SM+HyoHyuk=Don't you even think about it

Aspiring Lovers

At SM Junior Hospital

At the poor slum area

Siwon was walking around with Tiffany's purse.

''Where is Miss.Puppy's house?!'' Siwon talked to himself while looking for Tiffany's house. ''Cause of her I will miss my car race!Aishhhh!! Why did I come here in the first place?Dude maybe I should just let her stay outside her house since it was her fault that she forgot her house keys! Wait No no no! She will cry to me and scold at me for the same thing over and over again.No dude just give her keys back and go home.''

Siwon walks up to a shop keeper.

''Excuse me but have you seen a girl running?'' Siwon asked.

''I have seen loads of girls running but which one are you talking about?'' The shop keeper asked.

''Dr.Tiffany!'' Siwon said,

''Hey this is a slum area.Doctors don't live here.'' The shop keeper replied.

''I mean Tiffany! Tiffany!'' Siwon said.

''Ohhhhhhh.Flowers! You won't find flowers here go over here!!!'' The shop keeper,who wasn't hearing what Siwon was saying,replied.

''Aisssshhhhhhhhhh.'' Siwon said and stomped his feet while walking away from the shop keeper.

After walking for a few minutes Siwon sees a house and thinks it is Tiffany's.He tries to see by standing on his tip toes if Tiffany is inside the house or not.He didn't want to be accused of being a theif when he was just trying to help Tiffany by returning her house keys which was attached with her purse.A woman,who is Tiffany's mother,comes out of the house and looks at Siwon.

''Hey you! What is it? Are you some theif? Get out of here before I call the police!'' Mrs.Hwang threatened.

''No..I..was..------'' Siwon was interrupted by Mrs.Hwang.

''What I was?'' Mrs.Hwang asked.

''Purse!'' Siwon said while he showed Mrs.Hwang her purse.Mrs.Hwang looks at the purse and recognises that it is Tiffany's since it was pink,her favourite colour.

''Give me! I will give it to her! Give me the purse.'' Mrs.Hwang said.

''How do you know who to give this to?'' Siwon questioned.

''Who should I give this to? Someone will come here looking for a purse so I will give it to her! Look son you came here looking for it's owner now it's owner will come here looking for her purse! Come on! I will give it to her!!!'' Mrs.Hwang said.

*Dude why is she behaving like Miss.Puppy? If you lost this purse then Miss.Puppy will kill you!!* Siwon thought. ''No No auntie it is fine! I will give it to her myself.''

''I will give it to her son! Just give me the purse.Son give me.'' Mrs.Hwang tried her hardest to persuade him without telling him who she really is.

''No I will give it to her myself.'' Siwon said and quickly walked away from the house.

======After walking for a few minutes=========

''Aishhh where is she?'' Siwon complained while looking tired.He had already missed more than half of the car match he wanted to watch today.Siwon walked but then stopped when he saw Tiffany,who was talking on the mic,was on stage.

''In a few minutes we will present you Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs play to you all.'' Tiffany smiled. ''Thank you everyone!'' Tiffany showed her famous eye smile to the audience.

Siwon was there staring at her again. *Wow dude!!! Her eye smile is really pretty!*

Siwon shook his head.

''Siwon what's wrong with you?! She isn't talking about the car race and all.It's just some stupid play!'' Siwon talked to himself. ''Come on dude! Give the purse and get the hell out of here!''

Tiffany was about to walk off when she saw Siwon.She was shocked and wanted to know why he was here.Tiffany quickly got off the stage and walked up to Siwon.

''Hello Miss.Puppy!'' Siwon sarcastically greeted with a fake smile.

''YA! What are you doing here? Besides my day was already bad so is there anything else you wanna do that will make my day the worst?'' Tiffany questioned.

''Oh helloooooo! I am not here to meet you and all.This purse you left it at the car.God first I do a nice thing for someone but they give me their attitude!'' Siwon complained.

''Sorry!'' Tiffany sweetly apologised.

''What? I didn't hear it properly.'' Siwon heard it but he wanted to hear it again.Tiffany gives a loud sigh as she rolled her eyes.She perfectly knew that Siwon wanted to hear those words AGAIN.

''I said I am Sorry!'' Tiffany sweetly apologised again.

''No No No! Not like this.You know add some drama and some extra tears like your korean drama style!'' Siwon teased.

''Sorry!'' Tiffany apologised again.

''Fany Noona! Fany Noona!!'' Some kids,who were dressed up as dwarfs,ran up to Tiffany. ''There is a problem!''

''What happen?'' Tiffany asked.

''Snow white ran away!'' One of the dwarfs told.

