!'' Kangin's patience was now dead as he couldn't take this anymore. ''Taeyeon is your responsibility so deal with it!''

''Don't try to tell me what is and what isn't my responsibilities!'' Leeteuk demanded.

''Until you take the divorce papers,I won't stop telling you!'' Kangin knew he was being stubborn with this.

''Kangin I am telling you for the last time to NOT interfere in this!'' Leeteuk angrily said.

''And I'm telling you for the last time to take back the divorce papers!'' Kangin angrily replied. ''Or else---''

''Or else what?!'' Leeteuk and Kangin angrily looked at one another. ''I am NOT changing this decision of mine! Just let this divorce happen and you can do whatever you want but I will NOT change my decision! This is my final decision!''

''So basically you took this decision since you are afraid of me!'' Leeteuk immediately looked at Kangin. ''You are afraid that you might lose between the two of us!''

''I took this decision after thinking long and hard.'' Leeteuk replied. 

''OH COME ON JUST STOP IT!'' Kangin yelled,making Leeteuk to stop walking again. ''First the drama of you trying to reunite me and Taeyeon and now you're doing another drama between us all.Just stop this drama and admit it! You don't love Taeyeon at all isn't it?! Isn't it?! This is the truth right? Cause if you did then you wouldn't have hurted her like this!''

''You wouldn't understand a thing!'' Leeteuk angrily replied.

''Of course I wouldn't understand.'' Kangin ruffled his hair in frustration. ''I mean I still don't understand why you agreed to marry her since you don't even deserve her cause if you did then you wouldn't leave her! You don't even deserve her to be her husband since you only know how to play with people's emotions! First me and now Taeyeon and now her life and her emotions,aren't you having a lot of fun right now isn't it? You just want to prove to the world that you are a man,a man with compassion towards other and your proof is this divorce papers isn't it?! Isn't it Dr.Leeteuk Park?!  Prove it that you are a man to me then! Prove it come on! What are you-----''

Leeteuk immediately punched Kangin as hard as he could,making him to fall down on the floor and touched his mouth to see it bleeding.

''Did you get your damn answer?!'' Leeteuk angrily asked.

Kangin angrily punched Leeteuk back as he made himself stand up. ''If you wanted to start all this then I would have done this ages ago! Just answer my damn question as to why did you marry Taeyeon?!''

''Why?! You can have her now!'' Leeteuk angrily punched Kangin back.

Kangin scoffed as he stood up and punched Leeteuk back. ''I'm NOT that low that I'll take her back when in fact all I've done is ruin her marriage! That's NOT the type of person I am!''

Leeteuk angrily punched Kangin back. ''Why?! Are you scared to take her as a divorced woman?!''

''This isn't fear,it's love!'' Kangin punched Leeteuk back. ''I can do anything to have Taeyeon but NOT like what you have just done!''

''What do you even know about me?!'' Leeteuk scoffed.

''Nothing BUT I know that I left Taeyeon since I love her!'' Kangin replied,making Leeteuk to punch him again.

''If you love her so much then why are you planning to leave her then?!'' Leeteuk shoved Kangin against the wall then pushed him to the floor.

''Because she wants to stay with you!'' Kangin angrily pushed him back after he stood up. ''She considers you to be her husband and that's why she runs away from me but you?! You married her and now you want to divorce her?!''

''WHY DID YOU LEAVE HER THEN!?'' Leeteuk punched Kangin as hard as he could since this question was what angered him the most about their situation since if Kangin didn't leave then none of this would have happened.

''I HAD TO!'' Kangin punched Leeteuk back.

''I had to marry her as well!'' Leeteuk punched Kangin back. ''I can't see her in that state so I had to marry her!''

''Then why are you making her so sad and depressed now?!'' Kangin kicked Leeteuk to the ground.

''Because her sadness is the way to her happiness and I just want to see her happy!'' Leeteuk stood up.

''WHY LEETEUK?! WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!'' Kangin angrily grabbed Leeteuk's collars. ''ANSWER ME! WHY!?''

''BECAUSE I LOVE HER!'' Leeteuk angrily yelled but then realised what he had just said.

Leeteuk fell down on the ground and stood on his knees as he couldn't hide the truth anymore while Kangin watched the guy looking like he had suffered just as much as both him and Taeyeon had.