''What?! With who?'' Tiffany asked.

''She ran away with her dad.They got on a taxi and just left us!'' Another dwarf explained.

''Fany Noona you have to do Snow White's role now!'' The third dwarf said.

''Perfect!A dramatic and always ready to cry Snow White! Problem solved.'' Siwon added.

''But who will do the lighting? The lighting man also ran away.'' The first dwarf informed.

''I don't know but I am late so bye bye!'' Siwon gave her purse,waved and started to walk away from Tiffany and her dwarfs.

''Hyung Hyung Hyung! Please do the lighting please!!!'' The dwarfs begged.

''Why? Am I some sort of power station to you?'' Siwon asked.

''Please Hyung! Please!!!'' The dwarfs innocently begged.

Siwon walked away from the dwarfs but while walking he felt that someone was following him.He turned around to see the dwarfs acting like they were playing around.He walked but then...

''Poor Fany Noona! Someone just won't help her so now she will be blamed for everyone! Everyone will scold Fany Noona!'' The dwarfs loudly said so Siwon could hear them.

''OKAY FINE!'' Siwon turned around. ''Where is the lighting place?''

The dwarfs smiled while hi-fiving each other.Their plan to emotional blackmail Siwon had succeeded.Siwon walked behind Tiffany,who was panicking.

''Where should I do the lighting?'' Siwon asked.

''You..You will do it?'' Tiffany asked.

''Yes I will.'' Siwon fake smiled.

''From over there!'' Tiffany pointed.


Siwon is at the lighting place fixing the stage's lighting.He mistakly touches the spotlight stage but then Tiffany got on the spotlight at the nick of time.

''Thank God Miss.Puppy is here otherwise there would be a problem.'' Siwon said as pressed the wind button which blew Tiffany's hair.Siwon looks at her observing her again.She really did look like Snow White.Her hair was dark as ebony,her skin was white as the snow and her lips was red as blood.Siwon couldn't believe that Tiffany was really really beautiful and he had just seen her beauty.She was just breath-taking and Siwon didn't even dare to look away.Siwon puts his hand on his face as he dreamly looks at Tiffany,who is talking on the stage but the poor guy mistakly switches the off button which stops all the lighting on the stage.

''Aish this Siwon!He can't even do anything properly!'' Tiffany said and went to the lighting place where Siwon was.She saw Siwon,putting his hand on his face while dreaming into space.She angrily walked up to Siwon.

''What are you doing?'' Tiffany angrily asked.

''What am I doing?'' Siwon who was still dreaming asked.

''I said what are you doing!?'' Tiffany angrily asked again.Siwon snaps out of it.

Siwon stands up. ''I..I...I didn't. got a phone call.'' Siwon blabbered but Tiffany was not amused and was very angry. ''Even I am worried for this all.''

''You are worried for this?! The show is already ruined by you and people are laughing at us! And you are saying that you are worried?!'' Tiffany angrily questioned.

''No they aren't laughing.See how they are all enjoying it.'' Siwon said as he saw the audience who were all laughing.

''They aren't enjoying it.They are laughing at us!'' Tiffany informed.

''But laughing isn't a bad thing! Besides no one is bored so trust me it is cool.'' Siwon tried to persuaded.

''No! It isn't ''Cool'' These kids have all worked hard for the last 3 months and now the kids are being laughed at by everyone.'' Tiffany explained.

''Look I know it is my fault but don't you worry! They are all enjoying it besides learn to relax,Life isn't that serious as you are taking it right now! Try to smile besides this is all just acting you know what do they call it again? Just stupid drama and all.'' Siwon said.

''There isn't anything for you to be serious at right? Everything is just one big joke for you! To joke about someone's values and to hurt their feelings it is all just one big joke for you right!?'' Tiffany angrily asked.

''Oh hellooooo excuse me! I didn't volunteer to help you all of you asked me to help you! I was just here to give you your purse not to help you! Just because I don't be all religious like you doesn't mean that I know nothing.Just because I didn't live in Korea before doesn't mean I forgot my Korean values and culture and you don't forgot this=From now on if you are in trouble and you desperately need help then I will never ever help you got that!'' Siwon angrily said and walked away from Tiffany.

At Nurse Sunye's party

Yoona,who is wearing a short minidress,enters the party with Heechul.

''Yoona are your friends from the hospital gonna come or not?'' Heechul asked.

''I have called them so they should come!'' Yoona said.

''Everyone?'' Heechul asked.

''Yes but I just hope that stupid Jerk won't come.'' Yoona chatted.

''Jerk? Who?'' Heechul questioned.

''That stupid Kibum.'' Yoona said. ''Anyway forgot him! Let's go inside and dance!!!''