''I love her a lot!'' Leeteuk sighed. ''I thought I will marry Taeyeon and make her happy but....''

''I knew you married Taeyeon because you love her!'' Kangin sighed. ''I just wanted to hear it from your mouth that's all!''

Leeteuk angrily looked at Kangin and punched him as hard as he could and making him fall down on the ground again.

''No matter how much we argue and fight each other,the truth isn't going to change.'' Kangin spoke.

Taeyeon walked towards the locker rooms and saw Kangin standing up immediately when they both see each other.Taeyeon couldn't take the arguing and the complications everything had and after talking to her father,both her father and her decided it was best to talk clearly and be straight forward in order to make the situation a bit more simpler than it is.Taeyeon looked around in the locker room and saw Kangin while Dr.Lee Soo Man invited Leeteuk to come inside his office so he could talk to him privately.


''I never really thought that you were going to be like this!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man sighed as he gestured Leeteuk to sit down on the chair.

''Sir what is it?'' Leeteuk questioned.

''I fail to understand that myself!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man answered.


''It's good that you are here!'' Kangin spoke. ''I really wanted to talk to you!''

''I was here to meet my husband!'' Taeyeon replied.

''Oh so you're here to meet your husband!'' Kangin angrily said. ''What type of a wife are you Taeyeon?!''


''I honestly fail to understand what type of husband you are!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man questioned. ''You are ready to leave your wife just because her past is back into her reality and is present in her present time?! This time is the time where you have to stand and stay by her side,make her more brave to face the situation and prove your love to her but you would rather divorce her instead?! Look son! This isn't the time to run away from problems and that isn't the answer to the situation either! What you are doing or trying to do is NOT right! I thought you had the courage and quality about you that would make my daughter happy but I guess I was wrong then!''

Leeteuk looked down on the ground as he couldn't answer any of the questions his father in law was asking or saying to him.


''Excuse me!?'' Taeyeon walked back to face Kangin. ''How dare you say that to me?!''

''I don't understand what you are thinking or trying to do?!'' Kangin replied. ''You say you consider Leeteuk to be your husband say that you still love me?! I mean what kind of a wife does anything like that?!''

Taeyeon stood there,silent as she looked at Kangin,who was nervous and had his eyes near to the ground.


''As far as I know you,you've always given me the thought that you are brave enough to fight your own situations alone hence that's why I gave you my daughter but I never knew that this was all an act!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man was disappointed.

''No sir that isn't true.'' Leeteuk replied.

''Then tell me Leeteuk,why did you take the decision?!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man questioned. ''Didn't you think you ought to talk to Taeyeon about all this before you took this decision? Oh wait,I'm sorry I forgot that you decided to just run away from the problem since it was the best way out isn't it?''


''You love me! You still love me!'' Kangin said,making Taeyeon to sigh deeply and make her eyes to wander to the ground. ''Can't you tell me all this?''

''Who told you that I still love you?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Your husband told me!'' Kangin replied. ''He told me that you still love me!''

''W-What?!'' Taeyeon questioned.

''Tell me that this is a lie! Tell me that you never said that?!'' Kangin asked as he stood right in front of Taeyeon. ''Taeyeon if you can tell Leeteuk this then why can't you tell me all this? Tell me that you love me?!''

Taeyeon looked at Kangin then walked out of the locker rooms immediately.


''Look Leeteuk,Taeyeon is your wife and whatever your decision is but before you confirm it,at least talk to her once about it.'' Dr.Lee Soo Man advised. ''Whether you find the solution or not but at least you both have talked about it!''

''Yes sir!'' Leeteuk nodded his head. ''I'll talk to Taeyeon!''

''Good!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man replied.


Taeyeon immediately walked to her office to be left alone then she thought about what Kangin had just told her and remembered the moment when Leeteuk asked if she still loved Kangin or not.

*Why Leeteuk?! I didn't tell you anything yet you told Kangin?* Taeyeon sighed. *Why are you making things harder Leeteuk but now I know what to do now!*

Taeyeon took out the divorce papers out of her desk and slammed it on the desk.

*You decided to leave me and want to be free from me isn't it?* Taeyeon angrily signed the papers. *Fine here! Here's your freedom!*

She angrily walked out of the office as she has had enough.She stormed up to look for the one person who she needed to give this to.

''Sorry!'' Taeyeon looked to see who she had mistakenly bumped into to see one of the men,that is involved in her life,staring at her.

''Taeyeon why are you crying?'' Kangin questioned. ''Taeyeon tell me! Why are you crying?!''

''Can you do me a favour?'' Taeyeon asked and Kangin nodded his head. ''Can...Can you give this to Leeteuk please?''

''I think you should give this to him yourself.'' Kangin replied.

''I can't meet him right now but if you want to help me then please give this to him!'' Taeyeon said.

''What is in this?'' Kangin asked.

''Just give this to him.'' Taeyeon replied. ''He'll tell you this himself!''

''Why can't you tell me?!'' Kangin asked.

''Because I can't!'' Taeyeon answered. ''Whether Leeteuk tells this to anyone,he will definitely let you know what this is!''

''Taeyeon!'' Kangin called out. ''What's happening?! What is all this?!''

''Both of you started this but I have now ended it!'' Taeyeon answered then walked off. ''Now everything will be solved by itself!''

''Hey have you seen Dr.Leeteuk anywhere?'' Kangin asked one of the nurses.

''He's on his break right now.'' Nurse Suzy replied before walking off.

''Thank you!'' Kangin looked back at the envelope. *What is in this thing?*

Taeyeon picked up the phone and dialled the receptionist to inform her about the new reports and her research on it.

''Reports are ready so please collect it from my cabin.'' Taeyeon informed then hung up the phone and turned around to find Leeteuk standing behind her.

''Taeyeon!'' Leeteuk stopped her from walking any further. ''I know you're angry with me but please just talk to me once then after that,you can decide whether you want to speak to me or not.''

''There's nothing left to say so there's no point!'' Taeyeon looked into her reports.

''Dr.Taeyeon?'' Nurse Jimin knocked on the door before he entered.

''The reports!'' Taeyeon gave him the reports and looked at him leave the room.

''Am I stranger to you now since you wouldn't even look at me once?'' Leeteuk asked.

''Who made the other a stranger in their life has already been proven.'' Taeyeon chose to look at her reports.

''I'm here to talk to you about that.'' Leeteuk tried to stand in front of her.

''But I don't want to talk to you.'' Taeyeon looked away and tried to walk off however Leeteuk grabbed her wrist.

''Leave me!'' Taeyeon demanded however Leeteuk didn't do so. ''I said leave me!''

Leeteuk sighed as he let go of Taeyeon's wrist. ''Taeyeon look please just give me one chance to speak! I request you to give me just one chance!''

''You want a chance for me to talk to you yet you've been talking so much about me.'' Taeyeon replied. ''About me and my life!''

''W-What?'' Leeteuk was confused. ''I don't know what you are saying.''

''Why are you looking like you are so confused!?'' Taeyeon asked. ''You've already taken a decision about me and my life with Kangin but now I've taken a decision and Kangin,himself will tell you what that is so go meet him and you will get your answer!''

''Taeyeon what are you saying?'' Leeteuk asked.

''Just go and meet Kangin!'' Taeyeon replied then stormed off the room.

*You've never brought Kangin between our conversations but why now?* Leeteuk sighed as he ruffled his hair.

He got out of the room and headed to the first place where he knew he was going to find Kangin,which he knew he would find him in the courtyard as he saw him writing Taeyeon's name on the wall then covering it with his arm against the wall and his head against his arm.

''How much more will you hide Kangin?!'' Leeteuk asked,making Kangin to turn around and face him. ''Not only is Taeyeon's name written on his wall but she's written in your mind and heart as well isn't it?

Kangin kept quiet as he looked away while Leeteuk suddenly remembered what Taeyeon had told him.

''Has Taeyeon given you something that was meant for me?'' Leeteuk questioned.

''She told me to give this to you.'' Kangin gave him the envelope.

Leeteuk opened the envelope to see the same divorce papers that he had given Taeyeon but this time it was signed by Taeyeon,making him to be shocked and silent.He knew that he kinda got himself into this but he never really thought if Taeyeon was going to sign it and now that she has,this made him more heartbroken.

''What about Leeteuk?'' Kangin asked. ''What's in it?''