Heechul dances with Yoona and Zhou Mi joins them.

''Hey where is Kibum?'' Zhou Mi asked.

''Who knows where that miserable jerk is!'' Yoona said.

''Yeah I know that Kibum is a big miserable jerk!'' Zhou Mi said.

''Big? Very Big!'' Yoona said and Kibum was standing behind her listening to her.Heechul and Zhou Mi stopped dancing as they were shocked that Kibum was behind Yoona. ''Have you guys seen his nose? Always puts his nose in the air like he is some hotshot!''

Zhou Mi and Heechul who was scared were quickly shaking their heads.Kibum was standing there listening to her but he wasn't angry infact he had a calm face and he looked amused.

''He acts like he is some super model but the jerk doesn't know that in real fact he is such a big loser! He is!!! He is a big loser!!!'' Yoona chatted but Zhou Mi and Heechul were shaking their heads. ''He is!!! Why are you two disagreeing with me? He is a big loser a very very big loser!''

Zhou Mi and Heechul continued to shake their heads but Kibum was quietly standing behind Yoona smiling at her stupidity.

''I wonder how that jerk got to be a doctor? He should have been a policeman or a---'' Yoona was about to continue when Kibum interrupted her.

''Gangster!'' Kibum said.

Yoona's eyes was wide open as the smile on her face disappeared.She slowly turned around to find Kibum,who was smiling,standing behind her.Kibum gave her a smile and Yoona gave him a weak smile.

''Yoona listen I actually--'' Kibum was interrupted by Yoona.

''Excuse me he wants to dance with you!'' Yoona said to a girl.

Yoona quickly ran away from Kibum and the girl.

''Excuse me! Wanna dance?'' Yoona said to a group of guys.

''Sure!'' A guy said and danced with Yoona.The guy,who was dancing with Yoona,then started to touch her inappropriately.

''Excuse me!!!!'' Yoona said as she was angry that the guy had even dared to touch her.

''Squeeze me.'' The guy shamelessly answered.

Yoona tried to look for help from Heechul and Zhou Mi but the two were blocked by the guy's friends' way.The guy started to walk closer to Yoona.The guy was about to touch Yoona's face when a hand stopped him just in time.Yoona turned to her side and sees Kibum.Kibum walks up to the guy and Yoona stands behind him.She felt protected and safe behind Kibum.As she stood behind Kibum she moved her head a bit to watch what was gonna happen.Kibum angrily looks at the guy and pushes him back.

''Don't you even think about it!'' Kibum angrily threatened.The guy and his friends went out of the party.

Kibum turns around to face Yoona and they look at each other for a few seconds then Kibum walks away but.....

''Jerk Thank You!'' Yoona said but then Kibum starts to walk again.

Yoona runs up to him. ''YA! Why do you always show me your attitude!!You did me a favour and I want to return it! Do you want the duty with Dr.SM?'' Yoona called out and Kibum finally stopped. ''Finally he stopped!''

Yoona walks and faces Kibum. ''I will change the duties!'' Yoona smiled.

''Thanks'' Kibum gave her a small smile and walked.

''Okay now we are equal.You helped me and I helped you!'' Yoona quickly said but Kibum had already left. *Did he and Mr.SM have something in the past?*

*Finally I got that duty from Yoona!* Kibum said as he felt he was getting closer to his plan.

(A/N=What is his plan? You guys will know soon!)

At the Hotel

Leeteuk somehow got into Taeyeon's room.He sees Taeyeon was fast asleep on the bed.Soon memories came like.....

  • When the police beated the crap out of him in front of Jiyeon and the kids
  • When Taeyeon announced to everyone that he is a criminal
  • When Taeyeon threw the black paint on his face
  • When she first embarassed him on the airport

He gets an evil idea and starts to take his phone out.He took photos of Taeyeon sleeping on the bed and evily smiled as he got an evil plan.

*Dr.Taeyeon Kim! You love your reputation a lot don't you? Now I'll ruin you and embarass you in front of everyone!* Leeteuk sworn inside his head.

At YG Senior Hospital

At the SM Locker Room

Hyoyeon opens her locker and finds a letter.She reads it.

Letter=How are you? Why are you always on my mind? You never leave me alone! I always remember every single detail about you.Your big eyes,your beautiful hair I remember it all. I just want to meet you once and tell you everything that is in my heart! Meet me tonight,7pm at the terrance! I'll meet you there.

Yesung sees Hyoyeon lost and thinking about something.

''What happen Hyo? What was that?'' Yesung asked.

''Someone put this in my locker.'' Hyoyeon said.