''Congrats Kangin! It's good news for you!'' Leeteuk replied. ''You proved that you still love Taeyeon and she proved that she loves you by signing these divorce papers! She has taken the decision to stay with you hence that's why she given you the papers to give to me! I was nothing but a mistake in Taeyeon's life! Who came by mistake,who married her by mistake and now this mistake is going out of her life but I'm happy for you man! At least you gotten the love of your life back and I'm out of your lives! Taeyeon is only yours,only yours!'

''Leeteuk wait!'' Kangin stopped him. ''Look I know that you love Taeyeon a lot too!''

''Me?'' Leeteuk sighed. ''You know what the problem is? I'm only an option,a second choice to her but she still loves you!''

''You're thinking too fast!'' Kangin replied.

''She's already taken the decision!'' Leeteuk spoke. ''It doesn't matter if I wait or don't wait for her!''

Leeteuk showed Kangin the proof that Taeyeon has signed the papers,making Kangin shocked.

''I don't want to be a burden in her life!'' Leeteuk said. ''Yes I do love Taeyeon a lot but she wants you so I'll give her to you and sacrifice this unrequited love! I'm returning what belongs to you and I know that she is going to be very happy with you! I shouldn't say this but I'll still say it,make sure you take good care of Taeyeon!''

Leeteuk immediately left the courtyard and walked towards the terrace where he knew he was going to be alone to relax and just deal with everything that was going on.Everything that happened between him and his wife came into his mind,reminding him of all the times where he hated her then liked her company then actually fell for her and married her but then her ex-fiance came back into their lives and all the confusion and problems started to occur.

''ARGHHHHHHH!'' Leeteuk angrily yelled as he fell down on his knees and just couldn't take the frustration anymore.

He cried as he crushed the divorce papers into a huge paper ball,wanting to tear it yet this was what Taeyeon wanted so he had to do everything he wanted just for her since all he wanted was her happiness.

*I did give you the divorce papers but never thought you would sign it! I don't know why but I can't believe it that you signed the papers!?* Leeteuk sighed. *Isn't it weird that because a piece of paper,in just 2 minutes the whole relationship between two people changes! I thought two people feel the same thing for each other when they sign it yet maybe for us,the papers decides it for us! Our fate is in this paper!*

Leeteuk stood up and started to smoothen out the crushed up divorce papers.

*I guess it was my mistake to think that I have some right on you but you said Kangin is your past isn't it?* Leeteuk wiped his tears. *Then why did you sign the papers and give him this to give to me?! You could have said this all to me but you gave it to Kangin to give it to me?! I can't believe this!*

Leeteuk angrily threw a plant pot on the ground then threw himself on the floor as he continued to cry.

*Why did you do this Taeyeon?! And why am I so stressed out that you gave this to Kangin?!* Leeteuk grabbed his hair before ruffling it. *You have to answer me myself! Because of you,there is so much confusion that you need to clear! I don't know how long we are going to stay together now but I know that you need to erase these confusions in my head!*

Taeyeon had her head between her arms,that were on the desk and she just wanted to take a deep rest and to be away from all these problems that she was dealing with right now.She suddenly heard someone clearing their throat and she looked up to see Leeteuk standing there in front of her with the papers in his hand.

''I've signed it so file it to the court!'' Taeyeon spoke. ''I'm NOT going to change my decision.''

''I don't want you to change yours either.'' Leeteuk replied.

''if you are here to tell me all this then I don't have time!'' Taeyeon argued.

''I don't have time either but our relationship isn't finished fully yet.'' Leeteuk showed her the papers. ''You have only signed one page,I need your signature for all of the rest!''

Taeyeon was shocked that Leeteuk still wasn't going to change the decision of their divorce.Taeyeon angrily grabbed hold of the papers and immediately signed all of them.Whether this was the way of getting back at one another or just showing their anger to each other,this feud,both Taeyeon and Leeteuk had,didn't seem like it was going to stop at all.

''By the way thanks for giving this to me via your boyfriend.'' Leeteuk spoke. ''Oops sorry I mean ex-boyfriend!''

''Just leave!'' Taeyeon demanded. ''You got your papers haven't you? Oops sorry I mean signed papers!''

Leeteuk immediately pulled Taeyeon off her chair.

''Leeteuk leave me!'' Taeyeon demanded. ''I said leave me!''

Dr.Lee Soo Man entered the room to see his daughter and his husband angrily looking at one another with their hands on each other's arm.

''Oops sorry I didn't mean to interfere between a husband a wife's conversation.'' Dr.Lee Soo Man tried to go outside.

''Ex-husband and ex-wife!'' Taeyeon corrected,stopping Dr.Lee Soo Man from getting out. ''We're divorced and dad please stay here while you take these papers and get out!''

''Enough! Taeyeon these decisions aren't taken in such a haste time!'' Dr.Lee Soo Man spoke and before Taeyeon could speak,he immediately stopped her. ''You both married because of my will right? You both think it's so easy to get married but let me tell you both if you want to seperate then you can't do that unless I agree to it you hear me! For god sake I know there are problems in your marriage but divorce isn't the solution and your marriage hasn't even lasted for minimum of 7 months yet so please agree to me!''

Taeyeon immediately stormed out of the room as she couldn't take this all right now.She was in no mood to hear what her father had to say when she,herself wasn't focused on what to do.

''What am I going to do with that girl?'' Dr.Lee Soo Man sighed as he tried to think.

''Sir I promise to do my best to fix all this!'' Leeteuk said.

Leeteuk immediately went after Taeyeon,calling her to stop her so he could talk to her.

''Taeyeon!'' Leeteuk immediately stood in front of her way. ''I need to talk to you!''

''I don't want to talk to you at all!'' Taeyeon angrily demanded as she walked off.

''Taeyeon your dad told us to stay till,at least,a minimum of 7 months together yet can't you even tolerate me for 7 minutes?'' Leeteuk asked as he walked with her. ''Look Taeyeon we both know what your father wants from us yet I don't know what you want from all this?! I...Taeyeon I know what your dad wants from us isn't easy for you and I mean to stay with someone who you don't want to for another couple of months isn't easy at all but for your father,we can try to get this lie----''

''Lie?!'' Taeyeon interrupted. ''What lie Leeteuk!? Are you trying to say our marriage is nothing but a lie?! All you think about our marriage is that it's just a lie?! I knew there was no point talking to you!''

''Taeyeon please!'' Leeteuk stood in front of her. ''Your dad asked us to stay with each other for,at least,7 months together so hopefully all the problems we have with each other is gone then you and Kangin can----''

*I can't even believe you just said that!* Taeyeon gave Leeteuk a look before storming away from him.

Leeteuk couldn't take Taeyeon ignoring him anymore,no matter how much he wanted to talk to her before in the room where they were working with one another with the other staff he knew it wasn't the best time.He walked ahead then turned back to find Taeyeon walking in the direction he was standing in and saw her stop her footsteps immediately when she saw him.

''Taeyeon I---'' Leeteuk saw Taeyeon walking off,making him to go near her. ''I need to talk to you!''

''Is it about work?'' Taeyeon asked and Leeteuk shook his head. ''Then I'm in no mood to talk to you!''

''Taeyeon please!'' Leeteuk stood next to Taeyeon,trying to stop her. ''At least listen to what I have to say.''

''I am in no mood to talk to you so don't create a scene!'' Taeyeon hissed as she saw everyone looking at them but Leeteuk immediately grabbed her wrist. ''Leeteuk what are you doing? Let me go! Leeteuk leave me!''

''We need to talk!'' Leeteuk dragged Taeyeon into an empty room then closed the door.

''Let me go!'' Taeyeon tried to push Leeteuk away from her but Leeteuk grabbed her tightly and pulled her closer to his body.

''Taeyeon listen to me!'' Leeteuk raised his voice,making Taeyeon to look at him with silence. ''I don't want to talk about work,I want to talk to you about you and me,about us!''

''But I don't want to talk to you!'' Taeyeon replied.

''Please!'' Leeteuk stood in front of Taeyeon. ''Just talk to me just this once!''


Taeyeon's pager immediately kept ringing,making Leeteuk to sigh as he had to let her go.

''After you finish your duties,please met me at the terrace!'' Leeteuk requested before Taeyeon left. *All I want is to clear the misunderstandings we have with one another and just try to,at least,be friends.Do you want the same too Taeyeon? Are you ready to give this marriage another chance? Today you need to clear this topic with me!*

Taeyeon sighed as she placed her lab coat in her locker and thought about what Leeteuk had requested her.She was finished with her duties yet she kept thinking whether she should met Leeteuk at the terrace or not.