Yesung takes the letter off her hand and reads it.

''I will break his legs! How dare he do this to my best friend!?'' Yesung said.

''It was kinda romantic though.'' Hyoyeon said.

''What romantic?! He dare to put it in your locker Hyo? I bet it is some ert writing this dirty letter!'' Yesung said. ''But to think about it Hyo! I bet he is from YG! I mean how would anyone know which one your locker is unless that person is from YG! So it's me,Yuri and..Eunhyuk!''

Hyoyeon thinks about it.


At the canteen

''So did you find out who it was?'' Yuri asked.

''Yeah I bet it was my landlady! Always annoying me for money.'' Yesung said.

''Oh shut up Yesung! I was talking about my sister.'' Yuri said to Yesung. ''So Hyo who is it that is giving you Love letters?''

''It isn't a love letter.It is just some letter unnie.'' Hyoyeon said.

''Yeah a letter full of love.'' Yuri teased. ''Who is the lover boy?''

''If someone seriously sended me one then he would have written his name!'' Hyoyeon said.

''Wow! For the first time my sister is getting smart.I guess this is some kind of joke otherwise how would the whole hospital find out about it?'' Yuri said.

''I knew it!!! Eunhyuk did this and this is a way of revenge since on the restaurant I called his ex-girlfriends so now he wants to be equal with me! This time I am gonna finish the game!'' Hyoyeon said with Determination.


At the terrance

Hyoyeon angrily opens the door and looks around for Eunhyuk.

''You're looking for me right?'' Eunhyuk smiled as he faced Hyoyeon.

''I knew it!'' Hyoyeon angrily said.

''Huh?'' Eunhyuk asked.

''This stupid joke was done by you.'' Hyoyeon shouted. ''You just wanted to take revenge.''

''No No I was--'' Eunhyuk was interrupted by Hyoyeon.


''Basketball I was--'' Eunhyuk got interrupted by Hyoyeon again.

''HYOYEON! MY NAME IS HYOYEON KWON AND LISTEN TO ME! THIS STUPID GAME AND JOKE IS OVER NOW.'' Hyoyeon angrily shouted and left the terramce.

''Basketball..I er...HYOYEON! HYOYEON!'' Eunhyuk shouted but Hyoyeon didn't stop nor look back at Eunhyuk.She was so angry with him.


At the corrider

Eunhyuk was just hurt.He really didn't mean as a joke he really did wanted to tell Hyoyeon that he loved her and he meant it.

''Hey Eunhyuk!'' Yuri said.

''Hey.'' Eunhyuk greeted.

''What's up with you? Are you tired of writing love letters now? The joke was good but Hyoyeon isn't that foolish anymore.She won't fall for your trap this time!'' Yuri said thinking it was just a joke like the others.

''Oh pleash! I can trap anyone I like.'' Eunhyuk lied.He didn't wanted to tell Yuri that it was real.

''Just not my sister.'' Yuri said.

''Why? I can trap anyone I like and they will fall for it.'' Eunhyuk said.

''Right? Wanna bet?'' Yuri said. ''In 10 days.''

''Fine! You are on.'' Eunhyuk agreed. *I have to somehow make Hyoyeon believe that I really do love her and I really did mean it.*



Eunhyuk was walking on one side,thinking how to make Hyoyeon believe him and on the other side was Hyoyeon,thinking how dare Eunhyuk played that joke with her while walking.They both look up and see each other.Hyoyeon angrily walks past Eunhyuk.

''!'' Eunhyuk called out and Hyoyeon stopped.

Hyoyeon was confused and slowly turned around. ''You called me...Hyoyeon?''

''Yes!Nurse.Sohee is looking for you since you are gonna do a surgery with your daddy.That's why she is looking for you!'' Eunhyuk sweetly said and started to walk away.Leaving Hyoyeon confused with his behaviour.


At the canteen

YulSung are sitting down.

''Hey Unnie! Hey Yesung.'' Hyoyeon greeted as she sat down.

The trio saw Eunhyuk sitting down by himself.

''Eunhyuk!!! Eunhyuk! Why are you sitting there by yourself.Come sit here!'' Yesung called out.

''No it's fine.I'll sit here.'' Eunhyuk said.

''I think he is depressed Hyo! I think you shouted a lot to him and do you guys know I bumped into him and he apologised to me instead of me apologising to him.'' Yesung said.

Hyoyeon thinks about her mistake while Eunhyuk's smile in the inside as his plan was working.


At the corrider

''Dr! Dr.Hyoyeon!'' Eunhyuk correctly called out.Hyoyeon faced him. ''Whatever happened yesterday I am here to apologise to you and I hope fate will bring you success with you and your daddy's first collaborate surgery.''