Leeteuk sighed as he looked at the time and stood at the terrace,looking at the door and hoping that Taeyeon would come here.

*Taeyeon I hope we can solve everything and at least,maintain a new friendship where this time we fulfill everything a good friend does.* Leeteuk took a deep breath.


Taeyeon cleared as she nodded her head.

*I'll give him a chance since we're not divorced yet!* Taeyeon thought. *But I hope he doesn't expect me to be influenced at what he says since I know I won't be!*


*Taeyeon is about to finish her duties now!* Leeteuk took out a candle and lit it then placed it on the table. *I really hope everything works out good between us!*


Taeyeon fixed her shoes and got out of the locker rooms whilst she thought of what was going to happen,what were they even going to say to one another and could this help change anything between them.All these questions,running around in her head,were interrupted when Dr.Stella called her name and patted her so Taeyeon could face her.

''Dr.Taeyeon I'm afraid I need you to go to Busan immediately!'' Dr.Stella informed,making Taeyeon slightly nervous.

''Maam isn't Kangin---'' Taeyeon immediately stopped speaking when she realised what she was about to say. ''I-I..I mean isn't Dr.Kangin there?''

''Yes but there is a huge problem and he needs someone with him.'' Dr.Stella explained. ''You're the only doctor that is free to go right now so I'm afraid you have to go!''

''Is everything alright? Anything serious?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Two children that are suffering,from meningitis,are even more sick than before and I'm afraid Dr.Kangin hasn't got enough stock with him.'' Dr.Stella continued to explain. ''I need you to go to Busan so you can deliver the stock and hopefully help him or else the children will be even more ill.''

''Yes maam I will go there!'' Taeyeon sighed. ''Maam?''

''Yes,any problems?'' Dr.Stella looked at Taeyeon slightly being nervous and thinking about something,which was Leeteuk and the fact that he was waiting for her.

''M-Maam where can I find the stock?'' Taeyeon decided that it was best for her to go save the children instead.

''Room number 34!'' Dr.Stella replied then placed her hand on Taeyeon's shoulder as she knew about the problems she was having with the two men. ''Dr.Taeyeon I understand that this isn't easy for you but your patients are your first priority since you are a doctor first!''

''I know maam!'' Taeyeon smiled. ''Don't worry,I'm fine but thank you for understanding!''


Leeteuk sighed as he looked at the time and saw that it had been more than 30 minutes where he had been waiting for her.Leeteuk stood up as he decided maybe it was best for him to find her and hopefully talk to her secretly after he found her.He walked down to the canteen and looked around to not see Taeyeon anywhere at all.

''Where did she go? Why didn't she met me?'' Leeteuk whispered to himself as he got slightly worried.

Leeteuk wandered around then slightly saw nurse Min walking around so he hurried over to her.

''Nurse Min have you seen Taeyeon anywhere?'' Leeteuk asked.

''She's your wife and you don't know?'' Nurse Min asked back,making Leeteuk to not know what to answer to that question.

''I..I mean she is in her duties obviously but which room is she in?'' Leeteuk questioned.

''Yes I saw her like 20 minutes ago!'' Nurse MIn informed. ''She was very busy and she was preparing to go to Busan!''

''Busan?!'' Leeteuk was surprised with the news. ''But why is she going there?''

''To help Dr.Kangin cause maybe he needed her!'' Nurse Min walked away after telling him the news,that made him disappointed.

*I thought Taeyeon was going to see me but she's with Kangin and I...I just waited for her like an idiot!* Leeteuk was hurt. *I was about to try to make a new start with her and hopefully we can understand her but argh!? Why does this always happen?! Why do you always do this Taeyeon?! This always makes me think maybe Kangin and you are meant to be together and I'm just here,wasting my time like a fool.I'm always the one with false hope.Why don't I even understand anything?! Why am I so stupid about this?!*

Leeteuk let out a deep breath as he went to the stairs,at the back where it was the fire-exit,and sat down on the stairs since it was the only place where he wouldn't be disturbed by anyone at all and the quiestest place he could find.

*Why Taeyeon why did you do this?! I agreed to your dad's condition of giving this marriage another chance and hopefully to understand you and don't you want the same with me,I mean if you don't then why don't you tell me?! Why don't you ever tell me anything?! You just went to Kangin while I waited for you here like a fool!* Leeteuk ruffled his hair in frustration. *I thought you would,at least,think about me and meet me but you chose to go to Kangin instead! It makes me angry that I am suspicious about you and him but this isn't making anything better.Maybe...maybe we weren't meant to last with one another after all.*

Leeteuk sighed as he looked at his phone.It had already been a new day,a new morning where he was all alone in the hospital with a few other members of staff but no sight of his wife at all as she was in Busan with her ex-boyfriend.

''Hello?'' Leeteuk answered his phone after he felt it vibrating in his pockets.

''Hello genie oppa!'' A voice that Leeteuk recognised,made him smile immediately.

''Little Jiyeon!'' Leeteuk smiled happily. ''How are you?''

''Genie oppa where are you?!'' Jiyeon asked. ''Do you know Dr.Taeyeon is here and why did you send Dr.Kangin instead of you? Did you know that Dr.Taeyeon was crying all night and she kept saying your name!''

''S-She did?'' Leeteuk blinked his eyes.

''Yeah and her health is not well at all!'' Jiyeon lied. ''She was vomitting and she is very ill.She takes care about everyone but no one takes care of her but please please come here and take care of her!''

''I'll be there soon!'' Leeteuk nodded his head before he hung up.

*Sorry for lying to you twice genie oppa but you need to be here with Dr.Taeyeon not Dr.Kangin!* Jiyeon saw Dr.Kangin and Dr.Taeyeon speaking to one another from a distance.


Leeteuk got inside his car and wore his seatbelt with a smile on his face as he remembered what Jiyeon had said to him that Taeyeon was crying and blabbering his name all night,happy yet unknown to him that whatever Jiyeon had told her was a huge lie.

*I didn't know you would miss me too Taeyeon!* Leeteuk smiled. *I promise I won't argue with you at all and try my best to talk to you! I'm coming Taeyeon!*

Leeteuk started his car's engine and off he went to drive to Busan to see his wife,who he had been dying to see and speak to for the past day.

*Last time I came to Busan with you,I had to kidnap you but now I can't even wait to see you!* Leeteuk slighty chucked. *We argued with each other so much back in the days but now I hope we don't argue at all with one another! What if Taeyeon is angry when she sees me but wait no that can't be since Jiyeon told me that Taeyeon was crying and saying my name over and over again and she was missing me so she won't be angry! I hope she is surprised and happy to see me.Taeyeon do you still miss me? I'm coming for sure!*

All the memories between them and Kangin ran through his head and the advice of his father in law kept repeating in his head over and over again.

''I know that I've hurted you a lot Taeyeon but now I won't do that anymore and I want to make you happy! I want to make you smile again and get rid all of our arguments and confusion!* Leeteuk was determined to make things right.

After driving for another 30-45 minutes,Leeteuk could feel the excitement in his body as he saw that he was almost there where his wife was and drove the car faster to reach to the place as fast as possible.He immediately parked his car and got out of the car and locked it.He ran in the huge garden area as he could feel his heartbeat racing just to see his wife,just to see the beautiful sight of her and just to finally make her realise how much he missed her.It felt like he hadn't seen her since forever.He ran with a huge smile on his face but then immediately stopped when he saw the sight in front of him that made him to completely stay still and frozen.

The fact that Leeteuk saw his wife in the arms of his rival and the way he is carrying and they are looking at each other,made him angry as he could feel his heart breaking even more than before.He felt like his body froze immediately as he couldn't even swallow his saliva since he could feel his hard throat not letting him to.He cursed himself for even thinking that maybe him and Taeyeon had a chance,maybe they could change their situation and hopefully things between them would be better but seeing this made him think all he was thinking about was just wishful thinking and the woman he loved,the wife that legally belonged to him was in fact not his at all.Leeteuk believed that he only had Taeyeon legally while Kangin owned her mentally and emotionally,the part he wanted to own the most.Leeteuk wished it was his name that was on Taeyeon's heart yet seeing this made him believe that his name was never in her heart.