Eunhyuk put his hand out and Hyoyeon hand-shakes it.

''Thanks Eunhyuk.'' Hyoyeon said. ''Eunhyuk?''

''Yes?'' Eunhyuk said.

''I was a bit too angry yesterday so sorry about that! If I hurted your feelings then please don't mind.You seemed sad today and if it is because of me then I am sorry.Besides you look nice when you smile! Always be the joker you are=Smiling and joking around.'' Hyoyeon said.

''I knew it.You can't live without the real Eunhyuk! You missed my jokes a lot right? Actually I also missed your angry eyes when you are angry your eyes go big and your cheeks go red.I just miss that!'' Eunhyuk said.

''So this was just an acting?'' Hyoyeon angrily asked.

''OMG! Look! Big eyes and red cheeks! I missed you so much Hyoyeon.'' Eunhyuk said.

''You will never change!'' Hyoyeon storm away but Eunhyuk stopped her.

''First tell me.Did you miss me? Did you miss me?'' Eunhyuk annoyed.

''No!'' Hyoyeon said as she walked away from Eunhyuk but then Eunhyuk stopped her by grabbing her wrist. ''Let go! Someone might see us!''

''No! First tell me if you missed me or not?'' Eunhyuk demanded.

''Okay Fine! I missed you too!'' Hyoyeon said but then Eunhyuk pulled her closer to him.

''I'm so sorry I didn't catch that.'' Eunhyuk said.Both HyoHyuk perfectly knew that Eunhyuk wanted to hear those words AGAIN.

''I missed you too! Happy now?'' Hyoyeon said as Eunhyuk let go of her wrist.

Hyoyeon gets on a lift and before the door closes.....

''AND I DIDN'T MISS YOU!'' Hyoyeon stuck her tongue out to Eunhyuk,who gives her a flying kiss in return.


Author=AYO! Author-Nim here! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of SM and HyoHyuk! First of all I wanna say.............



Hyo starting to be confused about Hyukkie :D

Fany and Siwon are arguing again :/

Kibum saved Yoona :)

Leeteuk is thinking about something evil to do to Tae :(

So whose moment did you enjoy the most in this chapter and why?

1)YoonBum=This is one of the couples that never fail to make me smile and laugh.The quiet yet angry young man Kibum with the energetic and chatty Yoona! For the first time Yoona kept quiet when Kibum was dealing with that ert guy.

Tell me which ones are yours!

Any requests for any couple moments please do tell me and I will fulfill your requests :D

Shawol-Elf,JC_jas17 and undecided=I hope you 3 enjoyed YoonBum's moment since you 3 requested for it :D

Thanks very much for requesting and I hope you 3 like it!

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!


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Chapter 89: Finally Kyuhyun! Everybody wants a hubby like Teuk ♥ Hyohyuk cat-dog relationship hahah and poor Yesung lol I'm so sorry to not comment before I'm new to the site and I just have this account because of this fanfic. Is so so good. Can't wait till the next chapter! See you till the next one!
Foreverpinksonegg #2
Chapter 89: Why taeyeon seems like she's the one who doesn't move on at all about her past love,,, i feel hurt about teuk character here, his love for taeyeon is genuine and i hope taeyeon feel the same way too
Foreverpinksonegg #3
Chapter 88: Oh i thought taeteuk will had their intimate moment but, teuk was so gentlemen, i hope they can show more of their love to each other on the next chapter
Bamlisa #4
Chapter 86: omg finally.. thanks a lot for noticing me but pleases i beg you to finish this ?
SoneBuddy96 #5
Chapter 86: Thank you for updating this story
shleeshlee #6
Chapter 86: I thought that TaeTeuk would have another argument but it's a good thing that they didn't. Hope that things between them will continue to go smoothly. I'm excited for the next chapters..화이팅, author님!
zicky_yun #7
Chapter 86: oh god this is amazing, I really love this story, haesica is just spectacular the best couple, the story is crazy, beautiful i really love it please update soon please, please, are a big fan thank you and blessings, you are the best writer, thank you, forgive my bad english hahaha, congratulations this is amazing, amazing
Foreverpinksonegg #8
Chapter 86: Yes thanks for bringing back the story! I thought u abandoned this story already, anyways i like the scene where teuk really give tae a kiss expecting for more sweet moments for taeteuk
Bamlisa #9
Chapter 85: pleaseeee finish it!! ??
nicvic22 #10
Chapter 43: OMG authornim it's wonderful story.. :-) i'm going to reread it.. I love SiFany couple.. Siwon is very Funny... Good job authornim..