Taeyeon looked away as she knew the fact that she was being carried by her ex-boyfriend when she was someone else's wife was wrong and she had to realise that she couldn't do anything like this,not like in the past.She immediately got out of his arms and ran her fingers through her hair as she felt embarrassed and wrong with what had just happened with her ex-boyfriend carrying her in his arms like that.She sighed and looked ahead,which made her to freeze immediately as she saw her husband staring at her with his eyes that had widen.She could feel and tell how hurt he was looking at the misunderstanding he had just seen between her and Kangin.

Kangin ruffled his hair and wished he could kiss Taeyeon with all his might and just get back together with her again and this time not let her go at all but he knew this wasn't going to happen at all.He had to control himself since she was someone else's wife and no matter how much he wanted to change that about Taeyeon,the truth wasn't going to change at all.He looked ahead to find Leeteuk staring at both of them,which made him uncomfortable.

''Leeteuk...'' Taeyeon didn't know what to say and how to explain the sight he had just seen.

Leeteuk immediately stormed off as fast as his legs could take him away from the area as he couldn't believe the sight he saw,making him curse himself to even think about coming here and even to think that Taeyeon would welcome him with a huge smile and open arms.

''Leeteuk please wait!'' Taeyeon pleaded as she walked after him. ''Listen to me please!''

Kangin closed his eyes and sighed deeply as he felt the feelings of his heart being ripped off his chest. *She just left me like this?! I guess I made the same damn mistake again but this has made me realise how important Leeteuk is to Taeyeon!*

Kangin fell down on his knees as he covered his face with his two hands and angrily shouted to get rid of the trapped up anger that was inside him.When was this going to finish? What is going to happen now? Why is this even happening? Why is this so complicated and hard to solve?! Why was Leeteuk involved in their lives in the first place?! Why is he being blamed for ruining his love's marriage when all he wanted was his love back?! Why why why?! All these questions ran through Kangin's brain,making him more angry and frustrated yet sad and felt pity for himself for being trapped in this complicated love triangle like this.

Author=AYO Author-Nim here! Here is another update for you! I hope you like it! 

More and more confusion and feelings of hurt and outrage occur in TaeTeuk's lives as their situation with Kangin has made things even more complicated and when things seemed like it was going better,Leeteuk witnessed the sight of Kangin and Taeyeon together,making him to be even more anger between them.What is going to happen to all of the three in the next coming chapters?! 

Thanks for reading this chapter and please comment!

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Chapter 89: Finally Kyuhyun! Everybody wants a hubby like Teuk ♥ Hyohyuk cat-dog relationship hahah and poor Yesung lol I'm so sorry to not comment before I'm new to the site and I just have this account because of this fanfic. Is so so good. Can't wait till the next chapter! See you till the next one!
Foreverpinksonegg #2
Chapter 89: Why taeyeon seems like she's the one who doesn't move on at all about her past love,,, i feel hurt about teuk character here, his love for taeyeon is genuine and i hope taeyeon feel the same way too
Foreverpinksonegg #3
Chapter 88: Oh i thought taeteuk will had their intimate moment but, teuk was so gentlemen, i hope they can show more of their love to each other on the next chapter
Bamlisa #4
Chapter 86: omg finally.. thanks a lot for noticing me but pleases i beg you to finish this ?
SoneBuddy96 #5
Chapter 86: Thank you for updating this story
shleeshlee #6
Chapter 86: I thought that TaeTeuk would have another argument but it's a good thing that they didn't. Hope that things between them will continue to go smoothly. I'm excited for the next chapters..화이팅, author님!
zicky_yun #7
Chapter 86: oh god this is amazing, I really love this story, haesica is just spectacular the best couple, the story is crazy, beautiful i really love it please update soon please, please, are a big fan thank you and blessings, you are the best writer, thank you, forgive my bad english hahaha, congratulations this is amazing, amazing
Foreverpinksonegg #8
Chapter 86: Yes thanks for bringing back the story! I thought u abandoned this story already, anyways i like the scene where teuk really give tae a kiss expecting for more sweet moments for taeteuk
Bamlisa #9
Chapter 85: pleaseeee finish it!! ??
nicvic22 #10
Chapter 43: OMG authornim it's wonderful story.. :-) i'm going to reread it.. I love SiFany couple.. Siwon is very Funny... Good job authornim..